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Is Roe v. Wade "widely accepted by legal scholars as settled law"...What is "widely accepted"?

JoeB131 wrote :You do realize that the Romans throwing people to the lions is a myth, right?

Take a look at this and then read the attached closely because it is NOT a myth.

Actually, it was... mostly made up by Christians to justify their own oppression of Pagan religions..
Roe V Wade is a ruling, not a law.

Dims should just get a law passed through the Legislature if it’s settled.
JoeB131 wrote :You do realize that the Romans throwing people to the lions is a myth, right?

Take a look at this and then read the attached closely because it is NOT a myth.

Actually, it was... mostly made up by Christians to justify their own oppression of Pagan religions..

I'm going to shout!
'm going to shout!

Guy, the link you posted largely admitted it was a myth...

This was a myth.. A lie made up by the Christians to justify their own asshattery.


Pictured- An Ass-Hat
Most working class people are too busy to care. Fact. America is about the dollar first and foremost. Take care of yourself don't be a leech. After that it really doesn't matter to most. Fact. Just saying.
'm going to shout!

Guy, the link you posted largely admitted it was a myth...

This was a myth.. A lie made up by the Christians to justify their own asshattery.

View attachment 217210
Pictured- An Ass-Hat

THE LINK DID NOT ADMIT it was a MYTH.... You didn't read the article.
Here dumb shit!

NOW YOU like most idiots didn't READ the whole article.

IT SAYS DEATH Particularly by LIONS!!!

Mythbusting Ancient Rome – throwing Christians to the lions

Was persecution a consistent imperial policy, and what types of punishments were inflicted on Christians?

After Valerian, the Roman state took no official action against the Christians for more than forty years. In A.D. 303, however, the emperor Diocletian and his junior co-emperor Galerius, both former soldiers who viewed Christianity as a threat to traditional Roman beliefs, initiated what has become known as the “Great Persecution”.
Later in the second century, beheading was a privilege to which only the highest-ranking citizens were automatically entitled.
The “lesser sort”, as they were known, were subject to more violent punishments.
These included being crucified, burned to death, and attacked by beasts.
This was one part of a day-long festival of violence and slaughter, and was usually scheduled during the lunchtime interval to provide some light relief. During the birthday celebrations for the emperor’s son at Carthage, it was evidently thought amusing to match the female martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas with a maddened heifer, who tossed them in the air and crushed them.
Being condemned to the beasts was a particularly grisly end. It meant that you and your companions would be exposed in the arena to a variety of wild and ferocious animals, such as leopards, boars, and yes, lions, and required to fight for your lives.

Death – particularly by lions – was not an inevitable punishment, and not restricted to Christians. Universal edicts of persecution were only issued on specific occasions in the third and early fourth centuries A.D. They were a result of the emperors trying to reinforce traditional Roman religion in increasingly unsettled times.

I don't know how to make it more CLEAR.... The article clearly states that it was NOT a myth...
But you being the dumb shit can't seem to read the article.
So here is another link to show that this was NOT a myth as you so stupidly claim!
Were Christians really thrown to the lions?

Fact is, while the Romans evidently fed Christians to animals, and people to lions, we have no source stating directly that they specifically fed Christians to lions.
So theoretically it’s possible the whole Christians-lions thing was a Christian ploy for sympathy.

But probably not. The Romans did a big business in mass slaughter by and of animals, showing great enterprise in arranging dramatic forms of killing, so if they didn’t throw any Christians to the lions, it was likely an oversight. While record keeping at the time wasn’t the best, and many early Christian texts have their implausible moments, here’s what we can say with reasonable certainty:

1. During the early Christian era, the Romans executed some prisoners using animals, sentencing them ad bestias, “to the beasts.” The beasts in question included dogs, bears, boars, and lions.

2. Christians were executed by the boatload during that time, often in cruel and unusual ways, with animals regularly playing a role. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, wrote letters en route to execution in Rome predicting he’d be thrown to the beasts. Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, was threatened with being thrown to the beasts but as it turned out was finished off by the sword. Possibly no one saw more animal action than the Christian priest Saturus — reportedly he was first tied to a boar (which turned on its handler instead), then exposed to a bear (it proved too cowardly to attack him), and finally killed by a leopard. Speaking of Nero’s persecutions, Tacitus adds the detail that the emperor had Christians dressed in the skins of animals before throwing them to the dogs, possibly to help overcome any performance anxiety on the dogs’ part.

So dummy!!! You want more validation then this cause all I did was a google search something YOU could have done!
"Were christians fed to the Lions by the Romans"
Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 10.20.52 PM.png
THE LINK DID NOT ADMIT it was a MYTH.... You didn't read the article.
Here dumb shit!

Um, yeah, it really kind of did...

Throwing people to the Lions was a myth. Made up by Christians to rationalize their own persecution of not only pagans, but of non-Catholic Christians who argued about whether their magic Sky man was made of wafers or not.
THE LINK DID NOT ADMIT it was a MYTH.... You didn't read the article.
Here dumb shit!

Um, yeah, it really kind of did...

Throwing people to the Lions was a myth. Made up by Christians to rationalize their own persecution of not only pagans, but of non-Catholic Christians who argued about whether their magic Sky man was made of wafers or not.

