Is The Trump Era Already Over?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?
Trump is walking back on all his campaign rhetoric, the latest being al Assad, and the Republican party will never be able to assert their priorities while that idiot is President.
Suck it up, Sweetheart, and watch this slow-motion trainwreck.
Maybe he'll have a complete meltdown, and Pence can give control back to the real conservatives.
That is Fake News Mousterian! Stop being brainwashed by the LA Times and other failing newspapers! But indeed, the USA should not get involved in Syria as a result of the MSM/democrat/neocon propaganda!
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Democrats feel that political differences gives them the right to break the law.
Yesterday on Fox Geraldo was actually trying to justify spying on political opponents.
He actually felt that Obama had the perfect right to use intelligence agencies to spy on Trump.
If the evidence proves true, Obama didn't just spy on Trump, but on Congress or anyone who he wanted for whatever reason he wanted.
Senators have started admitting that they felt it was kind of strange that every time they had some kind of communication that involved the president, somebody from the White House would let them know in some way that they knew what was said, which gave them this crazy feeling that the president was spying on them.
I suppose they all felt that somebody was running to the president and telling him. They didn't know he was using the NSA without a warrant.
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Trump and the right wing in America continue to blame everyone except themselves, so no, the Trump and the right wing whine society is still active, see above for proof.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

"Blame foreigners first. This strategy is always the companion of aggrieved nationalism. It can be seen in Donald Trump’s ban on immigrants from seven countries. It will be seen in his protectionism. A kernel of truth — terrorism and the direct impact of imports on jobs — bolsters a lie: my actions are enough to keep you safe and restore the prosperity you once knew." Martin Wolf
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?
Trump has 3.5 more years. Calm down
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?
Trump has 3.5 more years. Calm down
You mean 7.5 lol...
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Nice story, even if it was bullshit. The right didn't give Hillary a pass. They just realized it was a waste of time to keep up all the false claims.Those false claims were effective for keeping Trump supporters engaged, but there was no chance of proving her guilty of anything. All those previous failed investigations that came up empty handed proved that. All the scandals involving Trump and his people are real. A handful of his people have already been fired or quit because of those real scandals, and there will be many more before it is over. You elected a known scam artist. Why are you surprised when he and his people get caught in scams
Trump and the right wing in America continue to blame everyone except themselves, so no, the Trump and the right wing whine society is still active, see above for proof.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

"Blame foreigners first. This strategy is always the companion of aggrieved nationalism. It can be seen in Donald Trump’s ban on immigrants from seven countries. It will be seen in his protectionism. A kernel of truth — terrorism and the direct impact of imports on jobs — bolsters a lie: my actions are enough to keep you safe and restore the prosperity you once knew." Martin Wolf

I hear you're high on life --- Translation --- you're having a bad trip just like all the other progressive/libtarts...:bye1:
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Nice story, even if it was bullshit. The right didn't give Hillary a pass. They just realized it was a waste of time to keep up all the false claims.Those false claims were effective for keeping Trump supporters engaged, but there was no chance of proving her guilty of anything. All those previous failed investigations that came up empty handed proved that. All the scandals involving Trump and his people are real. A handful of his people have already been fired or quit because of those real scandals, and there will be many more before it is over. You elected a known scam artist. Why are you surprised when he and his people get caught in scams
Progressive/Moron, Sessions hasn't even started on Hillary yet...

He'll go after Holder/Lynch and the rest of the swamp...
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It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Nice story, even if it was bullshit. The right didn't give Hillary a pass. They just realized it was a waste of time to keep up all the false claims.Those false claims were effective for keeping Trump supporters engaged, but there was no chance of proving her guilty of anything. All those previous failed investigations that came up empty handed proved that. All the scandals involving Trump and his people are real. A handful of his people have already been fired or quit because of those real scandals, and there will be many more before it is over. You elected a known scam artist. Why are you surprised when he and his people get caught in scams
Progressive/Moron, Sessions hasn't even started on Hillary yet...

And he won't
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Nice story, even if it was bullshit. The right didn't give Hillary a pass. They just realized it was a waste of time to keep up all the false claims.Those false claims were effective for keeping Trump supporters engaged, but there was no chance of proving her guilty of anything. All those previous failed investigations that came up empty handed proved that. All the scandals involving Trump and his people are real. A handful of his people have already been fired or quit because of those real scandals, and there will be many more before it is over. You elected a known scam artist. Why are you surprised when he and his people get caught in scams

It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Nice story, even if it was bullshit. The right didn't give Hillary a pass. They just realized it was a waste of time to keep up all the false claims.Those false claims were effective for keeping Trump supporters engaged, but there was no chance of proving her guilty of anything. All those previous failed investigations that came up empty handed proved that. All the scandals involving Trump and his people are real. A handful of his people have already been fired or quit because of those real scandals, and there will be many more before it is over. You elected a known scam artist. Why are you surprised when he and his people get caught in scams
Progressive/Moron, Sessions hasn't even started on Hillary yet...

And he won't

It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Nice story, even if it was bullshit. The right didn't give Hillary a pass. They just realized it was a waste of time to keep up all the false claims.Those false claims were effective for keeping Trump supporters engaged, but there was no chance of proving her guilty of anything. All those previous failed investigations that came up empty handed proved that. All the scandals involving Trump and his people are real. A handful of his people have already been fired or quit because of those real scandals, and there will be many more before it is over. You elected a known scam artist. Why are you surprised when he and his people get caught in scams

You know I love it when you do that with your tongue. Makes my toes curl.
Trump was sending a message the pussy in chief Obama is sheriff in town
It's time for the right to rise up take full control of their agenda, if the left get in the way crush them...

When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can start winning.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



It’s time to realize that it’s not about which parts of government Republicans control, but about whether they are ready and willing to use whatever parts of government they do control in a coordinated effort to fight the left and force through a conservative reform agenda that will break the left’s hold on America.

Every time Republicans win, they try to work with Democrats. And every time Republicans win, Democrats do every single thing that they can to cut them off at the knees.

After Republicans won, they decided to give Hillary Clinton and her scandals a pass. The left repaid their gentlemanly generosity by manufacturing a dozen fake scandals involving Trump and his people.

And Republicans were foolish enough to be roped into investigating them.


The left refuses to surrender and apologize. It never backs down. If conservatives want to win, those are good places to start. When Republicans stop apologizing, then they can finally start winning.

Is The Trump Era Already Over?

Nice story, even if it was bullshit. The right didn't give Hillary a pass. They just realized it was a waste of time to keep up all the false claims.Those false claims were effective for keeping Trump supporters engaged, but there was no chance of proving her guilty of anything. All those previous failed investigations that came up empty handed proved that. All the scandals involving Trump and his people are real. A handful of his people have already been fired or quit because of those real scandals, and there will be many more before it is over. You elected a known scam artist. Why are you surprised when he and his people get caught in scams

You know I love it when you do that with your tongue. Makes my toes curl.

Tongue? That's my hand dood.

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