Is Standard and Poor Blaming the Teaparty for credit Downgrade ?

You guys are idiots. They told us, they dont care if it's spending cuts, or new Revenue. We needed to cut 4 Trillion in Borrowing in the next 10 years out, and address entitlements. They have no reason to give a shit how we do it. They don't care what our tax rates are, or what cuts we make. The only thing that matters to them is how much Money we borrow Period.

The Deal only cuts 2 Trillion and did nothing to address entitlements, so we got downgraded. IMO they are being nice. we probably do not even deserve to be AA+. Anyone with a brain knows that the only way we will ever Pay back our Debt is printing new money. When they Rate a country. And take the rating down a grade they are not saying said country is likely to default. Really we can't default because we can simply print money. So when they rate countries essentially what a lower rating means is that country is very likely to turn to the Printing press to cover Debts. Which we are.

If you actually think that is the fault of the Tea Party I want some of what you have been smoking.
By increasing taxes, all you do is enable the same behavior that got us to this place. It's like seeing a crackhead and giving him 50 bucks for groceries and knowing full well he's gonna spend most of it on crack.

It is time for a fiscal intervention and rehab. No more of this Amy Winehouse 'don't wanna go' shit.

I agree but that is not important to what he is claiming.

He is trying to say S&P blamed the Tea Party. I was simply saying S&P does not care if it's spending cuts, Tax Increases or Both. What they care about is how much money we have to Borrow, Not why.
True, a very capitalist way to look at the crisis with a side of demagoguery.
We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process. - S&P Analysis

Ahh it wont allow me to link to the standard and poors site that has the entire article because I dont have 15 posts as of yet :{ Above is an actual excerpt.

No, its not just the Tea Party, though they are part of it. It is because of the intractability of the entire political process, of which the Tea Party are a part.

S&P downgraded us because of politics, not because of economics. They aren't saying we can't pay or make sacrifices. They are saying we aren't willing to pay or make sacrifices.

If Congress had simply adopted Ryan's budget we would not be having this conversation. So the issue is Democratic recalcitrance, not the Tea Party.

And if the Tea Party had just accepted big tax increases and cut defense spending like the liberal wing wanted, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

See how easy it is to demand the other side do exactly as you want, then blame them for not doing so?
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No, its not just the Tea Party, though they are part of it. It is because of the intractability of the entire political process, of which the Tea Party are a part.

S&P downgraded us because of politics, not because of economics. They aren't saying we can't pay or make sacrifices. They are saying we aren't willing to pay or make sacrifices.

If Congress had simply adopted Ryan's budget we would not be having this conversation. So the issue is Democratic recalcitrance, not the Tea Party.

And if the Tea Party had just accepted big tax increases and cut defense spending like the liberal wing wanted, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

See how easy it is to demand the other side do exactly as you want, then blame them for not doing so?

NO, that's actually wrong.
For starters, we already have big defense cuts coming. The issue is entitlements, not defense.
Secondly, tax increases never produce the amount of revenue they are projected to. People find ways to get around the new taxes, something the CBO has never realized.
Further, even Obama recognized that raising taxes during a recession is a dumb idea. Higher taxes depress the economy. There has not been a case in this country where a tax increase solved a deficit problem, and many many where it made it worse. See, California, New Jersey and Michigan.

It isn't a matter of compromise. It is a matter of economics. What the Left wanted would not solve the problem. What the GOP conservatives wanted would solve the problem. How do you compromise on that? It's like compromising with a kleptomaniac that instead of going into treatment he can steal just a little bit.
Don't allow the Leftist Zombies to change the direction of TRUTH by making this about Bush V/s Obama. .. IT'S ABOUT SPENDING , DEFICITS, and an unsustainable DEBT, period. Both Presidents resided and reside over out of control spending and the MAJORITY of good Americans don't give the first good damn about playing the blame game any longer.. Fuck both of them and fuck all of the partisan hacks who continue to push an agenda for sheer power ONLY. We the PEOPLE DEMAND our Representatives get their fiscal house in order. The Tea Party represents our collective voices and no amount of lies and propaganda coming from the Zombie Squad can change that truth. 2012 is around the corner..
Bush destroyed the economy and doubled the National Debt.

Obama saved us from another Great Depression.

Good luck convincing the voters of that next year. Obama isn't getting reelected.
Is Standard and Poor Blaming the Teaparty for credit Downgrade ?


The one group that wanted a balanced budget and has held miniscule power for almost two years is at fault.

If we balance the budget the "terrorist" have won! Didn't you get the memo?

You mean the same group that did not complain about Bush spending?

Partisan politics not real morals and such.

They did not exist during Bush's Presidency dumb ass.
We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process. - S&P Analysis

Ahh it wont allow me to link to the standard and poors site that has the entire article because I dont have 15 posts as of yet :{ Above is an actual excerpt.

Fellow citizens...

We have an economic model that is no longer really viable for most citizens.

Naturally as it is working for a minority of citizens, and since the GOLDEN RULE is in effect, those citizens who are doing well are very reluctant to change that model.

But what the bonds rating agencies are telling us is that if we do not change the economic model, it is going to fail more and more as time goes by.

This nation is, I think, on the cusp of breakdown.

Oh it will continue to exist, but it won't be your father's America anymore, kids.

Get used to that notion.

The American people have been betrayed by their leaders.

We're not the first people in Empires that this has happened to, and we probably will not be the last people this happens to either.

Power corrupts.

