Is the First Amenedment now worth as little as the 2nd?


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
?Is This America??: Parent ?Manhandled?, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum | Video |

What happened free speech? What kind of country allows its police to arrest you and claim you assaulted them when clearly you didn't? the video clearly shows all he was doing was speaking at a public forum. Our rights have gone to shit in this country. Kick these rights grabbing politicians out of office next election. hope and change my ass. we are becoming more and more a government run and controlled state.

Is This America?’: Parent ‘Manhandled’, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum

Sep. 20, 2013 7:30pm Jason Howerton

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District’s plan to use Common Core standards in its curriculum.

Robert Small, a concerned father, was forcefully removed from the meeting by a police officer after he interrupted Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance during the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

The meeting apparently didn’t allow parents to stand up and ask questions or comment. Parents and other attendants were instead asked to write their questions on a piece of paper and officials would read them.

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.
?Is This America??: Parent ?Manhandled?, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum | Video |

What happened free speech? What kind of country allows its police to arrest you and claim you assaulted them when clearly you didn't? the video clearly shows all he was doing was speaking at a public forum. Our rights have gone to shit in this country. Kick these rights grabbing politicians out of office next election. hope and change my ass. we are becoming more and more a government run and controlled state.

Is This America?’: Parent ‘Manhandled’, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum

Sep. 20, 2013 7:30pm Jason Howerton

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District’s plan to use Common Core standards in its curriculum.

Robert Small, a concerned father, was forcefully removed from the meeting by a police officer after he interrupted Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance during the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

The meeting apparently didn’t allow parents to stand up and ask questions or comment. Parents and other attendants were instead asked to write their questions on a piece of paper and officials would read them.

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.

Sure wish I had a rep left to give you here......
?Is This America??: Parent ?Manhandled?, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum | Video |

What happened free speech? What kind of country allows its police to arrest you and claim you assaulted them when clearly you didn't? the video clearly shows all he was doing was speaking at a public forum. Our rights have gone to shit in this country. Kick these rights grabbing politicians out of office next election. hope and change my ass. we are becoming more and more a government run and controlled state.

Is This America?’: Parent ‘Manhandled’, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum

Sep. 20, 2013 7:30pm Jason Howerton

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District’s plan to use Common Core standards in its curriculum.

Robert Small, a concerned father, was forcefully removed from the meeting by a police officer after he interrupted Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance during the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

The meeting apparently didn’t allow parents to stand up and ask questions or comment. Parents and other attendants were instead asked to write their questions on a piece of paper and officials would read them.

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.

that is the example of the left getting what they want.

the parents VOTE IN the left in Baltimore, don't they?

they have nothing to complain about just themselves.

The "dream" and "choice" coming true.
From the linked article...

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.

When Small didn’t immediately comply, the officer began pulling his arm and pushing him towards the exit. Some audience members gasped at the cop’s use of force.

“Don’t stand for this,” the father said as he was dragged out. “You are sitting here like cattle! Is this America?”

Small also urged other parents to demand answers on Common Core and the curriculum being used to educate their children.

As the Baltimore Sun reports, the officer then “pushed Small and then escorted him into the hall, handcuffed him and had him sit on the curb in front of the school.”

Small was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer and faces a $2,500 fine and up to 10 years in prison. He was also charged with disturbing a school operation, which carries an additional $2,500 and up to six months in jail.

.Small attempted to push the officer away when he first approached him, the police report claims. Watch the video and decide for yourself if Small assaulted the officer:

The Second Degree assualt on a police officer should never have been filed and should have been thrown out the next morning.

The guy was not there as a Police Officer, but as a Security Officer. Two different things. Security Officers do not have Arrest powers being the main difference. The assualt charges belong being filed against the him, the Security Officer, for even touching the man. Something he is not legally allowed to do as a Security Officer.
The guy was not there as a Police Officer, but as a Security Officer. Two different things. Security Officers do not have Arrest powers being the main difference. The assualt charges belong being filed against the him, the Security Officer, for even touching the man. Something he is not legally allowed to do as a Security Officer.

If that's the case shouldn't he contact ACLU for help?
The guy was not there as a Police Officer, but as a Security Officer. Two different things. Security Officers do not have Arrest powers being the main difference. The assualt charges belong being filed against the him, the Security Officer, for even touching the man. Something he is not legally allowed to do as a Security Officer.

If that's the case shouldn't he contact ACLU for help?

I wouldn't know if the ACLU would jump in on that or not.. But if you go the linked article, you can see quite plainly that his shirt is marked "Security" and not "Police".

