Perry is indicted for doing his Job, Meanwhile Democrats are shamelessly corrupt

Yet Obama skates. Until Obama is held accountable why should anyone else be?

Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent will probably hold some fundraisers for Perry's legal defense fund.
They have rumors that Obama is gay as well. Maybe that's why Michelle travels seperately on vacation.

See? Two can play at that game.

I see you're tripping over the hem...

I see you are snarking because you can't refute.

If Mrs. Walton(Wal Mart fame) can get a DWI(twice) and not lose her position at the head of Wal Mart and Associates Inc. then why should an attorney for a Texass town??

You do know his family didn't name that place and the rock was painted over long ago? I guess it doesn't matter and you still want to pretend that it's pertinent somehow.

The woman DA who is after Perry is a corrupt idiot. The organization bringing the charges is nothing but a leftwing spin machine.

Even Democrat, Axelrod, believes that the charges against Perry are bogus.

It would have been more irresponsible to fund the agency ran by that drunk.

Funny that this didn't come about until Perry went against the administration and decided to do what he could to protect the borders in Texas. I think this is payback from some Obama supporters.

Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent will probably hold some fundraisers for Perry's legal defense fund.

Right after they shoot, skin and roast Perry's dog on tonight's prime time special event at the Eat What You Kill Rest. of Ted Nugent...
How long will Ricky serve in prison? Will he have "romantic" relationships? Will he join a gang?
You know the rumors are he's gay. That's why the wife is no longer around...

They have rumors that Obama is gay as well. Maybe that's why Michelle travels seperately on vacation.

See? Two can play at that game.
I seriously doubt that Obama is gay but if he were exactly what difference would that make?

However, since you want to throw mud, perhaps you should throw some mud at gwb. Recall that during the bush presidency a gay prostitute was given a press pass by the White House. The prostitute, Jeff Gannon, also spent dozens of overnights in the White House according to the White House guest book. Can you think of any reason why a gay prostitute would be allowed to spend all night in the White House?
They derailed Christie...more of the same...libs are vicious...Americas ISIS.
If she or her fellow demonrats had any integrity, she would have resigned. The people can see what is happening here. She's clearly sick and not qualified.
Lets' wait and see how it all pans out for ricky boy before you start shooting yourself in the foot.

Before You Pass Judgment On Rick Perry…

You ought to see this video first. This is the dash cam footage from the patrol car that pulled over Travis County D.A., Rosemary Lehmberg for DWI.

Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg Drunk Driving Arrest Dash Cam - YouTube

Here is the booking video when she was taken into custody.


Rick Perry thought her to be a disgrace, and wanted her to resign. She didn’t. So he took the next step and threatened to veto funding for her office. In response, a grand jury handed down an abuse of power indictment for coercive use of a veto late this afternoon. So the woman who was belligerent and intoxicated stays, Rick Perry is the bad guy and needs to go. Right. Got it.

District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg has pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated, was sentenced to 45 days in jail and immediately taken into custody.

Lehmberg’s blood alcohol level registered at 0.23 when she was arrested April 13, her attorney David Sheppard said.

Before You Pass Judgment On Rick Perry? « Hot Air

She was THREE TIMES THE LEGAL LIMIT when she was drinking and driving. She was endangering the people of Texas but SHE'S THE VICTIM????

[ame=]Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg Drunk Driving Arrest Dash Cam - YouTube[/ame]

Rick Perry was using his Constitutional power as Governor, but he's the bad guy?


Meanwhile our president abuses the Constitution at every turn and he's supposedly pure as the wind driven snow, but Perry is a bad guy for using the power he's given as governor to Veto???

Suspicious, this indictment happens as Perry seeks to enforce our border laws AND OBAMA WANTS TO LEAVE OUR BORDERS OPEN.

It's pretty obvious why this is happening. It's all too obvious why this is happening. But don't expect liberals to address that. As I've always said, liberals are in a war against the obvious.
I see you're tripping over the hem...

I see you are snarking because you can't refute.

If Mrs. Walton(Wal Mart fame) can get a DWI(twice) and not lose her position at the head of Wal Mart and Associates Inc. then why should an attorney for a Texass town??

If you can't see the difference between a private citizen and a public servant, well...that explains a great deal about your opinions.
Well, now that we've knocked off Christie and Perry - who's next? We're thinking...

You do know his family didn't name that place and the rock was painted over long ago? I guess it doesn't matter and you still want to pretend that it's pertinent somehow.

The woman DA who is after Perry is a corrupt idiot. The organization bringing the charges is nothing but a leftwing spin machine.

Even Democrat, Axelrod, believes that the charges against Perry are bogus.

It would have been more irresponsible to fund the agency ran by that drunk.

Funny that this didn't come about until Perry went against the administration and decided to do what he could to protect the borders in Texas. I think this is payback from some Obama supporters.

Especially an agency that has to do with ethics violations.

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