Is Romney camp giving up on Ohio?

If I were Romney, I would. He's got greater inherent strengths to play to in VA FL IA CO NV and WI. Find the right combination and win.

The only reason to stay in Ohio is to force Obama to play defense there. NV and WI will be true indicators on election night.
Another troll post from Jim. Shocking.
If I were Romney, I would. He's got greater inherent strengths to play to in VA FL IA CO NV and WI. Find the right combination and win.

The only reason to stay in Ohio is to force Obama to play defense there. NV and WI will be true indicators on election night.

Perhaps, but the problem with that is Obama has a better than two point lead in both states, Iowa as well.

The president doesn’t need Colorado, Florida, or Virginia, he does need Ohio.

And the specter of Romney abandoning such a bellwether state would only serve to further undermine an already struggling campaign.

Last, it’s frankly too late in the election for Romney to do anything to significantly change the numbers in states he needs to win, states where he’s been continuously behind since June.
I like Romney's current Radio ad here in Ohio stating he is going to get us Energy independent by drilling in the ground.....Because you know we are already doing that for about over a year now. Its called the shale boom, and only a fucking moron wouldnt know its going on here.

That sums up the romney vote perfectly, Fucking morons.
That article has everything to do with Wisconsin and little to do with Ohio.

Wisconsin is a state where we know the Dem ground game was very recently defeated by the Republican ground game during the Walker recall election. It's also Paul Ryan's home state and unlikely to have substantial impact from Hurricane Sandy - you don't want to be politicking near people who have more pressing concerns: extended power outages, flooding expected in Cleveland, etc.

With the advantage of a superior ground game and the breaking of undecided, Romney only needs to close the gap to around 1.5 points to win Wisconsin - which wins him the election if he takes every state he currently leads in.
That article has everything to do with Wisconsin and little to do with Ohio.

Wisconsin is a state where we know the Dem ground game was very recently defeated by the Republican ground game during the Walker recall election. It's also Paul Ryan's home state and unlikely to have substantial impact from Hurricane Sandy - you don't want to be politicking near people who have more pressing concerns: extended power outages, flooding expected in Cleveland, etc.

With the advantage of a superior ground game and the breaking of undecided, Romney only needs to close the gap to around 1.5 points to win Wisconsin - which wins him the election if he takes every state he currently leads in.

Wisconsin hasn't gone Republican in a Presidential election since 1984, and it won't this time, either.

Again, you read waaaay to much into the Recall, which most people thought was an awful idea.
That article has everything to do with Wisconsin and little to do with Ohio.

Wisconsin is a state where we know the Dem ground game was very recently defeated by the Republican ground game during the Walker recall election. It's also Paul Ryan's home state and unlikely to have substantial impact from Hurricane Sandy - you don't want to be politicking near people who have more pressing concerns: extended power outages, flooding expected in Cleveland, etc.

With the advantage of a superior ground game and the breaking of undecided, Romney only needs to close the gap to around 1.5 points to win Wisconsin - which wins him the election if he takes every state he currently leads in.

Wisconsin hasn't gone Republican in a Presidential election since 1984, and it won't this time, either.

Again, you read waaaay to much into the Recall, which most people thought was an awful idea.

The recall was a dry run for the presidential election. Just ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
That article has everything to do with Wisconsin and little to do with Ohio.

Wisconsin is a state where we know the Dem ground game was very recently defeated by the Republican ground game during the Walker recall election. It's also Paul Ryan's home state and unlikely to have substantial impact from Hurricane Sandy - you don't want to be politicking near people who have more pressing concerns: extended power outages, flooding expected in Cleveland, etc.

With the advantage of a superior ground game and the breaking of undecided, Romney only needs to close the gap to around 1.5 points to win Wisconsin - which wins him the election if he takes every state he currently leads in.

Wisconsin hasn't gone Republican in a Presidential election since 1984, and it won't this time, either.

Again, you read waaaay to much into the Recall, which most people thought was an awful idea.

Wisconsin is firmly in the O camp. Willard's chances are getting slimmer each day.
Democrats are clinging to obama's increasingly slim leads in the states where he has a slim lead to feed the delusion that it means he's going to win.
That article has everything to do with Wisconsin and little to do with Ohio.

Wisconsin is a state where we know the Dem ground game was very recently defeated by the Republican ground game during the Walker recall election. It's also Paul Ryan's home state and unlikely to have substantial impact from Hurricane Sandy - you don't want to be politicking near people who have more pressing concerns: extended power outages, flooding expected in Cleveland, etc.

With the advantage of a superior ground game and the breaking of undecided, Romney only needs to close the gap to around 1.5 points to win Wisconsin - which wins him the election if he takes every state he currently leads in.

Wisconsin hasn't gone Republican in a Presidential election since 1984, and it won't this time, either.

Again, you read waaaay to much into the Recall, which most people thought was an awful idea.

Wisconsin is firmly in the O camp. Willard's chances are getting slimmer each day.

Obama was up 8 points in WI in the beginning of Oct. Now, it's barely 2.
It's 1.9 Obama and trending Romeny, OF COURSE Romeney is giving it up.

Seriously stupid people on the Left.
That article has everything to do with Wisconsin and little to do with Ohio.

Wisconsin is a state where we know the Dem ground game was very recently defeated by the Republican ground game during the Walker recall election. It's also Paul Ryan's home state and unlikely to have substantial impact from Hurricane Sandy - you don't want to be politicking near people who have more pressing concerns: extended power outages, flooding expected in Cleveland, etc.

With the advantage of a superior ground game and the breaking of undecided, Romney only needs to close the gap to around 1.5 points to win Wisconsin - which wins him the election if he takes every state he currently leads in.

Wisconsin hasn't gone Republican in a Presidential election since 1984, and it won't this time, either.

Again, you read waaaay to much into the Recall, which most people thought was an awful idea.

Wisconsin is firmly in the O camp. Willard's chances are getting slimmer each day.

WI is 2.3 and trending Romney...good lord.

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