Is the Democrat Sponsored Violence Helping Them to Win Over Middle Class America?

Is the Leftwing Democrat/Soros Sponsored violence winning over more Middle Class American voters?

  • I dunno, whens the game on the tube?

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Surely these leftwing ass fuckers know better than to think Americans are going to knuckle down to a bunch of wannabe ninja justice warriors.

But they have been doing this at many Trump rallies, and other conservative speaker events on college campuses, so it seems to suggest that they think this is somehow persuasive...

So do they really think that this kind of violence is winning over Middle Class America?


So I thought I would do a poll and see what people here think.
You are talking about people who thought that continually calling the middle class ignorant uneducated rubes was going to win over middle class voters.

They aren't trying to win anyone over. They are trying to make them so afraid they will vote democrat to stop the violence.

Is that going to work, do you think?
You are talking about people who thought that continually calling the middle class ignorant uneducated rubes was going to win over middle class voters.

They aren't trying to win anyone over. They are trying to make them so afraid they will vote democrat to stop the violence.

Is that going to work, do you think?
No, it is not going to work because working class Americans are too angry about all the crap that they have ahd to take for the last 40 years of stagnant wages, increasing taxes and the hostility of institutions that they used to think was on their side.
Surely these leftwing ass fuckers know better than to think Americans are going to knuckle down to a bunch of wannabe ninja justice warriors.

But they have been doing this at many Trump rallies, and other conservative speaker events on college campuses, so it seems to suggest that they think this is somehow persuasive...

So do they really think that this kind of violence is winning over Middle Class America?


So I thought I would do a poll and see what people here think.
I voted yes, to give the libidiots a sense of good feeling, so they will continue to break things, burn things, hurt people and especially hurt women. The more they do this, the more they will have those in the US, wanting something to be done to the terrorists. Libtards, don't realize you can push US only so far.
Soros is behind all the protests, sponsoring them. Globalists have spent too much money and efforts to build the world order to suit themselves. And Trump seems to be a real threat to that order.

NY Times:
To understand the march better, I stayed up through the nights this week, studying the funding, politics and talking points of the some 403 groups that are “partners” of the march. Is this a non-partisan “Women’s March”?

By my draft research, which I’m opening up for crowd-sourcing on GoogleDocs, Soros has funded, or has close relationships with, at least 56 of the march’s “partners,” including “key partners” Planned Parenthood, which opposes Trump’s anti-abortion policy, and the National Resource Defense Council, which opposes Trump’s environmental policies. The other Soros ties with “Women’s March” organizations include the partisan (which was fiercely pro-Clinton),…

Other Soros grantees who are “partners” in the march are the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington
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Soros is behind all the protests, sponsoring them. Globalists have spent too much money and efforts to build the world order to suit themselves. And Trump seems to be a real threat to that order.
Oh, you know it.

Trump is going to dismantle their rigged international corporate crony system and reforge it into something that works for all Americans.

It's winning the middle class over to being more conservative so they should keep it up.


Soros is behind all the protests, sponsoring them. Globalists have spent too much money and efforts to build the world order to suit themselves. And Trump seems to be a real threat to that order.
Oh, you know it.

Trump is going to dismantle their rigged international corporate crony system and reforge it into something that works for all Americans.

BTW, I think I know why liberals are fighting so desperately for illegals and Muslims to flee this country. Without their votes they may never be elected again.
BTW, I think I know why liberals are fighting so desperately. for illegals and Muslims to flee this country. Without their votes they may never be elected again.
They have already lost on that score, as the Robotics Revolution will first eliminate unskilled jobs, and that will destroy the lowest rung to the ladder into the American middle class, and economic immigration tot he USA will dwindle enormously.

Demographically, the Dimmocrats have picked a lame horse to bet on.
It seems the collective left is going through a process much akin to the stages of grief. First it was shock. Then it was denial. Now it is anger and lashing out.

Only if the left can grow up and actually take stock of WHY they lost, will they ever hope to gain something. So far, all I have seen is doubling down on all the identity politics crap that lost them the election. Most people simply do not want the continuation of this identity politics system that is just as racist in it's own way as the old-fashion racism of the 19th century.
Until these dunderheads realize that reversing systems of privilege does not magically eliminate privilege, they won't get anywhere because all it does is cause resentment.
Surely these leftwing ass fuckers know better than to think Americans are going to knuckle down to a bunch of wannabe ninja justice warriors.

But they have been doing this at many Trump rallies, and other conservative speaker events on college campuses, so it seems to suggest that they think this is somehow persuasive...

So do they really think that this kind of violence is winning over Middle Class America?


So I thought I would do a poll and see what people here think.

It isn't aimed at middle is aimed at left wing university keep them from even allowing conservatives to speak, and as Rush pointed out, it is aimed at the establishment Republicans....because the left knows they are cowards and it takes very little to make them back down.

What they don't understand.....Trump is not an Establishment republican......he isn't going to back down and he is a counter puncher, punch him and he puts you down...
It seems the collective left is going through a process much akin to the stages of grief. First it was shock. Then it was denial. Now it is anger and lashing out.

Only if the left can grow up and actually take stock of WHY they lost, will they ever hope to gain something. So far, all I have seen is doubling down on all the identity politics crap that lost them the election. Most people simply do not want the continuation of this identity politics system that is just as racist in it's own way as the old-fashion racism of the 19th century.
Until these dunderheads realize that reversing systems of privilege does not magically eliminate privilege, they won't get anywhere because all it does is cause resentment.
They Radical Leftists, cannot forgive US for taking away their "Right to Power", so many libtard politicians and their lacky news orgs, just keep inflaming the situation. I have put up a post about the next Civil War, because it is coming, and the left needs to be afraid.
Surely these leftwing ass fuckers know better than to think Americans are going to knuckle down to a bunch of wannabe ninja justice warriors.

But they have been doing this at many Trump rallies, and other conservative speaker events on college campuses, so it seems to suggest that they think this is somehow persuasive...

So do they really think that this kind of violence is winning over Middle Class America?


So I thought I would do a poll and see what people here think.

They're on a nice fat payroll, is why. Without funding and media support the number of these fake 'spontaneous protests' dwindle to maybe one a year at best, and 'attendance' drops to 10 or 15 'protestors' on a good day.

lol @ 'justice warriors'; they're just tards.
It seems the collective left is going through a process much akin to the stages of grief. First it was shock. Then it was denial. Now it is anger and lashing out.

Only if the left can grow up and actually take stock of WHY they lost, will they ever hope to gain something. So far, all I have seen is doubling down on all the identity politics crap that lost them the election. Most people simply do not want the continuation of this identity politics system that is just as racist in it's own way as the old-fashion racism of the 19th century.
Until these dunderheads realize that reversing systems of privilege does not magically eliminate privilege, they won't get anywhere because all it does is cause resentment.

Well, they've had a couple hundred million bucks laid on them recently, and actively post job ads on sites like Craig's List. Fake protests for fake 'causes', aided by paid shills working for fake news purveyors. The ongoing media supported and promoted assassinations of police officers is a big selling point for them, too. It attracts the 'right sort' for these fake 'spontaneous protests' and photo ops for their media partners trying to create an illusion of 'massive discontent' for the more gullible consumers of pop culture.
It seems the collective left is going through a process much akin to the stages of grief. First it was shock. Then it was denial. Now it is anger and lashing out.
What stage is it that they realize what incredible Nazis they have been then hide their heads in shame?

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