Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

More negative interest rates, this time from our own Treasury:

The crisis in Europe, the disaster in Japan, the concerns about China, and the clear faltering of the global recovery have sent investors rushing to buy the one asset they still consider safe: Treasury debt. They have become such eager customers for Treasury debt that the real rate has turned negative. That is to say, the market will actually pay us to issue 5, 7, or 10-year debt and take their money. This isn’t just free money. It’s better than free money. If a corporation was being offered these rates and refused to take them, the board of directors would fire the CEO.

Just how many institutions will make Todd look like a fool? We have three so far . . . :lol:

How many times will Synth show he doesn't know what a Central bank is.....too many to count so far.
I haven't talked about any Central banks. That's wholly your deflection.
More negative interest rates, this time from our own Treasury:

The crisis in Europe, the disaster in Japan, the concerns about China, and the clear faltering of the global recovery have sent investors rushing to buy the one asset they still consider safe: Treasury debt. They have become such eager customers for Treasury debt that the real rate has turned negative. That is to say, the market will actually pay us to issue 5, 7, or 10-year debt and take their money. This isn’t just free money. It’s better than free money. If a corporation was being offered these rates and refused to take them, the board of directors would fire the CEO.

Just how many institutions will make Todd look like a fool? We have three so far . . . :lol:

How many times will Synth show he doesn't know what a Central bank is.....too many to count so far.
I haven't talked about any Central banks. That's wholly your deflection.

Sure you did, right here.

"Maybe we need to follow Sweden's lead and have a negative interest rate for excess bank reserves"
Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?
Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?

I love the circular logic from Romney. Corporations are people, and corporations are doing very well for themselves, therefore people are doing very well for themselves. Attaboy! :clap2:
The fact of the matter is that this President has run out of ideas to fix the economy two years into his first term. He tried a Keynesian fiscal approach...spent a trillion dollars and unemployment went up. Now the stimulus money is gone and he's back looking for more to do the same thing again. Why? Because that's the only thing he knows. The thing that has prevented an economic recovery isn't the's progressives and progressive policy. Sorry to point out the obvious, Kiddies...but when you controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office for two's REALLY hard to blame the "other guys".

Not that you won't try...
I love the circular logic from Romney. Corporations are people, and corporations are doing very well for themselves, therefore people are doing very well for themselves. Attaboy! :clap2:

When did Romney ever claim people were doing well for themselves?

It sounds more like your straw man argument than anything Romney ever said.

If it was for logical fallacies and outright lies, what kind of arguments would you have?
I love the circular logic from Romney. Corporations are people, and corporations are doing very well for themselves, therefore people are doing very well for themselves. Attaboy! :clap2:

Corporations are shareholders, management, employees, customers and vendors. Which of those groups are you thinking are not "people?"
Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?

What jobs bill did the democratic super majority held congress and white house pass that has worked?
Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?
Maybe if you take money away from them they'll create jobs.
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Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?
Maybe if you take money away from them they'll create jobs.

I have had many from the left tell me taking more from me means I have more.

I asked them to show me that on a spread sheet, and they went silent.

I dont know why :lmao:
Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?
Maybe if you take money away from them they'll create jobs.

For the Left it never really is about creating jobs
Just like the main goal of PapaObama care was never really about health care
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Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?

The House did pass a jobs bill.

US House Votes 245-189 to Repeal Obamacare, More Votes than the 219 that Passed Obamacare | Scared Monkeys
The American voter is sill laughing about this one
Pelosi: Obamacare Will Supply 400,000 Jobs Almost Immediately!

[ame=]Pelosi: Obamacare Will Supply 400,000 Jobs Almost Immediately! - YouTube[/ame]
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Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?
Maybe if you take money away from them they'll create jobs.

I have had many from the left tell me taking more from me means I have more.

I asked them to show me that on a spread sheet, and they went silent.

I dont know why :lmao:
So, if they take everything away from you, you're infinitely wealthy?
Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?
Maybe if you take money away from them they'll create jobs.

For the Left it never really is about creating jobs
Just like the main goal of PapaObama care was never really about health care
Of course not. The left doesn't care about people -- just political power.
From today:

An opportunity we can’t afford to miss

By Ezra Klein

(Tobey - The Washington Post) This is going to be the most boring sentence I have ever included in a column, but it might also be the most important: The real yield on Treasury debt has, in recent months, turned negative. Sound impenetrably dull? Sure. But here’s what it means: free money!

Let’s start by defining some terms: The “yield” on Treasury debt is how much the government pays to borrow money. The “real yield” is how much it pays to borrow money after accounting for inflation. When the “real yield” turns negative, it means the government isn’t paying to borrow money anymore. Rather, the situation has flipped, and the government is getting paid to keep money safe.

Poor Todd. :lol:
Why has the House of Representatives not passed a jobs bill?

If tax cuts help the unemployed as tickledowers believe, wouldn't we have far less unemployment?

Taxes were cut ten years ago, and a second round of tax cuts passed in 2003, both benefitting the so- called yet unproven job creating class? What have they done with this bonus?

What gives?

Several Republican members of the echo chamber have take my post above and responded with their usual idiotgrams. As usual none of their comments are substantive, thoughtful or in one case rational.

The fact exists that no jobs bill has been introduced by the Boehner/Cantor leadership; most of their efforts have been put into naming public buildings, in pleasing the extreme conservative base and in attacking the president.

Of course that's politics as usual with one fundamental difference, today millions of Americans are suffering. This pain is being exploited by the Republicans, demagogues, charlatans and the usual fools who parrot divisive comments from leaders of the idiot fringe of the New Right.
I used words in the post above which likely need to be defined for some on this message board:


a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than he or she possesses; quack.

impostor, mountebank, fraud, fake, phony.


a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.

a politician or orator who treats or manipulates (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.
From today:

An opportunity we can’t afford to miss

By Ezra Klein

(Tobey - The Washington Post) This is going to be the most boring sentence I have ever included in a column, but it might also be the most important: The real yield on Treasury debt has, in recent months, turned negative. Sound impenetrably dull? Sure. But here’s what it means: free money!

Let’s start by defining some terms: The “yield” on Treasury debt is how much the government pays to borrow money. The “real yield” is how much it pays to borrow money after accounting for inflation. When the “real yield” turns negative, it means the government isn’t paying to borrow money anymore. Rather, the situation has flipped, and the government is getting paid to keep money safe.

Poor Todd. :lol:

Let me know when you learn what a Central Bank is and how it's different than the Treasury. :cuckoo:

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