He doesn't have any police authority until he identifies himself as a police officer. Until that happens, he's simply a "rent-a-cop".
?Is This America??: Parent ?Manhandled?, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum | Video |

What happened free speech? What kind of country allows its police to arrest you and claim you assaulted them when clearly you didn't? the video clearly shows all he was doing was speaking at a public forum. Our rights have gone to shit in this country. Kick these rights grabbing politicians out of office next election. hope and change my ass. we are becoming more and more a government run and controlled state.

Is This America?’: Parent ‘Manhandled’, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum

Sep. 20, 2013 7:30pm Jason Howerton

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District’s plan to use Common Core standards in its curriculum.

Robert Small, a concerned father, was forcefully removed from the meeting by a police officer after he interrupted Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance during the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

The meeting apparently didn’t allow parents to stand up and ask questions or comment. Parents and other attendants were instead asked to write their questions on a piece of paper and officials would read them.

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.

It’s incorrect to infer from this isolated incident that the First Amendment is in some sort of ‘jeopardy.’

It is not a First Amendment violation for law enforcement to request a citizen abide the rules of a public forum:

The police report said that Dance's chief of staff, Michele Prumo, who was standing on the side of the auditorium, had asked the officer to walk over and calm Small down. The report also said Small had attempted to push the officer away when he first confronted him.

Parent arrested at forum after protesting use of common core -
And the First Amendment clearly doesn’t authorize assault against a law enforcement officer.

Moreover, there is no evidence the detention of Small had anything to do with his message, or that the detention was in any way intended to deny Small his right to express himself or preempt the message Small wished to express. The state took no action to deny Small the right to disseminate his message via an alternate means of communication, or to enact a punitive measure designed to punish Small should he indeed attempt to express his message.

Clearly this incident in no way constitutes a First Amendment ‘violation,’ the First Amendment remains respected and intact, and the OP succeeds in only demonstrating himself to be a partisan demagogue.

The OP would also be well-advised to research a subject before posting, thus avoiding exhibiting his ignorance, as opposed to simply taking at face value the spin from a disreputable, partisan, and compromised ‘source’ such as The Blaze.
?Is This America??: Parent ?Manhandled?, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum | Video |

What happened free speech? What kind of country allows its police to arrest you and claim you assaulted them when clearly you didn't? the video clearly shows all he was doing was speaking at a public forum. Our rights have gone to shit in this country. Kick these rights grabbing politicians out of office next election. hope and change my ass. we are becoming more and more a government run and controlled state.

Is This America?’: Parent ‘Manhandled’, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum

Sep. 20, 2013 7:30pm Jason Howerton

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District’s plan to use Common Core standards in its curriculum.

Robert Small, a concerned father, was forcefully removed from the meeting by a police officer after he interrupted Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance during the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

The meeting apparently didn’t allow parents to stand up and ask questions or comment. Parents and other attendants were instead asked to write their questions on a piece of paper and officials would read them.

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.

It’s incorrect to infer from this isolated incident that the First Amendment is in some sort of ‘jeopardy.’

It is not a First Amendment violation for law enforcement to request a citizen abide the rules of a public forum:

The police report said that Dance's chief of staff, Michele Prumo, who was standing on the side of the auditorium, had asked the officer to walk over and calm Small down. The report also said Small had attempted to push the officer away when he first confronted him.

Parent arrested at forum after protesting use of common core -
And the First Amendment clearly doesn’t authorize assault against a law enforcement officer.

Moreover, there is no evidence the detention of Small had anything to do with his message, or that the detention was in any way intended to deny Small his right to express himself or preempt the message Small wished to express. The state took no action to deny Small the right to disseminate his message via an alternate means of communication, or to enact a punitive measure designed to punish Small should he indeed attempt to express his message.

Clearly this incident in no way constitutes a First Amendment ‘violation,’ the First Amendment remains respected and intact, and the OP succeeds in only demonstrating himself to be a partisan demagogue.

The OP would also be well-advised to research a subject before posting, thus avoiding exhibiting his ignorance, as opposed to simply taking at face value the spin from a disreputable, partisan, and compromised ‘source’ such as The Blaze.

perhaps you can point out the assault. I sure didn't see any.
*shrug* If this is 'news', you have been watching too much Glenn Beck or Fox News.
It’s incorrect to infer from this isolated incident that the First Amendment is in some sort of ‘jeopardy.’

It is not a First Amendment violation for law enforcement to request a citizen abide the rules of a public forum:


And the First Amendment clearly doesn’t authorize assault against a law enforcement officer.

