Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Are you kidding me...they passed numerous bills for jobs...well, they passed uh, 150 bills creating jobs...whats that now?...they passed bad.

Sorry, the GOP could care less about jobs even though they ran on job creations. They have the balls to say raising taxes on the top 1% will kill jobs? Really? What the fuck do they even know about job creations?

It's difficult to do when the Marxists control the Senate and the White House. But no worries, that will change in '12.

Can you name something they even attempted to pass that would create jobs? Just one thing please. No? Didnt think so.

Oh yeah, everything will change in 12.

Thery're trying to get massive budget cuts. How's that going?
Are you kidding me...they passed numerous bills for jobs...well, they passed uh, 150 bills creating jobs...whats that now?...they passed bad.

Sorry, the GOP could care less about jobs even though they ran on job creations. They have the balls to say raising taxes on the top 1% will kill jobs? Really? What the fuck do they even know about job creations?

It's difficult to do when the Marxists control the Senate and the White House. But no worries, that will change in '12.

Can you name something they even attempted to pass that would create jobs? Just one thing please. No? Didnt think so.

Oh yeah, everything will change in 12.

Is that when the Nazis think they'll take over?
That's every Republicans top priority. to defeat [Obama], that don't mean we want the economy to tank.

But you have to see how that is not a pro-active policy. If you are anti-everything-Obama-does, then what happens when he does something you want? Like the times he has lower taxes, and the GOP opposed it. That's surreal!

The GOP is not FOR anything right now except maybe zero taxes. This is what I wonder about. What are you guys FOR? What has the GOP done that is positive for the economy?

What does the GOP want? "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
Grover Norquist

And what does that mean? No meat inspections, No environmental protections, No civil rights protections, no consumer protections, no banking regulations (look where that's gotten us). It means the death of our Republic and a new nation conceived and dedicated to profit under the rule of Plutocrats.


What a moron.

I've never seen so many hysterical platitudes and lies in a small space. You need some type of "Most Hysterical Marxist Talking Points" Award.

The Founding Fathers fought to get meat inspectors, environmental protections, civil rights, consumer protections, etc. etc., it's the (wait for it...wait...) DEATH (can you feel the icy finger of death on your neck) of our Republic!

As the meat inspectors go, so goes the USA

What a moron.

The shame of it is that you cancel some sane persons vote

What a moron.
Tax and spending cuts, and not nearly enough of them.
In this economic environment, tax cuts and spending cuts will NOT create jobs. Laying off tens of thousands of people and yanking contracts to private companies is not what we need now.

Every government job comes from money confiscated from the private sector and therefore destroys jobs.
I love how you guys keep putting this myth out there as if some day it will come true. A company sitting on $2T creates no jobs. None. Zero. Taxing that money, applying it to states who then use it to hire creates jobs. Period. Every time.

For someone who accurately knows that government spending and market manipulation destroys value and reduces jobs

So you "know" this but can't show how it works or why it works as you claim. Interesting.
It's difficult to do when the Marxists control the Senate and the White House. But no worries, that will change in '12.

Can you name something they even attempted to pass that would create jobs? Just one thing please. No? Didnt think so.

Oh yeah, everything will change in 12.

Thery're trying to get massive budget cuts. How's that going?

Budget cuts do not create jobs.

Try answering the question.
Tax and spending cuts, and not nearly enough of them.
In this economic environment, tax cuts and spending cuts will NOT create jobs. Laying off tens of thousands of people and yanking contracts to private companies is not what we need now.

Every government job comes from money confiscated from the private sector and therefore destroys jobs.
I love how you guys keep putting this myth out there as if some day it will come true. A company sitting on $2T creates no jobs. None. Zero. Taxing that money, applying it to states who then use it to hire creates jobs. Period. Every time.

For someone who accurately knows that government spending and market manipulation destroys value and reduces jobs

So you "know" this but can't show how it works or why it works as you claim. Interesting.

