Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Yeah, Bush's debt was awful.

But Obama's debt is good and righteous and holy.

Right, Chris?

wasn't obama part of that congress and also agreed with it?

So the Bush tax cuts and the Bush wars are Obama's fault???


Here's your post dingbat

The Republicans destroyed our economy by allowing Wall Street to run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme.

They also created 93% of the National Debt by starting two wars and lowering taxes for the rich.

Now they are shocked, shocked I say, that we have high unemployment and debt.

The GOP is the biggest piece of shit on the planet.

This is a demonstration of the point we just made. "Wall Street" didn't fail, some companies did. Then you (the left) bail them out, force them to play by your rules and control Wall Street. Our solution would have been to let the firms that failed fail. But you use it to expand government control, which you wanted anyway, and blame the people who don't support and didn't want what you did.

Actually Bush and Congress bailed them out.

But as I said, Bush's SEC allowed Wall Street to run a Ponzi scheme.

And Bush lowered taxes for the rich, started two unfunded wars and a trillion dollar Medicare drug program, all of which doubled the National Debt.

Nice try at deflecting, however.

You're blaming Bush and Congress. obama was also part of that Congress and wanted to bail them out. So why are you bashing Bush and Congress but giving obama a pass?
Yes. The GOP is clearly intentionally preventing a recovery.

The GOP forced Obama to pass a stimulus that became a slush fund for Democrat Contributers.

The GOP forced Obama to continue spending and didn't fight for a single spending cut.

The GOP forced Obama to continually interfere, increase instability in the market with Obamacare, and refuse to lower the tax burden on Americans.

Yes, clearly its the GOP who has forced Obama into all these bad policies despite him having 2 years of complete control of every branch of government, despite him getting practically everything he has ever wanted passed.

Blame the GOP. Because otherwise you might have to take responsible for your sorry life. And we can't have that can we?

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

We probably needed more stimulus.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

Now we have had 16 straight months of private sector job growth.

that's a goddamn lie you cannot substantiate.

As a matter of fact you're a fool for suggesting such a notion.

I'm tring to figure out why he's lying like this on a discussion board.
Yes they are. And this isn't the first time or even the worst thing they've done. Remember how they responded to the terrorists attacks on Clinton's watch? Did you see them rushing out all sorts of anti terrorism legislation back then? No, you didn't, because for the Republicans us being attacked while a Democrat was in the White House was a political plus

I am sure you were 100% behind the Patriot Act that Bush signed into law.

Do you really think that Clinton's response to the terrorist attacks while he was in office warranted anti-terrorist legislation? Clinton considered the first attack on the World Trade Center a law enforcement problem. He had a Democrat majority in the House and the Senate at the time and I didn't see any rush for anti-terrorist legislation from them.

As I recall, Clinton wouldn't even acknowledge that the attack on the USS Cole was a terrorist act, and he damned well didn't ask for any legislation.
Bombing of Iraq (December 1998): Operation Desert Fox
December 16–19, 1998

The December 1998 bombing of Iraq (code-named Operation Desert Fox) was a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets from December 16–19, 1998 by the United States and United Kingdom. The contemporaneous justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions as well as their interference with United Nations Special Commission inspectors. .....

The main targets of the bombing included weapons research and development installations, air defense systems, weapon and supply depots, and the barracks and command headquarters of Saddam's elite Republican Guard .....

Some critics of the Clinton administration expressed concern over the timing of Operation Desert Fox. The four-day bombing campaign occurred at the same time the U.S. House of Representatives was conducting the impeachment hearing of President Clinton.
This attack was successful in destroying much of Saddam's capacity to manufacture WMD, which made Bush's invasion of Iraq largely redundant. Clinton was widely criticized by the opposition for the timing of this attack, but in retrospect, it was far more effective than anyone realized.
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The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

We probably needed more stimulus.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

Now we have had 16 straight months of private sector job growth.

that's a goddamn lie you cannot substantiate.

As a matter of fact you're a fool for suggesting such a notion.

I'm tring to figure out why he's lying like this on a discussion board.

Hes lying because hes regurgitating bullshit he has recently read.

In short he's an asshat...

I suppose one would have to be knowingly deceiving to lie - that cat is just stupid.

Maybe I misspoke and accused the child of ideas that are out of its control.
Yes they are. And this isn't the first time or even the worst thing they've done. Remember how they responded to the terrorists attacks on Clinton's watch? Did you see them rushing out all sorts of anti terrorism legislation back then? No, you didn't, because for the Republicans us being attacked while a Democrat was in the White House was a political plus

I am sure you were 100% behind the Patriot Act that Bush signed into law.

Do you really think that Clinton's response to the terrorist attacks while he was in office warranted anti-terrorist legislation? Clinton considered the first attack on the World Trade Center a law enforcement problem. He had a Democrat majority in the House and the Senate at the time and I didn't see any rush for anti-terrorist legislation from them.

