Zone1 Is the Pope worthy of the title "Holy Father" just like God?

Are you worthy of 'child of God" you hypocrite of great proportioni.

1 JOHN 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

I see a battle of the church’s.
If Catholics can refer to their leader on earth as “ holy father”, you have to admit, it’s good one up man ship over other Christian sects.
Are you worthy of 'child of God" you hypocrite of great proportioni.

1 JOHN 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

Praise the Zionists' gowd and pass the US made ammunition!
The pope and all priests, reverends or rabbis are deserving of anything he requests and his parish or congregation is willing to bestow on him. After all, it’s a gathering of believers. If they believe something strong enough, sure, go for it.
Belief? Is not enough, Demons believe and tremble in fear. "You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble." -- James 2:19

Indeed the term "Believer" is used in scripture to denote/identify Christians who have entered the kingdom/church of Jesus Christ, "And believers were increasingly added onto The Lord, multitudes of both men and women." -- Acts 15:4 also stated in (Acts 10:45, 16:1, 2 Cor. 6:15, 1 Thess. 1:7, 2:10, 1 Tim. 4:10, 5:16, 6:2, 1 Peter 1:21).

But.......every person that believes is not necessarily "saved" or added to the kingdom. There is more required to enter the kingdom than belief alone. "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you will receive the GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT" -- Acts 2:38.

Another example: Cornelius was a man of FAITH/BELIEF in that he believed in God. (Acts 10:2), but......God instructed him to send for the Apostle Peter and Peter would tell him what must be done to enter the kingdom of Christ (Acts 11:14) He, Cornelius did not became a true believer until he acted or presented the works of one that believes in a demonstration of his faith.

What did Peter tell Cornelius? All those in the household that heard Peter preach the gospel truth........believed, and were Baptized in water (which represents a physical death/burial and resurrection into a new man/woman. Baptism is a required work of faith. (Acts 10:47-48). Even though the Holy Spirit fell upon the house of Cornelius, they did not enter the kingdom/church until they were baptized. The Holy Spirit fell upon this gentile household like it did upon the Jews in Acts 2, none of the Jews present when the Spirit fell upon the 12 were saved......allowed to enter the kingdom until they repented and were baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Spirit fell upon the household of Cornelius also as it did upon the Jews in Acts prove that Christianity was acceptable to gentiles as well as Jews. There are only 2 records of anyone being baptized in the Holy Spirit in the entire New Testament. Once on the day of Pentecost following the ascension of Christ into heaven and at the house of Cornelius (a gentile family) -- Acts 10

"Yea, man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works; show me thou faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works." -- James 2:17

Faith without WORKS is DEAD. (James 2:17). Not everyone who claims they believe will find salvation. "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord! will enter the kingdom of heaven (the church/kingdom of Christ, kingdom of God........all are used synonymously in the N.T. record).......depart from Me, I never knew you........" -- Matt. 7:21-23

Jesus declared that man made traditions were not acceptable doctrine in the eyes of God.......traditions make the Scriptures none effective. Jesus informed those of the 1st century of this truth, TRADITIONS, "make the Word of God (scripture) of no effect .........through traditions that ye have delivered; and many such things ye do....." -- Mark 7:13, Matt. 15:6

If something was TRUE in the 1st century...........God looks down upon man made traditions taking the place of His Holy Scriptures......its just as true in the 21st century, Truth does not evolve.
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Belief? Is not enough, Demons believe and tremble in fear. "You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble." -- James 2:19

Indeed the term "Believer" is used in scripture to denote/identify Christians who have entered the kingdom/church of Jesus Christ, "And believers were increasingly added onto The Lord, multitudes of both men and women." -- Acts 15:4 also stated in (Acts 10:45, 16:1, 2 Cor. 6:15, 1 Thess. 1:7, 2:10, 1 Tim. 4:10, 5:16, 6:2, 1 Peter 1:21).

But.......every person that believes is not necessarily "saved" or added to the kingdom. There is more required to enter the kingdom than belief alone. "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you will receive the GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT" -- Acts 2:38.

Another example: Cornelius was a man of FAITH/BELIEF in that he believed in God. (Acts 10:2), but......God instructed him to send for the Apostle Peter and Peter would tell him what must be done to enter the kingdom of Christ (Acts 11:14) He, Cornelius did not became a true believer until he acted or presented the works of one that believes in a demonstration of his faith.