It's sad how little liberals understand about economics. For an economy to grow, it has to create wealth. Wealth is created when a company create a product or service which is greater then the sum of what it spent to create it. That wealth is reinvested in new projects, paid to shareholders, etc. Economic growth is the aggregate of what all the participants in the economy create.

Government at best spends without creating and at it's worst regulates and impedes companies from creating wealth. But no matter how you slice it, government spends and destroys value. Things like military are like insurance. You don't get wealthier by buying insurance (at least as a NPV), but you protect what you have.

Government spending and regulation don't create value, so they don't create wealth, and since they are spending the destroy it. If for whatever bizarre liberal belief you have in what's "fair" you want to redistribute wealth and destroy value I can disagree but I can't prove you wrong because it's your value. But to argue that government spending and regulation doesn't destroy wealth and cost us jobs is just disingenuous. Sorry.
Can you name something they even attempted to pass that would create jobs? Just one thing please. No? Didnt think so.

Oh yeah, everything will change in 12.

Thery're trying to get massive budget cuts. How's that going?

Budget cuts do not create jobs.

Try answering the question.
Well, it's true in that the budget cuts themselves don't create jobs. But budget cuts means the government is confiscating fewer resources from the private sector and the private sector spends the money to create wealth and that creates jobs.

The question was what policy can congress follow to create jobs, and the accurate answer to that was tax and spending cuts. But you do have to follow the logical chain to understand the answer.
What does the GOP want? "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
Grover Norquist

And what does that mean? No meat inspections, No environmental protections, No civil rights protections, no consumer protections, no banking regulations (look where that's gotten us). It means the death of our Republic and a new nation conceived and dedicated to profit under the rule of Plutocrats.

It means freedom for others, if they chose, then making a profit seems like a good use of that freedom. The worst part, be honest, is you realize you're going to have to work for the things you value that you listed. Work. Shudder. This must be stopped...

Two things.

First: ANY Constitutional right or expressed "value" can be taken to an extreme that few people could or would support (which is not to say that all people wouldn't support it). For example, should freedom include a person or a business owner being free to dump toxic waste in a river? The fact is that the rights of several persons or entities can and do come into conflict. If and when that happens, one person can't claim that his rights cancel out the rights of others.

Second: Many very wealthy people have never worked a day in their lives.
So which do you think is worse? Republicans doing it on purpose or the Democrats doing it because they are too stupid to recognize what they are doing doesn't work and they won't stop because they are ideological fanatics?

They always defend stupidity... look at the fervor used to defend Obama, Gore, Kerry, Biden, Carter, etc.

Democrats really do make a good case that they don't just defend stupidity but they really are that stupid. The answer to any failed policy is that we didn't do enough. We didn't spend enough, we didn't regulate enough. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Ah, but if you do MORE of the same thing...

A large stimulus well planned would not be doing the same thing. Obama erred, he seems to have actually believed the oppositon was honorable and would put country first. First mistake he made, and one he keeps making.

That aside, the Republicans seem to be the insane crowd, as they continue to harp the same old theme: cut taxes, cut regulations, cut government. It too has never been done, for a different reason. Obama was too willing to compromise; Republicans only hate entitlements and earmarks that go to someone else, The ones they get are good and benefit the economy - they trickle down, don't they?
Some people are saying no, see the 'argument' against, here:

Schumer's conspiracy theory: GOP sabotaging recovery | David Freddoso | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

The evidence suggests Schumer's on to something. The House of Representatives has offered no debate on the issue of unemployment and has passed only 18 bills since taking control in January. 15 of those bills were passed to name federal buildings after someone. This do-nothing congress sees no urgency as millions of Americans are out of work, work one or two or three part time jobs simply to pay rent or the morgage on a home underwater.

The GOP leadership in both houses of congress has opposed all efforts by the president, and even turned down an offer by President Obama to reduce the payroll tax for businees. It seems ideology is only an excuse, the real reason is their lust for power.

Well coming from a known tyrant, I'm sure you didn't do any checking on these supposed facts.

