Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

That's every Republicans top priority. to defeat [Obama], that don't mean we want the economy to tank.

But you have to see how that is not a pro-active policy. If you are anti-everything-Obama-does, then what happens when he does something you want? Like the times he has lower taxes, and the GOP opposed it. That's surreal!

The GOP is not FOR anything right now except maybe zero taxes. This is what I wonder about. What are you guys FOR? What has the GOP done that is positive for the economy?
Yes...............conservative with funds, aka good with money, responsible, etc.

Wow, stereotype much?

You liberals always show your ass given the opportunity.

Saying jews are good with money you take as a negative stereotype?

Man you hypersensitive types will play the religious victim card at any chance.

Jews are good with money? Yeah, no stereotype there.

You're a fucking bigot. Good job there Sparky.
So this is it... this is the path the Obama-bots are going to take.

So the reason the economy has not even started to recover is because 6 months ago Reps took over the house and didn't what, save the USA? Did the Senate or Obama pass the budget the Reps sent? I'm at a loss here, while I'm no GOP fan are you guys really trying to say that the incredible filibuster the Dems have done to the Reps on any "meaningful" legislation does not count as destructive but yet the Reps get the criticisms for Obama and his Dem congress's lack of a recovery that they spent like 5 trillion on?

The R's took control of the house after four years of obstructionism. Prior to 2007 and D controll the R's spent like drunken Marines, and Bush nary offered a peep or a veto. What was and is the cost of the Iraq invasion and occupation:

Cost of War to the United States | COSTOFWAR.COM
That's every Republicans top priority. to defeat [Obama], that don't mean we want the economy to tank.

But you have to see how that is not a pro-active policy. If you are anti-everything-Obama-does, then what happens when he does something you want? Like the times he has lower taxes, and the GOP opposed it. That's surreal!

The GOP is not FOR anything right now except maybe zero taxes. This is what I wonder about. What are you guys FOR? What has the GOP done that is positive for the economy?

How does Chuck Stupid Schumer say a thing like that and then expect Republican senators to work with him. That's the better question. You got an answer?
Wow, stereotype much?

You liberals always show your ass given the opportunity.

Saying jews are good with money you take as a negative stereotype?

Man you hypersensitive types will play the religious victim card at any chance.

Jews are good with money? Yeah, no stereotype there.

You're a fucking bigot. Good job there Sparky.

A good stereotype makes me a bigot, now that's brilliance if I've ever heard it.

Btw gay dudes are better home decorators than us straight dudes, now I'm a homophobe.

Women are more affectionate than men, now I'm a chauvinist.

There goes my self-confidence lol.
That's every Republicans top priority. to defeat [Obama], that don't mean we want the economy to tank.

But you have to see how that is not a pro-active policy. If you are anti-everything-Obama-does, then what happens when he does something you want? Like the times he has lower taxes, and the GOP opposed it. That's surreal!

The GOP is not FOR anything right now except maybe zero taxes. This is what I wonder about. What are you guys FOR? What has the GOP done that is positive for the economy?

How does Chuck Stupid Schumer say a thing like that and then expect Republican senators to work with him. That's the better question. You got an answer?

I doubt it's a problem. Schumer is just an unmitigated boob and everyone who works with him knows that and don't take him seriously.
Again, not relevant to what the GOP is doing, or not doing. What has the GOP done to help the economy along?

Are you kidding me...they passed numerous bills for jobs...well, they passed uh, 150 bills creating jobs...whats that now?...they passed bad.

Sorry, the GOP could care less about jobs even though they ran on job creations. They have the balls to say raising taxes on the top 1% will kill jobs? Really? What the fuck do they even know about job creations?

It's difficult to do when the Marxists control the Senate and the White House. But no worries, that will change in '12.

Can you name something they even attempted to pass that would create jobs? Just one thing please. No? Didnt think so.

Oh yeah, everything will change in 12.
That's every Republicans top priority. to defeat [Obama], that don't mean we want the economy to tank.

