Is the Jack Smith indictment of Donald Trump "Election Interference"? (Poll)

Is Jack Smith's indictment of Trump in the 2024 presidential election cycle election interference?

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 35 39.3%

  • Total voters
Trump didn't win the nomination yet, stay tuned.
Biden is senile and getting worse.
He can't do a real press conference.
He falls a lot.
There is no fucking way he'd win in 2024.
Its just a matter who Republicans put up.

It really doesn't. The GOP is fucked either way. If Trump gets the nomination, the GOP is fronting their weakest candidate that almost half the electorate won't vote for under any circumstance. And one that Biden beat easily in a landslide victory.

If Trump doesn't win the nomination....he snivels like a little bitch about how he was cheated and how unfair the primary was. Just like he did in Iowa in 2016.

And torches the GOP to the ground as he splits the party.

You're fucked either way.
Good that we can agree on something.

Though your expectations on court date are baseless and will surely be proven false.

Given the number of charges, and number of courts,Trump will have many court dates between now and election

Starting tomorrow
It really doesn't. The GOP is fucked either way. If Trump gets the nomination, the GOP is fronting their weakest candidate that almost half the electorate won't vote for under any circumstance. And one that Biden beat easily in a landslide victory.
If Trump doesn't win the nomination....he snivels like a little bitch about how he was cheated and how unfair the primary was. Just like he did in Iowa in 2016.
And torches the GOP to the ground as he splits the party. You're fucked either way.
1. If Trump gets the GOP nomination he wins. He lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes, AFTER the FBI Gestapo and the CIA traitors put their thumbs on the scale, and after Zuckerbucks and the other hi-tech oligarchs also put their thumbs on the scale. 2020 was no landslide, 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI decided the election. Biden has the country 75% say on the WRONG TRACK. Biden is toast.

2. If Trump doesn't win the nomination, and say Desantis wins it, Biden is toast, at 83-86 years old it 50/50 he's still on the right side of the grass on election day. Trump won't split the party. He'll be up to his ass with legal problems to deal with, or he'll be in prison.

3. Democrats are the one's who are fucked. Cornel West announced he's running 3rd party.
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1. If Trump gets the GOP nomination he wins. He lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes, AFTER the FBI Gestapo and the CIA traitors put their thumbs on the scale, and after Zuckerbucks and the other hi-tech oligarchs also put their thumbs on the scale. 2020 was no landslide, 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI decided the election. Biden has the country 75% say on the WRONG TRACK. Biden is toast.

2. If Trump doesn't win the nomination, and say Desantis wins it, Biden is toast, at 83-86 years old it 50/50 he's still on the right side of the grass on election day. Trump won't split the party. He'll be up to his ass with legal problems to deal with.

3. Democrats are the one's who are fucked. Cornel West announced he's running 3rd party.
Biden 306
Trump 232

Nothing has changed
You actually believe they can prove espionage!
I believe that the espionage act is a misnomer. The reason it is used because it handles the willful retention of national defense documents.

This whole idea. Something apparently is the newest (non)-defense used by Trump defenders. Seems to be that Trump didn't commit espionage therefor he was overcharged.

This is BS propagated by people who know better but know that someone like you neither knows nor care's how the espionage act is used in real life.

All people charged under the espionage act. NONE of them shared information with foreigners.
1. If Trump gets the GOP nomination he wins. He lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes, AFTER the FBI Gestapo and the CIA traitors put their thumbs on the scale, and after Zuckerbucks and the other hi-tech oligarchs also put their thumbs on the scale. 2020 was no landslide, 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI decided the election. Biden has the country 75% say on the WRONG TRACK. Biden is toast.

2. If Trump doesn't win the nomination, and say Desantis wins it, Biden is toast, at 83-86 years old it 50/50 he's still on the right side of the grass on election day. Trump won't split the party. He'll be up to his ass with legal problems to deal with, or he'll be in prison.

3. Democrats are the one's who are fucked. Cornel West announced he's running 3rd party.

Not a landslide? In 2016, Trump won 304-227. That was a landslide...


But Biden winning 306-232 is not??
That is completely untrue. You need to go read Comey's verdict. He didnt say she didnt do anything wrong. He said she did A LOT wrong.
Yes and then he said that "no reasonable prosecutor" would charge her with doing anything wrong going by precedent. This bore out by the fact that 4 years under Trump didn't produce any charge. Despite him calling for it and a DOJ that showed itself to be not shy in doing the presidents bidding.
1. If Trump gets the GOP nomination he wins. He lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes, AFTER the FBI Gestapo and the CIA traitors put their thumbs on the scale, and after Zuckerbucks and the other hi-tech oligarchs also put their thumbs on the scale. 2020 was no landslide, 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI decided the election. Biden has the country 75% say on the WRONG TRACK. Biden is toast.

Biden won by more than 7 million votes and with more electoral votes than Trump managed in 2016.

It was a landslide.

Trump's obsession with 2020 is not helping him. Voters want answers and plans for the issues we face today. Trump wants to soothe his ego and focus on his failures in the past.

And that's BEFORE J6 and Trump's inept failures, BEFORE Trump's supporters attacked our capitol, BEFORE his company was convicted of fraud, BEFORE he lied about classified docs, BEFORE 71 felony indictments, BEFORE threatening the Georgia Secretary of State, BEFORE calling for the termination of the constitution and for himself to be declared the winner.

He'll be obliterated. Trump is the best case scenario for Biden.

2. If Trump doesn't win the nomination, and say Desantis wins it, Biden is toast, at 83-86 years old it 50/50 he's still on the right side of the grass on election day. Trump won't split the party. He'll be up to his ass with legal problems to deal with.

Again, nonsense. Trump always has time to whine online. He always has time to claim he's a victim. How much time would it take to Tweet out something like this:


Trump would snivel, whine, make up brand new conspiracies, claim fraud, claim the election was stolen (sound familiar?) this time with the GOP as the target.

And obliterate the GOP. As Trump has built the MAGA movement around personal loyalty to him. Not the GOP.

If he tells them not to vote or tries a third party run, tens of millions of GOP voters will follow him.

You're *fucked*.
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Biden won by more than 7 million votes and with more electoral votes than Trump managed in 2016.
It was a landslide.
Trump's obsession with 2020 is not helping him. Voters want answers and plans for the issues we face today. Trump wants to soothe his ego and focus on his failures in the past.
He'll be obliterated. Trump is the best case scenario for Biden.
Again, nonsense. Trump always has time to whine online. He always has time to claim he's a victim. How much time would it take to Tweet out something like this:
Trump would snivel, whine, make up brand new conspiracies, claim fraud, claim the election was stolen (sound familiar?) this time with the GOP as the target.
And obliterate the GOP. As Trump has built the MAGA movement around personal loyalty to him. Not the GOP.
If he tells them not to vote or tries a third party run, tens of millions of GOP voters will follow him.

Democrats lost House seats in 2020. It was no "landslide".
In 2020 Biden looked like a nice guy.
In 2023 Biden is a senile idiot who 75% say has the country on the wrong track.
In 2024 Biden will get beat like a special needs baby seal.

Not by Trump who inspired J6, continues to lie about the election being stolen, and now being indicted on 71 felonies in 2 courts; with more potentially coming.

Sure, that shit resonates among the right and he'll easily win the primaries. But add Democrats and Independents in the general and I don't see Trump winning, no matter who he's against.

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