Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

LOL no they did not you liar.
Their stashed ammunition and firearms were discovered and there were likely more that weren't.
Some of the insurrectionists carried guns.

The only thing the attempted coup lacked was a leader with courage and determination.
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I know for the most part British tanks were not up to the job, in Normandy Michael Wittman 1st SS tank commander destroyed many of our tanks, he could hit our tanks before we were even in range to return fire although we did have the Sherman firefly fitted with a 171b anti tank gun which was very good, Wittman was killed later in Normandy some ay by a Canadian regiment but others say could have been an air strike.

Nice story, too bad it is not true.

In reality, he killed 3 tanks and 6 trucks. And in fact he did duel with a Firefly, but neither one was able to di any significant damage to the other so he withdrew. A short time later his tank was disabled due to fire from an anti-tank gun and abandoned.

And all know that the hedgerows of France were a nightmare for tanks, and the winner was normally the first that could line up a good shot first. And that had been the home ground for the Germans for several years, they knew the area very well and the British did not.

The British tanks were actually very good. And there had always been a lot of love for the Churchill, one of the most effective tanks used in the war by either side.

Once again, you are just spewing nonsense. That is rather typical of you, is it not?
The British didn't really built good tanks in WW2, but had a very disciplined and well trained Armed forces. Since they could however field superior numbers and had the advantage of air-superiority plus loads of petrol - the Africa Corps at the end, didn't stand a chance.

To score devastating hits onto any allied target out of mostly concealed position with a superior gun like the 88, at greater distances, like e.g. Wittman naturally gave the Tiger it's "reputation". Since the factual produced numbers of Tiger I & II - not to mention the ones that actually managed to get into battle was rather insignificant - so was the factual impact of these tanks insignificant, Aside from some great reports describing actions by Tigers on the Eastern-Prussian front.

AFAIK either Wittman went nuts (desperation in view of the vast allied superiority - especially air superiority) or he believed in the Nazi propaganda about him and his Tiger - he abandoned the usual tactic of firing from a distant and concealed position (supposedly due to an imminent B-17 bomber raid) - and charged openly into an oncoming attack, conducted by around 20 British & Canadian Sherman's and two? Firefly's, one or both that were waiting in a concealed position.
Yes indeed, from what i have read Wittman used ambush tactics,
Nice story, too bad it is not true.

In reality, he killed 3 tanks and 6 trucks. And in fact he did duel with a Firefly, but neither one was able to di any significant damage to the other so he withdrew. A short time later his tank was disabled due to fire from an anti-tank gun and abandoned.

And all know that the hedgerows of France were a nightmare for tanks, and the winner was normally the first that could line up a good shot first. And that had been the home ground for the Germans for several years, they knew the area very well and the British did not.

The British tanks were actually very good. And there had always been a lot of love for the Churchill, one of the most effective tanks used in the war by either side.

Once again, you are just spewing nonsense. That is rather typical of you, is it not?
Thats your opinion and thats all it is.
... That "sloped armor" was almost entirely by accident and when it was implemented it had nothing to do with the intent of deflecting incoming rounds.

So the thing that people try to praise the most in the t-34 was an accident
Who is praising the sloped frontal and side plates on a T-34 as an accident? Aside from you?

All sides knew about the increase of thickness in armor due to a sloped armor plate, as such all used this advantage. That it further aided in deflecting/deviating shots was also known.

The Union and Confederates had used this knowledge already during the civil war - e.g. the Merrimac or Ram Atlanta ships, etc.

The issue in regards to deflecting incoming rounds were also in regard to the turret of a tank. And in that regard the T-34 was also way more advantageous then some square/angular Pz. III or IV turret. The Germans were fully aware of their own layout, but opted to go with thick, flat sided tanks to improve interior conditions.

As usual your posts are total bullocks and are a product of your own fantasy

I am still waiting for your answer in regards to the British Archer and those other 50,000 missing allied tanks in Soviet service.
Yes indeed, from what i have read Wittman used ambush tactics,
I guess ALL and on ALL sides did - no matter if Tank, U-Boot, or e.g. Fighter pilots. (especially those individuals with high kill-scores).
One of the main reasons as to why Kursk was a disaster and mass-grave for many experienced crews on the German side.

E.g. my father was a Luftwaffe fighterpilot and ALL his kills were "ambush" or "sneak-up" scores - same goes for his friends, e.g. a Bf-110 Night-fighter pilot with 14/15 kills and other fellows.
....The only thing the attempted coup lacked was a leader with courage and determination.
Absolutely correct and to the point - unlike Adolf who got wounded and Göring who took a bullet - the human scumbag was nowhere near.
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I guess ALL and on ALL sides did - no matter if Tank, U-Boot, or e.g. Fighter pilots. (especially those individuals with high kill-scores).
One of the main reasons as to why Kursk was a disaster and mass-grave for many experienced crews on the German side.

