Is Ron Paul too old...


You're not the boss of me
Mar 28, 2009
some beach
to be President?? I remember it being an issue a few years back with McCain, and Paul is actually a year older than him.
Watching the republicans and their primary race so would think they are undercover democrats, doing whatever it takes to get Obama elected again. You would think after getting him elected in the first place they would have changed their messenger, but no. A year older than McCain you say? go figure.:cuckoo:
Watching the republicans and their primary race so would think they are undercover democrats, doing whatever it takes to get Obama elected again. You would think after getting him elected in the first place they would have changed their messenger, but no. A year older than McCain you say? go figure.:cuckoo:

So you think he will get the nom?
I see you got your first pointless response.

On topic, I do believe he is too old and set in his beliefs. Unlike Obama we need someone who is flexible enough to consider ideas beyond his own. Paul is one of the most stubborn politicians I've seen on our side.
I think that the Republicans will become a fractured party arguing among themselves, Tea Party on one side and alleged RINO's on the other. They will nominate a person who they think will be tough and take no shit from anyone. The American people will reject this person as an extremist and Obama will get re-elected. Yet again conservative Republicans will be responsible for another four years of Obama.
Paul has too limited a view of world affairs to be President. He has always existed on the political fringe and could not build consensus with either party
I think that the Republicans will become a fractured party arguing among themselves, Tea Party on one side and alleged RINO's on the other. They will nominate a person who they think will be tough and take no shit from anyone. The American people will reject this person as an extremist and Obama will get re-elected. Yet again conservative Republicans will be responsible for another four years of Obama.

Take out a second mortgage and bet the farm.
Can you guys answer with a yes or no before you pontificate??:lol:

Other cultures respect the elderly for their wisdom and contributions.

American culture seldom if ever does. His age doesnt bother me.
I was expecting concerns with physical and/or mental health....the stubborn factor is an interesting twist.
Physical health won't be a factor until we see who takes over when he kicks off.

Mental health questions are already answered as running for president proves you are insane.
A better question is..

Is Ron Paul sane?

[ame=]Dr. Paul on Secession - YouTube[/ame]
I see you got your first pointless response.

On topic, I do believe he is too old and set in his beliefs. Unlike Obama we need someone who is flexible enough to consider ideas beyond his own. Paul is one of the most stubborn politicians I've seen on our side.

Some people call that being principled.

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