Moreover, there is no evidence the detention of Small had anything to do with his message, or that the detention was in any way intended to deny Small his right to express himself or preempt the message Small wished to express. The state took no action to deny Small the right to disseminate his message via an alternate means of communication, or to enact a punitive measure designed to punish Small should he indeed attempt to express his message.

Clearly this incident in no way constitutes a First Amendment ‘violation,’ the First Amendment remains respected and intact, and the OP succeeds in only demonstrating himself to be a partisan demagogue.

The OP would also be well-advised to research a subject before posting, thus avoiding exhibiting his ignorance, as opposed to simply taking at face value the spin from a disreputable, partisan, and compromised ‘source’ such as The Blaze.

Perhaps you missed the fact that the "Security Officer" was not there in his capacity as a Police officer. He is clearly identified by his shirt as "Security", not police.

The assault on a Police charges are bogus. Once he grabbed Small he committed assault. Security Officers do not have the same authority to touch someone as a Police Officer does.
The guy was not there as a Police Officer, but as a Security Officer. Two different things. Security Officers do not have Arrest powers being the main difference. The assualt charges belong being filed against the him, the Security Officer, for even touching the man. Something he is not legally allowed to do as a Security Officer.

If that's the case shouldn't he contact ACLU for help?

I wouldn't know if the ACLU would jump in on that or not.. But if you go the linked article, you can see quite plainly that his shirt is marked "Security" and not "Police".

He doesn't have any police authority until he identifies himself as a police officer. Until that happens, he's simply a "rent-a-cop".

the ACLU SHOULD jump in on the First Amendment violation. The other ones could have been violated as well. Plus the simple laws - if the security is not the Police - it is a clear violation and harassment.

My point was he can consult with ACLU and should consult if he has the case.
If that's the case shouldn't he contact ACLU for help?

I wouldn't know if the ACLU would jump in on that or not.. But if you go the linked article, you can see quite plainly that his shirt is marked "Security" and not "Police".

He doesn't have any police authority until he identifies himself as a police officer. Until that happens, he's simply a "rent-a-cop".

the ACLU SHOULD jump in on the First Amendment violation. The other ones could have been violated as well. Plus the simple laws - if the security is not the Police - it is a clear violation and harassment.

My point was he can consult with ACLU and should consult if he has the case.

I'm not so certain that there is a 1st Amendment issue here... The rules for the meeting was that there would be no public questioning, only written questions. That doesn't violate the 1st Amendment no matter how much I dislike that type of rule when it comes to meetings with public officials.
?Is This America??: Parent ?Manhandled?, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum | Video |

What happened free speech? What kind of country allows its police to arrest you and claim you assaulted them when clearly you didn't? the video clearly shows all he was doing was speaking at a public forum. Our rights have gone to shit in this country. Kick these rights grabbing politicians out of office next election. hope and change my ass. we are becoming more and more a government run and controlled state.

Is This America?’: Parent ‘Manhandled’, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum

Sep. 20, 2013 7:30pm Jason Howerton

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District’s plan to use Common Core standards in its curriculum.

Robert Small, a concerned father, was forcefully removed from the meeting by a police officer after he interrupted Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance during the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

The meeting apparently didn’t allow parents to stand up and ask questions or comment. Parents and other attendants were instead asked to write their questions on a piece of paper and officials would read them.

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.

Funny that a couple of weeks ago, you ignernt rw fools were in favor of a cop being able to sue the family of a guy he shot. You have NO standards of behavior or thought. Whether its the blaze or fox or limbagh, all it takes is a little push and you're hysterically whining about losing "rights".

For the second time today, I'm asking WHY the rw's do not know what the First Amendment says. That's never gonna happen, is it. Its not going to happen any more than the rw's will GET that there is no threat to their guns or their bibles.

Buck up rw's and keep the lies coming.
Allow me to offer just a tad of advice here ...

Go to google dot com and put "first amendment" into the search window.


Watch very closely for the words, "Congress shall make no law ..." You should be able to find those words pretty easily because they are the very first words of the amendment.

Now, go back to the idiot story at Blaze and search for any mention of the US Congress passing a law that impacts this particular incident. Now, think real hard .....................................
If that's the case shouldn't he contact ACLU for help?

I wouldn't know if the ACLU would jump in on that or not.. But if you go the linked article, you can see quite plainly that his shirt is marked "Security" and not "Police".