As I recall, Clinton wouldn't even acknowledge that the attack on the USS Cole was a terrorist act, and he damned well didn't ask for any legislation.
Bombing of Iraq (December 1998): Operation Desert Fox
December 16–19, 1998

The December 1998 bombing of Iraq (code-named Operation Desert Fox) was a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets from December 16–19, 1998 by the United States and United Kingdom. The contemporaneous justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions as well as their interference with United Nations Special Commission inspectors. .....

The main targets of the bombing included weapons research and development installations, air defense systems, weapon and supply depots, and the barracks and command headquarters of Saddam's elite Republican Guard .....

Some critics of the Clinton administration expressed concern over the timing of Operation Desert Fox. The four-day bombing campaign occurred at the same time the U.S. House of Representatives was conducting the impeachment hearing of President Clinton.
This attack was successful in destroying much of Saddam's capacity to manufacture WMD, which made Bush's invasion of Iraq largely redundant. Clinton was widely criticized by the opposition for the timing of this attack, but in retrospect, it was far more effective than anyone realized.

I'd bet my soul there is a bunker somewhere in Iraq with WMD's.

Without question they're there.

Saddam and sons were too narcissistic not to have them, not to mention daddy used them.

In 150 years don't be shocked if a camel and its rider falls into a military bunker with WMD's.

Saddam was evil but he wasn't a stupid person - neither were his sons.
I am sure you were 100% behind the Patriot Act that Bush signed into law.

Do you really think that Clinton's response to the terrorist attacks while he was in office warranted anti-terrorist legislation? Clinton considered the first attack on the World Trade Center a law enforcement problem. He had a Democrat majority in the House and the Senate at the time and I didn't see any rush for anti-terrorist legislation from them.

As I recall, Clinton wouldn't even acknowledge that the attack on the USS Cole was a terrorist act, and he damned well didn't ask for any legislation.
Bombing of Iraq (December 1998): Operation Desert Fox
December 16–19, 1998

The December 1998 bombing of Iraq (code-named Operation Desert Fox) was a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets from December 16–19, 1998 by the United States and United Kingdom. The contemporaneous justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions as well as their interference with United Nations Special Commission inspectors. .....

The main targets of the bombing included weapons research and development installations, air defense systems, weapon and supply depots, and the barracks and command headquarters of Saddam's elite Republican Guard .....

Some critics of the Clinton administration expressed concern over the timing of Operation Desert Fox. The four-day bombing campaign occurred at the same time the U.S. House of Representatives was conducting the impeachment hearing of President Clinton.
This attack was successful in destroying much of Saddam's capacity to manufacture WMD, which made Bush's invasion of Iraq largely redundant. Clinton was widely criticized by the opposition for the timing of this attack, but in retrospect, it was far more effective than anyone realized.

I'd bet my soul there is a bunker somewhere in Iraq with WMD's.

Without question they're there.

Saddam and sons were too narcissistic not to have them, not to mention daddy used them.

In 150 years don't be shocked if a camel and its rider falls into a military bunker with WMD's.

Saddam was evil but he wasn't a stupid person - neither were his sons.
If Saddam had WMD, why didn't he use them against the Americans - especially when were marching into Bagdad?

If you're a dictator with WMD and don't use them as a last resort - now that's stupid!
The Republicans destroyed our economy by allowing Wall Street to run a $516 trillion dollar derivative Ponzi scheme.

They also created 93% of the National Debt by starting two wars and lowering taxes for the rich.

Now they are shocked, shocked I say, that we have high unemployment and debt.

The GOP is the biggest piece of shit on the planet.

This is a demonstration of the point we just made. "Wall Street" didn't fail, some companies did. Then you (the left) bail them out, force them to play by your rules and control Wall Street. Our solution would have been to let the firms that failed fail. But you use it to expand government control, which you wanted anyway, and blame the people who don't support and didn't want what you did.

"The Left" didn't do any such thing. That was Bush, Paulson, and the establishment wing of the Republican Party who did ALL the bailouts, using fear of catastrophe. Bush even started the auto industry bailout that "The Right" wanted to blame on Obama (until it was a stunning success).

Please link to the Democrat who was driving the bus on pushing TARP.
Actually Bush and Congress bailed them out.

But as I said, Bush's SEC allowed Wall Street to run a Ponzi scheme.

And Bush lowered taxes for the rich, started two unfunded wars and a trillion dollar Medicare drug program, all of which doubled the National Debt.

Nice try at deflecting, however.
Yeah, Bush's debt was awful.

But Obama's debt is good and righteous and holy.

Right, Chris?
Obama added Bush's wars and drug plan which were previously not on the budget. That's $Trillions.

