Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -
Strip away the euphemisms and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: Is he dumb or just misunderestimated?
Doubts about Perrys intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, hes been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isnt so deep Gov. Goodhair. Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.
Hes like Bush only without the brains, cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds.
Read more: Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -
I don't think he's that dumb but a definate Bush clone. Whoda thunk becoming W light could turn out to be strategy for anyone. Especially so soon after the failures the gop called presidential terms.