Is the US socialist ? If yes, when did it start?


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
”socialism “ gets throw around a lot in this place . Seems like everyone has a different definition of what that means.

What does it mean for you ? Is the USA socialist? When did it happen?

I say yes! My starting point : western expansion . The homestead act of 1862 offering free land to Americans who went out west .
Woodrow Wilson. Incrementally it has gotten worse.

Trump has begun to roll it back.

I really don't give that many fucks about what sort of economic system the country goes by, but when you OWN PROPERTY, you shouldn't have to pay "rent" to keep it.

Furthermore, you can have all the socialism you want. Leave my fuckin guns alone and I care not if you starve the cities to death like Hugo Chavez.

It gets thrown around a lot by ignorant conservatives who have no idea what it means.

Or dishonest conservatives who know what it means but use it as part of their demagogic rhetoric.

And no, the United States is not ‘socialist.’

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