What did Peter tell Cornelius? All those in the household that heard Peter preach the gospel truth........believed, and were Baptized in water (which represents a physical death/burial and resurrection into a new man/woman. Baptism is a required work of faith. (Acts 10:47-48). Even though the Holy Spirit fell upon the house of Cornelius, they did not enter the kingdom/church until they were baptized. The Holy Spirit fell upon this gentile household like it did upon the Jews in Acts 2, none of the Jews present when the Spirit fell upon the 12 were saved......allowed to enter the kingdom until they repented and were baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Spirit fell upon the household of Cornelius also as it did upon the Jews in Acts prove that Christianity was acceptable to gentiles as well as Jews. There are only 2 records of anyone being baptized in the Holy Spirit in the entire New Testament. Once on the day of Pentecost following the ascension of Christ into heaven and at the house of Cornelius (a gentile family) -- Acts 10

"Yea, man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works; show me thou faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works." -- James 2:17

Faith without WORKS is DEAD. (James 2:17). Not everyone who claims they believe will find salvation. "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord! will enter the kingdom of heaven (the church/kingdom of Christ, kingdom of God........all are used synonymously in the N.T. record).......depart from Me, I never knew you........" -- Matt. 7:21-23

Jesus declared that man made traditions were not acceptable doctrine in the eyes of God.......traditions make the Scriptures none effective. Jesus informed those of the 1st century of this truth, TRADITIONS, "make the Word of God (scripture) of no effect .........through traditions that ye have delivered; and many such things ye do....." -- Mark 7:13, Matt. 15:6

If something was TRUE in the 1st century...........God looks down upon man made traditions taking the place of His Holy Scriptures......its just as true in the 21st century, Truth does not evolve.
And, this means that the Catholics view of the Immaculate Conception is false because it is a man made tradition teaching. No scripture says Mary was like Jesus, without sin. She was simply a virgin.
And, this means that the Catholics view of the Immaculate Conception is false because it is a man made tradition teaching.
Math is also a man-made teaching, as is grammar. The Immaculate Conception was early Christian confirmed with Bernadette by Mary herself.
And, this means that the Catholics view of the Immaculate Conception is false because it is a man made tradition teaching. No scripture says Mary was like Jesus, without sin. She was simply a virgin.
And no scripture declares that men will become fact the scriptures detail the opposite. My doctrine comes in pure "Sola Scripture" format. If its not in the scriptures then its not from God....its tradition. The church that Christ reigns over is called the "Bride of Christ", a Bride that Jesus will collect in the sky at His return and judgment.....once judgment has been past upon humanity and the earth, the Bride of Christ will not become gods, but will forever be in service to the God of Creation.

The question is to the Mormon church.......who created God, if as your doctrine declares that "we" as humans can become gods because God is like us? The scriptures are clear, God is an everlasting, ever-existing Spirit being without end or beginning (John 4:24, Rev. 1:8). The word of God establishes the fact that God is an eternal spirit being (Isa. 57:15, Deut. 33:27...etc., there are over 28 passages of scriptures that declare that God is a Spirit Being without a beginning nor an end).

Man was CREATED in the Beginning, thus Man can never be gods, nor can God be like "us" physical humans. (Genesis 1) Its illogical to declare that God was ever created like mankind...which must be true if men can become gods. Jesus? Jesus was with God and was God (John 1) "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us"......Jesus being equal to God, gave up His divinity when He was born of a woman (Phil. 2:6-10). will never be gods, the duty of the Bride of Christ is to serve the Father in heaven for eternity. Declaring that men will be become gods is like declaring that men who are evil will become the DEVIL at death.

Again the duty of the Bride of Christ...i.e, the Kingdom/church of God/Christ will be to serve and eternally worship God.......not become equal to God. (Revelation 4:10)

The nail in the coffin for those who declare that men will become gods is the passage that declares, "God is not a man that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind, Has He said, and will not do it? Or has He spoken and not fulfilled it?" -- Numbers 23:19
Jesus called God "Holy Father". Do you believe that the Pope is deserving of that exalted title which puts him on the same level as God? Can we surmise that the Catholic Church's army of esteemed theologians concluded it was appropriate to put the Pope on the same level as God?

John 17:11​

English Standard Version​

11 And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.

You insult the intelligence of your audience.

Who thinks that some human is more holy than God? I mean, get real! What..? You're worried some poor schmuck Catholic believer will mistake someone like Francis for God?! That he or she will pray to Francis instead of God?


Why don't you spend your time doing something more valuable/effective?