He doesn't have any police authority until he identifies himself as a police officer. Until that happens, he's simply a "rent-a-cop".

the ACLU SHOULD jump in on the First Amendment violation. The other ones could have been violated as well. Plus the simple laws - if the security is not the Police - it is a clear violation and harassment.

My point was he can consult with ACLU and should consult if he has the case.


EXACTLY where is the "First Amendment violation"???

Allow me to offer just a tad of advice here ...

Go to google dot com and put "first amendment" into the search window.


Watch very closely for the words, "Congress shall make no law ..." You should be able to find those words pretty easily because they are the very first words of the amendment.

Now, go back to the idiot story at Blaze and search for any mention of the US Congress passing a law that impacts this particular incident. Now, think real hard .....................................

Apparently, ignorance of the Constitution and its case law is a source of pride for many conservatives.
Allow me to offer just a tad of advice here ...

Go to google dot com and put "first amendment" into the search window.


Watch very closely for the words, "Congress shall make no law ..." You should be able to find those words pretty easily because they are the very first words of the amendment.

Now, go back to the idiot story at Blaze and search for any mention of the US Congress passing a law that impacts this particular incident. Now, think real hard .....................................

Might I offer the same advice to you and the Lefties who want more gun control laws?

Go read the 2nd Amendment and the last four words.... "Shall not be infringed".

Now think real hard on what those words mean.
Allow me to offer just a tad of advice here ...

Go to google dot com and put "first amendment" into the search window.


Watch very closely for the words, "Congress shall make no law ..." You should be able to find those words pretty easily because they are the very first words of the amendment.

Now, go back to the idiot story at Blaze and search for any mention of the US Congress passing a law that impacts this particular incident. Now, think real hard .....................................

Apparently, ignorance of the Constitution and its case law is a source of pride for many conservatives.

You mean the pride the left has in their ignorance of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, right?
From the linked article...

However, Small began speaking out against the district’s use of Common Core, prompting a security guard, who was also a police officer, to approach him and order him to leave. “Let’s go!” he said sternly.

When Small didn’t immediately comply, the officer began pulling his arm and pushing him towards the exit. Some audience members gasped at the cop’s use of force.

“Don’t stand for this,” the father said as he was dragged out. “You are sitting here like cattle! Is this America?”

Small also urged other parents to demand answers on Common Core and the curriculum being used to educate their children.

As the Baltimore Sun reports, the officer then “pushed Small and then escorted him into the hall, handcuffed him and had him sit on the curb in front of the school.”

Small was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer and faces a $2,500 fine and up to 10 years in prison. He was also charged with disturbing a school operation, which carries an additional $2,500 and up to six months in jail.

.Small attempted to push the officer away when he first approached him, the police report claims. Watch the video and decide for yourself if Small assaulted the officer:

The Second Degree assualt on a police officer should never have been filed and should have been thrown out the next morning.

The guy was not there as a Police Officer, but as a Security Officer. Two different things. Security Officers do not have Arrest powers being the main difference. The assualt charges belong being filed against the him, the Security Officer, for even touching the man. Something he is not legally allowed to do as a Security Officer.

He's lucky that Barney Fife didn't tune him up with a nightstick to the balls, plant drugs on him, or blast him fifty or sixty times with a Tazer.
It’s incorrect to infer from this isolated incident that the First Amendment is in some sort of ‘jeopardy.’

It is not a First Amendment violation for law enforcement to request a citizen abide the rules of a public forum:


And the First Amendment clearly doesn’t authorize assault against a law enforcement officer.

Moreover, there is no evidence the detention of Small had anything to do with his message, or that the detention was in any way intended to deny Small his right to express himself or preempt the message Small wished to express. The state took no action to deny Small the right to disseminate his message via an alternate means of communication, or to enact a punitive measure designed to punish Small should he indeed attempt to express his message.

Clearly this incident in no way constitutes a First Amendment ‘violation,’ the First Amendment remains respected and intact, and the OP succeeds in only demonstrating himself to be a partisan demagogue.

The OP would also be well-advised to research a subject before posting, thus avoiding exhibiting his ignorance, as opposed to simply taking at face value the spin from a disreputable, partisan, and compromised ‘source’ such as The Blaze.

Perhaps you missed the fact that the "Security Officer" was not there in his capacity as a Police officer. He is clearly identified by his shirt as "Security", not police.

The assault on a Police charges are bogus. Once he grabbed Small he committed assault. Security Officers do not have the same authority to touch someone as a Police Officer does.

On the one hand, I kind of wish Small had, upon being grabbed, cold-cocked him. On the other hand, had he done so, he'd probably be dead.

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