But you have to see how that is not a pro-active policy. If you are anti-everything-Obama-does, then what happens when he does something you want? Like the times he has lower taxes, and the GOP opposed it. That's surreal!

The GOP is not FOR anything right now except maybe zero taxes. This is what I wonder about. What are you guys FOR? What has the GOP done that is positive for the economy?

What does the GOP want? "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
Grover Norquist

And what does that mean? No meat inspections, No environmental protections, No civil rights protections, no consumer protections, no banking regulations (look where that's gotten us). It means the death of our Republic and a new nation conceived and dedicated to profit under the rule of Plutocrats.

So which do you think is worse? Republicans doing it on purpose or the Democrats doing it because they are too stupid to recognize what they are doing doesn't work and they won't stop because they are ideological fanatics?

They always defend stupidity... look at the fervor used to defend Obama, Gore, Kerry, Biden, Carter, etc.

Democrats really do make a good case that they don't just defend stupidity but they really are that stupid. The answer to any failed policy is that we didn't do enough. We didn't spend enough, we didn't regulate enough. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Ah, but if you do MORE of the same thing...
Can you name something they even attempted to pass that would create jobs? Just one thing please. No? Didnt think so.

Oh yeah, everything will change in 12.

Tax and spending cuts, and not nearly enough of them.

Liberals, you're funny. Government doesn't produce anything, so nothing that government spends can create wealth and therefore a job. Every government job comes from money confiscated from the private sector and therefore destroys jobs. Any government bill that warps the market creates economic inefficiency.

So, your liberal standard. For someone who accurately knows that government spending and market manipulation destroys value and reduces jobs, you're only going to accept bills that create jobs through government spending and market manipulation.


Liberals, gotta love em. Actually you don't...
How does Chuck ... Schumer say a thing like that and then expect Republican senators to work with him. That's the better question. You got an answer?

Yup, and I'll answer it after you answer my question, which I have posed now multiple times.

I'll answer WT, Schumer spoke the truth. Unlike the House where ideology is king, there are Republican Senators with a sense of independence, not all of them are afraid of Grover Norquist and some of them really do believe in Country First.

Tough love is necessary at times; the current state of our union is one of those times. Schumer's remarks were measured, unlike the comment recently where a Senator called the president a demagogue or when a member of House yelled out "liar" as the president spoke.

How can anyone whose signature line is "I hope he fails" question Schumer's observation? In your heart of hearts admit you hope the economy fails to recover and hope that alone prevents Obama's reelection.
What does the GOP want? "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
Grover Norquist

And what does that mean? No meat inspections, No environmental protections, No civil rights protections, no consumer protections, no banking regulations (look where that's gotten us). It means the death of our Republic and a new nation conceived and dedicated to profit under the rule of Plutocrats.

It means freedom for others, if they chose, then making a profit seems like a good use of that freedom. The worst part, be honest, is you realize you're going to have to work for the things you value that you listed. Work. Shudder. This must be stopped...
How does Chuck ... Schumer say a thing like that and then expect Republican senators to work with him. That's the better question. You got an answer?

Yup, and I'll answer it after you answer my question, which I have posed now multiple times.

I'll answer WT, Schumer spoke the truth. Unlike the House where ideology is king, there are Republican Senators with a sense of independence, not all of them are afraid of Grover Norquist and some of them really do believe in Country First.

Tough love is necessary at times; the current state of our union is one of those times. Schumer's remarks were measured, unlike the comment recently where a Senator called the president a demagogue or when a member of House yelled out "liar" as the president spoke.

How can anyone whose signature line is "I hope he fails" question Schumer's observation? In your heart of hearts admit you hope the economy fails to recover and hope that alone prevents Obama's reelection.

Obama is a demagogue and a liar, though I agree it was inappropriate to have called him a liar in that format. But your double standard is pathetic as Obama and the Democrats do that routinely in the same venues and that's just fine and dandy with you. Without holding yourself and your side to a standard, applying that standard to anyone else is just laughable.

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