While this is true, I doubt that daveman has a clue what it means, so I will explain it to him: Bush paid for the wars through supplemental bills, avoiding putting it in the budget. It was accounting sleight-of-hand. When Obama took office, he clearly and plainly announced that he was correcting the accounting, which made all of the debt....yes, accountable.

Which is another example of Obama doing the correct thing, to his political detriment, because the Rightwing has no shame, and will lie repeatedly that it's all Obama's debt.
Same as it ever was.
Alright, Obama is incompetent because he cannot do anything as the President according to Obamaphiles.

Well then--tell us what Obama has done RIGHT?

View attachment 14562

Who keeps letting these moron posters in????

If you have a stimulus, idiot, then by definition the money doled out for different 'stimulative projects' will be pork!

If - as part of the stimulus - $43 million goes to building a section of Interstate in Nebraska, putting hundreds or even thousands of people to work, THAT'S PORK!!!

Why is that bad?
More negative interest rates, this time from our own Treasury:

The crisis in Europe, the disaster in Japan, the concerns about China, and the clear faltering of the global recovery have sent investors rushing to buy the one asset they still consider safe: Treasury debt. They have become such eager customers for Treasury debt that the real rate has turned negative. That is to say, the market will actually pay us to issue 5, 7, or 10-year debt and take their money. This isn’t just free money. It’s better than free money. If a corporation was being offered these rates and refused to take them, the board of directors would fire the CEO.

Just how many institutions will make Todd look like a fool? We have three so far . . . :lol:
More negative interest rates, this time from our own Treasury:

The crisis in Europe, the disaster in Japan, the concerns about China, and the clear faltering of the global recovery have sent investors rushing to buy the one asset they still consider safe: Treasury debt. They have become such eager customers for Treasury debt that the real rate has turned negative. That is to say, the market will actually pay us to issue 5, 7, or 10-year debt and take their money. This isn’t just free money. It’s better than free money. If a corporation was being offered these rates and refused to take them, the board of directors would fire the CEO.

Just how many institutions will make Todd look like a fool? We have three so far . . . :lol:

How many times will Synth show he doesn't know what a Central bank is.....too many to count so far.
Yeah, Bush's debt was awful.

But Obama's debt is good and righteous and holy.

Right, Chris?
Obama added Bush's wars and drug plan which were previously not on the budget. That's $Trillions.

While this is true, I doubt that daveman has a clue what it means, so I will explain it to him: Bush paid for the wars through supplemental bills, avoiding putting it in the budget. It was accounting sleight-of-hand. When Obama took office, he clearly and plainly announced that he was correcting the accounting, which made all of the debt....yes, accountable.

Which is another example of Obama doing the correct thing, to his political detriment, because the Rightwing has no shame, and will lie repeatedly that it's all Obama's debt.

Bush had two wqars with trillions being spent, what is obama's excuse for the 16 trillion dollars we don't have?
Yeah, Bush's debt was awful.

But Obama's debt is good and righteous and holy.

Right, Chris?
Obama added Bush's wars and drug plan which were previously not on the budget. That's $Trillions.

While this is true, I doubt that daveman has a clue what it means, so I will explain it to him: Bush paid for the wars through supplemental bills, avoiding putting it in the budget. It was accounting sleight-of-hand. When Obama took office, he clearly and plainly announced that he was correcting the accounting, which made all of the debt....yes, accountable.

Which is another example of Obama doing the correct thing, to his political detriment, because the Rightwing has no shame, and will lie repeatedly that it's all Obama's debt.

While this is true, I doubt that daveman has a clue what it means, so I will explain it to him: Bush paid for the wars through supplemental bills, avoiding putting it in the budget. It was accounting sleight-of-hand.

So what?
The spending still shows up in the annual deficit numbers.
An economy in the shitter is the GOP's ticket to the White House.

True, but it's a very difficult to implement because our economy is very resilient. You have to be dedicated to destroying it, you can't just try to trip it. You know, like blame American business for all our problems, say banks and oil companies in particular. Saddle business with endless taxes and regulations. Increase government spending from say 20 to 25% of GDP. Government say would borrow 40% of every dollar it spends while refusing to even consider cutting benefits to entitlement programs driving us bankrups. Oh, and wow, what if government moved to take over another 20% of our economy, like the medical industry.

Yes indeed, it would take a concerted plot of economic destruction to do all those things and keep the economy in the shitter. But seriously who would be malignant enough to do all that?
An economy in the shitter is the GOP's ticket to the White House.


POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y., Aug. 12 (UPI) -- Voters do not blame U.S. President Barack Obama for the dismal shape of the economy, a McClatchy-Marist poll indicated Friday.

When asked if Obama is responsible for economic conditions, 59 percent of the poll respondents said no and 33 percent said yes.

Read more: Marist poll: Obama not blamed for economy -

You were saying?

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