Why don't you focus on things you CAN do instead of wading into intellectual waters that are too deep for you?
Math is also a man-made teaching, as is grammar. The Immaculate Conception was early Christian confirmed with Bernadette by Mary herself.
The Holy Scriptures, especially the N.T. scriptures were based.........not upon Traditions of men but upon the eyewitness accounts in observing the "Majesty" of "Jesus Christ".
These eye witness accounts were placed to script by men like Peter in order to provide future generations with evidence to the actual historical accounting of Jesus Christ's ministry, which lasted but 3.5 years in total. (John 21:25, 2 Peter 1:12-15)

While the gospels were inspired by knowledge that was provided by the Apostles and Disciples of Christ..who were actually witness to these signs and wonders that confirmed the Majesty of Jesus Christ........Paul was different, He was born out of season, Jesus appointed Him Apostle to the gentile nations. Paul was responsible through the Holy Spirit with inspiring the majority of the N.T. books......He concentrated on that which he was well learned, how the Old Law and the Prophets prove that Jesus was and is the Messiah of Prophecy. Some things difficult to comprehend due to a lack of knowledge in the Old Law...........the unlearned and or the unstable wrestle with to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16)
I see a battle of the church’s.
If Catholics can refer to their leader on earth as “ holy father”, you have to admit, it’s good one up man ship over other Christian sects.
The Church does not engage in one upmanship. The pope is supposed to be a holy man of God.

This brings up a subject that is the cause of much confusion in the Catholic Church, the only thing I agree w/ K9 about, namely

If popes are supposed to be men of God, how to explain Francis, who acts like some kind of political hack liberal?

Well, some say the Chair of Peter is vacant and I have absolutely NO reason to question that belief. It is the only thing that makes sense. Yet, on the other hand, the ones who say the Chair is vacant also say that we should not attend Mass in a non-sedevacantist Church. And that is wrong. Jesus has not abandoned the Church just because several of our last popes did. And Francis is the worst of the worst.
The Church does not engage in one upmanship. The pope is supposed to be a holy man of God.
Wrong. There are just so many tithings and just so many Christians. It’s a battle of recruitment. ‘ holy man of god” ? You can say that about any church leader.
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Well they certainly do in the lavishness department.
You have to read the Old T to find out why there are such things in a Catholic Church as gold chalices and etc. God told the Israelite priests, the Levites and also King David how he wanted the House of God to look and its "silver ware" LOL... and they complied. Yes, it can strain belief that God spoke to humans but hey... We pray, don't we?
You have to read the Old T to find out why there are such things in a Catholic Church as gold chalices and etc. God told the Israelite priests, the Levites and also King David how he wanted the House of God to look and its "silver ware" LOL... and they complied. Yes, it can strain belief that God spoke to humans but hey... We pray, don't we?
So much for the simple and contrite nature of being born in a manger.
Wrong. There are just so many tithings and just so many Christians. It’s a battle of recruitment. ‘ holy man if god” ? You can say that about any church leader.
Did you forget the words I used: supposed to be?

Francis is not even Catholic. The Chair of Peter is vacant. Fortunately, Jesus still "hangs around" anyhow. I know, I have been in His presence---even in Francis's (as it were) Church!!

Even Francis can't make Jesus go away!
Did you forget the words I used: supposed to be?

Francis is not even Catholic. The Chair of Peter is vacant. Fortunately, Jesus still "hangs around" anyhow. I know, I have been in His presence---even in Francis's (as it were) Church!!

Even Francis can't make Jesus go away!
So, what did Jesus have to say ?
So much for the simple and contrite nature of being born in a manger.
Well, why don't u talk to God about it? Maybe God stopped wanting the Church to be like it was in the days of King David? I don't know.

I don't know everything. But neither do you. All I know is that Jesus chooses to live in the Catholic Church, even though it is built well and has gold chalices and stuff. He chooses to abide There. But no one at this forum ever wants to talk about THAT, do they?

the most important thing of all!

hmmm... what's that all about? must be running from Jesus... fast

Math is also a man-made teaching, as is grammar. The Immaculate Conception was early Christian confirmed with Bernadette by Mary herself.
Confirmed by Mary? Again, Jesus is the only perfect sinless human to walk the earth. And, no, mathematics is not man made. Math is the only pure science that cannot be manifested. 2+2= 4, always. Naturally too. Traditions are not doctrine. Doctrine comes from God only through Prophets by the influence of the Holy Ghost or directly from God.
Well, why don't u talk to God about it? Maybe God stopped wanting the Church to be like it was in the days of King David? I don't know.

I don't know everything. But neither do you. All I know is that Jesus chooses to live in the Catholic Church, even though it is built well and has gold chalices and stuff. He chooses to abide There. But no one at this forum ever wants to talk about THAT, do they?

the most important thing of all!

hmmm... what's that all about? must be running from Jesus... fast

So god is a Catholic and decides to reside only in a Catholic Church ?
I was right. It is about recruitment. Has anyone ever told any of their Protestant friends ?,
So god is a Catholic and decides to reside only in a Catholic Church ?
I was right. It is about recruitment. Has anyone ever told any of their Protestant friends ?,
Believe what you want. It's a free country.

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