E.g. my father was a Luftwaffe fighterpilot and ALL his kills were "ambush" or "sneak-up" scores - same goes for his friends, e.g. a Bf-110 Night-fighter pilot with 14/15 kills and other fellows.
Interesting, the Germans had very good fighter aircraft and pilots, off topic a bit but the American bomber raids over Germany in daylight were almost suicide missions until they had long range fighter escorts then the game changed, one of the most interesting WW2 aircraft for me was the Mosquito night fighter/fighter bomber, some of the low level operations were unbelievable, video Mosquito raid on the Philips factory in Eindhoven, the aicraft was made of wood.
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Could it be actually true in a strategic sense?

Or is it redundant to speculate considering that any major conflict will soon turn to a nuclear war?

Still, the question should be asked for a war that is restricted to only conventional weapons.

I've placed this topic here in Military in hopes of a serious discussion that doesn't belong in the Badlands. Moderator cooperation would be appreciated.
Let's see now, Putin's tanks are regularly being bombarded into oblivion, his aircraft are disappearing from the skies, his rockets and artillery units are being turned into scrap and many of his troops are either surrendering or fleeing. Polish forces seeing Russian troops entering Ukraine from Belarus, went into Ukraine, attacked and captured those troops and even his stalwart ally, Belarus, is turning against him. Putin is having to obtain conscripts from ally nations to fill the ranks. Putin isn't a threat to the US.
Let's see now, Putin's tanks are regularly being bombarded into oblivion, his aircraft are disappearing from the skies, his rockets and artillery units are being turned into scrap and many of his troops are either surrendering or fleeing. Polish forces seeing Russian troops entering Ukraine from Belarus, went into Ukraine, attacked and captured those troops and even his stalwart ally, Belarus, is turning against him. Putin is having to obtain conscripts from ally nations to fill the ranks. Putin isn't a threat to the US.
How is the weather on fantasy Island?
Let's see now, Putin's tanks are regularly being bombarded into oblivion, his aircraft are disappearing from the skies, his rockets and artillery units are being turned into scrap and many of his troops are either surrendering or fleeing. Polish forces seeing Russian troops entering Ukraine from Belarus, went into Ukraine, attacked and captured those troops and even his stalwart ally, Belarus, is turning against him. Putin is having to obtain conscripts from ally nations to fill the ranks. Putin isn't a threat to the US.
If any of that was true then we would be very close to nuclear war.

It isn't but good if it brings Americans comfort?
If any of that was true then we would be very close to nuclear war.

It isn't but good if it brings Americans comfort?
You have an unreasonable fear of nuclear war. Putin's generals aren't stupid, they aren't going to let him get Russia destroyed by using nukes. If he detonates even a small tactical nuke in Ukraine, every nation of earth will turn on him. China will attack him from the South and East, NATO will attack him from the west. Russia would find itself in a war with the entire world. Perhaps Iran, Syria and the DPRK might refrain but that would be about it. Russia would be in a worse situation than Iraq was after it launched its unprovoked and illegal invasion of Kuwait. If Russia tried to use its Security Council veto to block action by the UN it would find itself expelled from the Security Council and probably from the UN as well.
You have an unreasonable fear of nuclear war.
No, you didn't understand what I said about any of that shit being true.
Putin's generals aren't stupid, they aren't going to let him get Russia destroyed by using nukes. If he detonates even a small tactical nuke in Ukraine, every nation of earth will turn on him. China will attack him from the South and East,
No, and it's too much trouble to explain why.
NATO will attack him from the west.
No, the nuclear war would have already started and the US would be seen as the clear instigator. Putin has warned the US on Russia's red line.
Russia would find itself in a war with the entire world. Perhaps Iran, Syria and the DPRK might refrain but that would be about it. Russia would be in a worse situation than Iraq was after it launched its unprovoked and illegal invasion of Kuwait. If Russia tried to use its Security Council veto to block action by the UN it would find itself expelled from the Security Council and probably from the UN as well.

You're not worth a discussion.
No, the nuclear war would have already started and the US would be seen as the clear instigator

Russia would launch a nuke, and somehow the US who is not even involved in the fighting would be the instigator?

Wow, the more you add in here, the more it is clear that logic is something you do not understand at all.
No, you didn't understand what I said about any of that shit being true.

No, and it's too much trouble to explain why.

No, the nuclear war would have already started and the US would be seen as the clear instigator. Putin has warned the US on Russia's red line.

You're not worth a discussion.
And you are an opinionated idiot who lives in a third-rate country who depends on the USA for defense, economy and medical advanced care. All you do is complain about the country that makes yours's possible. If you had to pay for all the things you get from the USA for free, Canada couldn't even feed its own people. 90% of your population lives within a hundred miles of the US border and your entire economy depends on ours.
You are stealing Syrian oil, Trump said the US had taken the oil, serbs killing Armenians? what are you on about? its clear you are ignorant of the Balkan wars, it was a civil war, the Muslim were responsible for ethnic cleansing and massacres of Serbs, check out a Bosnian Muslm called Naser Oric,amd Nato did attack Serbia against international law, and what the hell are you doing in Syria other than helping terrorists? the legal Syrian Government didn't ask you to go there.


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