Power doesn't forge unity in society, it forges and survives on division.
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largely S&P blamed the inability of our politicians to reach any sort of meaningful compromise.

with pledges not to increase revenues and walking away from the negotiations several times it's no wonder that republicans - especially tea party supporters - are blamed. you did not see such intractibility on the other side of the aisle.
We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process. - S&P Analysis

Ahh it wont allow me to link to the standard and poors site that has the entire article because I dont have 15 posts as of yet :{ Above is an actual excerpt.

On page four it gets even more clear.

Ill go get the quote.
largely S&P blamed the inability of our politicians to reach any sort of meaningful compromise.

with pledges not to increase revenues and walking away from the negotiations several times it's no wonder that republicans - especially tea party supporters - are blamed. you did not see such intractibility on the other side of the aisle.

You're as blind here as you are over in another place not to mention stuck on stupid. Show for us the budget the Dems proposed over the last two years- or for that matter, the one King Obama proposed???? Come on, you can do it.. try real hard... The S&P UNEQUIVOCALLY states for ALL to read that the out of control spending and no real deficit and debt reduction led to their decision.. you are a propaganda tool of the left. No one buys your BULLSHIT so save it.
largely S&P blamed the inability of our politicians to reach any sort of meaningful compromise.

with pledges not to increase revenues and walking away from the negotiations several times it's no wonder that republicans - especially tea party supporters - are blamed. you did not see such intractibility on the other side of the aisle.

Ya Obama did not walk away and did not break the deal when it was made just before signing. Sure thing retard.
We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process. - S&P Analysis

Ahh it wont allow me to link to the standard and poors site that has the entire article because I dont have 15 posts as of yet :{ Above is an actual excerpt.

No, its not just the Tea Party, though they are part of it. It is because of the intractability of the entire political process, of which the Tea Party are a part.

S&P downgraded us because of politics, not because of economics. They aren't saying we can't pay or make sacrifices. They are saying we aren't willing to pay or make sacrifices.

If Congress had simply adopted Ryan's budget we would not be having this conversation. So the issue is Democratic recalcitrance, not the Tea Party.

Same would be true if we simply returned to Clinton tax rates.

Once again, it's unwillingness, not inability.
largely S&P blamed the inability of our politicians to reach any sort of meaningful compromise.

with pledges not to increase revenues and walking away from the negotiations several times it's no wonder that republicans - especially tea party supporters - are blamed. you did not see such intractibility on the other side of the aisle.

Ya Obama did not walk away and did not break the deal when it was made just before signing. Sure thing retard.

hey - fucktard - he left once. early on.

how many times did boehner walk away?
largely S&P blamed the inability of our politicians to reach any sort of meaningful compromise.

with pledges not to increase revenues and walking away from the negotiations several times it's no wonder that republicans - especially tea party supporters - are blamed. you did not see such intractibility on the other side of the aisle.


You were offered revenue increases, then you moved the goal posts.

Lets not forget how talks started. ANY CUT IS EXTREME.

Take your phoney ass and preach to the herd.
No, its not just the Tea Party, though they are part of it. It is because of the intractability of the entire political process, of which the Tea Party are a part.

S&P downgraded us because of politics, not because of economics. They aren't saying we can't pay or make sacrifices. They are saying we aren't willing to pay or make sacrifices.

If Congress had simply adopted Ryan's budget we would not be having this conversation. So the issue is Democratic recalcitrance, not the Tea Party.

Same would be true if we simply returned to Clinton tax rates.

Once again, it's unwillingness, not inability.

Bubba was forced to move right, kicking and screaming regarding welfare reform, balancing the budget, and taxes.. Nice try liberal.
largely S&P blamed the inability of our politicians to reach any sort of meaningful compromise.

with pledges not to increase revenues and walking away from the negotiations several times it's no wonder that republicans - especially tea party supporters - are blamed. you did not see such intractibility on the other side of the aisle.

Yeah sure that is what they said.:eusa_hand:
And the Republicans and the Tea party is blamed because we have a Pravda media who mainly supports the Democrat-Progressive party. If we had ANY type of FACTUAL reporting on the negotiations, I would of been SHOCKED.
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largely S&P blamed the inability of our politicians to reach any sort of meaningful compromise.

with pledges not to increase revenues and walking away from the negotiations several times it's no wonder that republicans - especially tea party supporters - are blamed. you did not see such intractibility on the other side of the aisle.

Ya Obama did not walk away and did not break the deal when it was made just before signing. Sure thing retard.

hey - fucktard - he left once. early on.

how many times did boehner walk away?

Boehner is a loser too.. what's your point? Link for us the budgets DEMS proposed and PASSED being they held majorities in both houses and held the Presidency???? COME ON.. WHERE IS IT????????? I'm sorry, I can't hear you?
If Congress had simply adopted Ryan's budget we would not be having this conversation. So the issue is Democratic recalcitrance, not the Tea Party.

Same would be true if we simply returned to Clinton tax rates.

Once again, it's unwillingness, not inability.

Bubba was forced to move right, kicking and screaming regarding welfare reform, balancing the budget, and taxes.. Nice try liberal.

Your post is misguided and does not, even minutely, address mine.

Are you arguing that Republicans forced 'Bubba' into raising taxes? Is that your argument? And even if it were, how does that address what I've said?
Same would be true if we simply returned to Clinton tax rates.

Once again, it's unwillingness, not inability.

Bubba was forced to move right, kicking and screaming regarding welfare reform, balancing the budget, and taxes.. Nice try liberal.

Your post is misguided and does not, even minutely, address mine.

Are you arguing that Republicans forced 'Bubba' into raising taxes? Is that your argument? And even if it were, how does that address what I've said?

I stated very clearly what I meant.. Lastly, Bill Clinton: Lower The Corporate Tax Rate For Debt-Ceiling Deal

Oops, don't look now...

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