Is the CIA infiltration of news media called OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD still functional?

That’s true as well, but the infiltration spoken of in the OP is massive and out in the open.
It was the entire purpose of the long march into the institutions.

Marcuso explained it when he said we don't need to topple the thing, we need to become the thing.

They stopped trying to destroy society; they began the plan to subvert it to their worldview.

When the revolution has no revolutionary troops.....
Sure. They CIA has no involvement with the media.

Dark wind is a spook. 😂
It’s a matter of record that these organizations - including social media sites like Facebook - are heavily infiltrated by the DeepSwamp.
It isn't the swamp, so much as the swamp is now their domain. It is the mutated form of Marxism that has infiltrated everything.

They control the institutions of power with the exception of the Judical branch, and that will soon be theirs as well.

Remember what happened in Standford last spring? How they all but physically attacked a sitting Appellate judge?

Those very kids will someday be judges and they won't care about the law. They'll care about the ideology that they have been indoctrinated into.
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He’s not saying that at all.

A damn clever one if so. :)
Of course, I am not.

What I did do is take six or seven months away from this place to look into the entire concept of Critical Theory and its subspecies of Race and Queer theories, how these neo-Marxists have managed to infiltrate our institutions of higher learning and how they have propagated their ideology throughout much of the government, business, and learning institutions. How they have managed to seize most of the control of production through using finance by implementing ESG. ESG controls who get money to continue doing business, but those businesses must conform to their ideology or they don't get the loans needed to survive. It is why corporations don't fear little things like boycotts or backlash. If they don't get the money, they don't have a business and control it.

It is how the neo-Marxist/Maoist DEIs have permeated onto every branch of government; Fed, State, and Local, and how you must adhere to their ideology by following their loyalty requirements to outcome instead of opportunity. How you are racist and you must go through their 'struggle' sessions to admit to your racism and how fighting back makes you a racist.

It is how they teach your children through their SEL programs in the k-12 grades and why they wish to teach your children about queer theory and transgenderism at the k through 6 levels, and why they have programs that hide what they are doing to your children from the parents by adopting policies that allow them to treat your child pronouns and permit them to be trans behind their parents back. How they teach critical race by telling your children that they are horrible people simply because they are of a specific ethnic and racial background.

They have already captured a number of court seats with Judges who adhere more to the ideology than the law. They even have diversity hires on the Supreme Court.

While people here quibble about how Trump and the Right don't get equal treatment before the law, they refuse to understand that they never will because they have managed to take over those positions of power so wholly that they can simply ignore your cries of unfairness. After all, what is it you are going to do to stop them? They have the power now.

Before someone asks Me to define woke, I'll do just that.

Woke is an ideology that divides the world into identity groups based upon sex, gender, faith, and sexuality and then LABELS them as either Oppressor or Oppressed – or as Marx said, privileged or marginalized. They are always the oppressed.

Their tactic is simple. Call everything racist until they control the institutions of power.

Just look around you and see them doing exactly this.
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