Evidently you can't prove they are myths because:
A) I've proven it by several links independent of each other and now here read some more:
1) Sometimes they became worked up into a frenzy of hate. They considered the Christians to be antisocial scum and clamored for a painful death for them in the arena, being
mauled and torn apart by wild beasts or forced to fight gladiators who killed them for a public spectacle.
The Early Christians - Throwing Christians to the Lions: Fact and Legend
2) The use of damnatio ad bestias against Christians began in the 1st century AD. Tacitus states that during the first persecution of Christians under the reign of Nero
(after the Fire of Rome in 64), people were wrapped in animal skins (called tunica molesta) and thrown to dogs.[25]
This practice was followed by other emperors who moved it into the arena and used larger animals. Application of damnatio ad bestias to Christians was intended to
equate them with the worst criminals, who were usually punished this way.[26] Damnatio ad bestias - Wikipedia

B) But your are truly uneducated as you do not believe in Pascal's Wager. I'm pretty sure someone as dumb as you that continues to pursue your unsubstantiated totally ignorant
purely personal opinion is not mathematically inclined to even have heard of Pascal (I bet you never heard of the programming language Pascal) let alone of his famous wager.

Maybe you should do a little more research with those fingers and feeble brain and less spouting of nonsense.
Here come the anti-abortion freaks.

Make no mistake.

This IS an attack on choice.

They would outlaw any and all abortions and take us back to the 1950s and back alley abortions (well not for the rich...they always "go on vacation"

So you are defending the right of women to have sexual gratification at the PRICE of a human life?
Wow... sex must be very important to you.

So women that have an abortion are sluts that are just discarding the results of their sexual satisfaction?

It’s people that think like you is why I support a woman’s right to choose.
The country is not ready or willing to absorb 750,000 more babies a year.

The abortion industry is a billion dollar a year industry. Publically financed institutions like Planned Parenthood rely on it for their survival.

In addition, 3/4 of women say that they have an abortion because they can't afford a baby.

What are The Top Reasons Behind the Abortion Decision?

As the good book says, the root of all evil is the love of money.
Here come the anti-abortion freaks.

Make no mistake.

This IS an attack on choice.

They would outlaw any and all abortions and take us back to the 1950s and back alley abortions (well not for the rich...they always "go on vacation"

So you are defending the right of women to have sexual gratification at the PRICE of a human life?
Wow... sex must be very important to you.

So women that have an abortion are sluts that are just discarding the results of their sexual satisfaction?

It’s people that think like you is why I support a woman’s right to choose.

And it's your uninformed position that is really sad.
A woman's right to choose has never been the issue...for me...for the woman's FIRST abortion...IF....
A) The situation is
1) Rape, 2) Incest 3) health of woman
B) And it is the woman's FIRST

BUT statistics bear out that

We found that 45% of patients reported having one or more prior abortions.
Which Abortion Patients Have Had a Prior Abortion? Findings from the 2014 U.S. Abortion Patient Survey

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women 1) are either stupid, 2) definitely don't use birth control continue to act as pre-meditated murders at that point.
U.S. Abortion Statistics

Why should MY tax money be used to pay for women' s stupidity to need a 2nd or 3rd abortion?
That is totally wrong.
Now Planned Parenthood CAN set up separate facilities for ONLY abortions and as a result NONE of the $500 million a year in grant money from the Federal money would be
used directly for abortions.
Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million annually in government funding
Planned Parenthood gets over $500 million annually in public funds. Here's where it goes.

So given my rational, logical and supported links... (unlike your personal subjective uninformed and definitely unsubstantiated opinions) PROVE that my tax money
is being used to support stupid women's behavior!
Kavanaugh has made it clear he would vote to overturn Roe...and he would be the swing vote on that so....
Kavanaugh has made it clear he would vote to overturn Roe...and he would be the swing vote on that so....

Prove it! Because HE hasn't made a commitment.
Here are his exact words!!!

Kavanaugh was giving feedback on the draft of an opinion piece. At the time, President George W. Bush had nominated a conservative to an appeals court seat and his supporters were trying to convince anti-abortion advocates to submit the piece under their bylines.

The opinion piece read in part: "It is widely accepted by legal scholars across the board that Roe v. Wade and its progeny are the settled law of the land."
Kavanaugh said that line should be deleted and replaced.

"I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land at the Supreme Court level," he wrote,
"since Court can always overrule its precedent, and three current Justices on the Court would do so."

He didn't say whether he personally believed Roe is settled law, like many of his peers do.
Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Once Said Roe v. Wade Is Not Settled Law

NOW for your simple mind and more importantly READ the above and you tell me exactly what Kavanaugh said!
NO guesses. No dumb ass personal opinion but exactly what did he say?

HE DIDN"T!!! He disagreed with the statement "legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled Law"

DO YOU comprehend that?? HE DID NOT say he disagreed with Roe v Wade.
He DISAGREED that "all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land at the Supreme Court level,"

AGAIN... do you comprehend this distinction?

NOW where are YOUR facts that Kavanaugh has made it clear he would vote to overturn Roe?
And it's your uninformed position that is really sad.
A woman's right to choose has never been the issue...for me...for the woman's FIRST abortion...IF....
A) The situation is
1) Rape, 2) Incest 3) health of woman
B) And it is the woman's FIRST

BUT statistics bear out that

That it really is none of your fucking business.

Why should MY tax money be used to pay for women' s stupidity to need a 2nd or 3rd abortion?

Because it's cheaper than paying for 18 years of child support and 30 years of welfare.

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