Like, what was attached to the payroll cuts.
Or the vast affect of obamas failed spending
The fact that obama put none of that money into shovel ready jobs
Or the fact that he's been to 3 times as many fund raisers instead of doing his own job.


Who's killing America? The DNC
What does the GOP want? "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
Grover Norquist

And what does that mean? No meat inspections, No environmental protections, No civil rights protections, no consumer protections, no banking regulations (look where that's gotten us). It means the death of our Republic and a new nation conceived and dedicated to profit under the rule of Plutocrats.

It means freedom for others, if they chose, then making a profit seems like a good use of that freedom. The worst part, be honest, is you realize you're going to have to work for the things you value that you listed. Work. Shudder. This must be stopped...

Two things.

First: ANY Constitutional right or expressed "value" can be taken to an extreme that few people could or would support (which is not to say that all people wouldn't support it). For example, should freedom include a person or a business owner being free to dump toxic waste in a river? The fact is that the rights of several persons or entities can and do come into conflict. If and when that happens, one person can't claim that his rights cancel out the rights of others.

I agree, but I addressed the list of things that were actually listed. The ones that were listed involved work on the part of the individual. You listed someone causing harm to others, a different category.

Second: Many very wealthy people have never worked a day in their lives.

Statistically most millionaires did. But as for the ones who didn't, someone did and gave them the money and since they did earn it that was their right. And if their progeny don't recognize the value of money they won't have it for too many generations either.
Economic growth is the aggregate of what all the participants in the economy create.

Aggregate Spending is Y = C+I+G+X-M

Perhaps you don't know what the G stands for in that formula. Why don't you look it up, and then we can talk about how the Government takes away from the economy.
Economic growth is the aggregate of what all the participants in the economy create.

Aggregate Spending is Y = C+I+G+X-M

Perhaps you don't know what the G stands for in that formula. Why don't you look it up, and then we can talk about how the Government takes away from the economy.

Considering the Government creates nothing and only functions because of its ability to take money from the private sector, it stands to reason that the larger "G" is, the smaller the other will be and that means less available to feed "G" and ultimately, the smaller "Y" is... please note present conditions.

Got it??
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Well, it's true in that the budget cuts themselves don't create jobs.
Thank you for at least acknowledging this reality.

But budget cuts means the government is confiscating fewer resources from the private sector and the private sector spends the money to create wealth and that creates jobs.
False assumption. As we can see right now, businesses are sitting on $2T in cash, and that number is growing. They are not spending it on investment and they are not spending it on job creation. Giving them more money now serves as no guarantee that they will suddenly start hiring.

This is the flaw of supply-side theory, this idea that a company will always make a good and expand because that good will always be consumed. Consumers cannot buy goods if they don't have money to do it. Right now, we have a demand side problem and that is what needs to be addressed. Millions of people are out of work and their only income is government support, which you all hate in theory, and we all hate because it's not as good as a real job.


Fix the job problem and govt spending naturally goes down, tax revenue goes up, business inventory goes down and production must go up. That is how you get a sustainable recovery.

The GOP has done nothing, NOTHING, to try and create jobs.
Well, it's true in that the budget cuts themselves don't create jobs.
Thank you for at least acknowledging this reality.

But budget cuts means the government is confiscating fewer resources from the private sector and the private sector spends the money to create wealth and that creates jobs.
False assumption. As we can see right now, businesses are sitting on $2T in cash, and that number is growing. They are not spending it on investment and they are not spending it on job creation. Giving them more money now serves as no guarantee that they will suddenly start hiring.

This is the flaw of supply-side theory, this idea that a company will always make a good and expand because that good will always be consumed. Consumers cannot buy goods if they don't have money to do it. Right now, we have a demand side problem and that is what needs to be addressed. Millions of people are out of work and their only income is government support, which you all hate in theory, and we all hate because it's not as good as a real job.


Fix the job problem and govt spending naturally goes down, tax revenue goes up, business inventory goes down and production must go up. That is how you get a sustainable recovery.

The GOP has done nothing, NOTHING, to try and create jobs.

Good God.. really?

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