Is the USA a failed state?

Is the USA a failed state?

  • Yes. There is no reversing it.

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Yes, but it can be restored and here is how....

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No, but there are significant problems such as...

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • No. Everything is fine and going great.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Failed state, a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries. The governing capacity of a failed state is attenuated such that it is unable to fulfill the administrative and organizational tasks required to control people and resources and can provide only minimal public services. Its citizens no longer believe that their government is legitimate, and the state becomes illegitimate in the eyes of the international community.

It's very difficult to ignore the fact that the increasing violence in our cities is the result of the government's inability, and even refusal to project authority over incorrigible thugs. Our government refuses to protect the borders. The services provided are grossly inefficient at best and failure is the hallmark of most programs and agencies. Our international status is a punchline in turd world hell holes and vacation or travel to many countries by US Citizens is significantly more dangerous than ever.

A failed state is composed of feeble and flawed institutions. Often, the executive barely functions, while the legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, and armed forces have lost their capacity and professional independence. A failed state suffers from crumbling infrastructures, faltering utility supplies and educational and health facilities, and deteriorating basic human-development indicators, such as infant mortality and literacy rates. Failed states create an environment of flourishing corruption and negative growth rates, where honest economic activity cannot flourish.

Since the criminal DNC syndicate's insurrection in 2020 through massive voter fraud and installation of a potato puppet, we have witnessed incompetence at incredible levels, unless you chalk most of the results up to deliberate acts of sabotage by the executive branch. We now have a military that can not recruit valuable personnel in spite of offering massive recruitment and retention bonuses during peacetime. Our cities are crumbling, restoration and reconstruction projects are hampered by lawsuits, massive over budget costs, along with political interference. Inner city schools can barely produce literate students, and those who do graduate are vapid and nearly unemployable. We have never experienced or tolerated financial corruption at the federal level that is now rampant. We have never witnessed politicians and their family members so morally bankrupt that the son of a US President is a parmesan cheese smoking whore monger thrown out of the US Navy for failing a drug screen. We have never tolerated petty tyrant officials that run small businesses into ruin because of a cold.

It's very difficult to ignore the fact that the increasing violence in our cities is the result of the government's inability, and even refusal to project authority over incorrigible thugs. Our government refuses to protect the borders. The services provided are grossly inefficient at best and failure is the hallmark of most programs and agencies. Our international status is a punchline in turd world hell holes and vacation or travel to many countries by US Citizens is significantly more dangerous than ever.

Since the criminal
DNC syndicate's insurrection in 2020 through massive voter fraud and installation of a potato puppet, we have witnessed incompetence at incredible levels, unless you chalk most of the results up to deliberate acts of sabotage by the executive branch. We now have a military that can not recruit valuable personnel in spite of offering massive recruitment and retention bonuses during peacetime. Our cities are crumbling, restoration and reconstruction projects are hampered by lawsuits, massive over budget costs, along with political interference. Inner city schools can barely produce literate students, and those who do graduate are vapid and nearly unemployable. We have never experienced or tolerated financial corruption at the federal level that is now rampant. We have never witnessed politicians and their family members so morally bankrupt that the son of a US President is a parmesan cheese smoking whore monger thrown out of the US Navy for failing a drug screen. We have never tolerated petty tyrant officials that run small businesses into ruin because of a cold.
No. The issue are MAGA type cancerous lesions. But they are slowly falling by the wayside.
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I believe we can reverse the collapse by either repealing the 17th Amendment and forcing our state elected officials to geld federal authorities by upholding the 10th Amendment. Failing that, we need to expel lost territories on the west coast and NE regions along with building barriers on these borders. Revoke all passports and right to travel of those who commit political treason, and expatriate them to these new political entities.

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No. The issue are MAGA type cancerous lesions. But they are slowly falling by the wayside.
Ironic considering people like you are why we are a failed state.
You federal supremacists FUCK EVERYTHING UP.
The biggest dick in the world belongs to the fed gov and you loooooove getting rammed up the ass. That makes you the biggest faggot on the planet.
No. The issue are MAGA type cancerous lesions. But they are slowly falling by the wayside.
LOL of course. The real American patriots that love this country, believe in secure borders, keeping manufacturing jobs in this country, and not supporting stupid wars overseas are the “cancerous” ones.

Not the deranged lunatics that believe men can give birth, hate white people, love the CCP, support stupid foreign wars against countries that never attacked us, hate police, and love violent criminals. Those people are totally great for society! :cuckoo:
Ironic considering people like you are why we are a failed state.
You federal supremacists FUCK EVERYTHING UP.
The biggest dick in the world belongs to the fed gov and you loooooove getting rammed up the ass. That makes you the biggest faggot on the planet.
Just keep sitting on your fence and lobbing insults from the cheap seats. It's all you idiots have. Leave fixing the problems and implementing the solutions to the adults. :)
Yes. The United States is a failed state. We are now at the point where looting the nation has begun by the military. Former officers and experienced personnel have shrugged off patriotism and responsibility. They are selling the country off at a fire sale.

And I don't blame them.
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No. The issue are MAGA type cancerous lesions. But they are slowly falling by the wayside.
The cancers are the relatively small regions represented in blue. You are merely a disease within these tumors that need to be surgically removed.


LOL of course. The real American patriots that love this country, believe in secure borders, keeping manufacturing jobs in this country, and not supporting stupid wars overseas are the “cancerous” ones.

Not the deranged lunatics that believe men can give birth, hate white people, love the CCP, support stupid foreign wars against countries that never attacked us, hate police, and love violent criminals. Those people are totally great for society! :cuckoo:
If only you were for those just and righteous ideals. Instead, in fealty to your supreme leader, you've become a cancer. Hell bent on undermining our democracy by sowing doubt in our election processes, spewing misinformation, and displaying open hostility to anyone who doesn't look like you, think like you, or act like you.
Ironic considering people like you are why we are a failed state.
You federal supremacists FUCK EVERYTHING UP.
The biggest dick in the world belongs to the fed gov and you loooooove getting rammed up the ass. That makes you the biggest faggot on the planet.
Jack is more of a glob of genetic waste.

Queen Antifa is the biggest faggot on the planet....

The cancers are the relatively small regions represented in blue. You are merely a disease within these tumors that need to be surgically removed.

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View attachment 724144
Again, large areas of open land with a few registered Republicans isn't a display of popularity.

I don't know why you bedwetting Alt-Righters keep posting this bullshit. :auiqs.jpg:
Here's how...Secure the border...immigration moratorium...reinstitute Operation Wetback...end MFNT for China...cancel or renegotiate trade treaties...end the military industrial complex...cut the military budget by pre-1950 learning standards in school...end racial preferences in college entrance...that's just a start.
Just keep sitting on your fence and lobbing insults from the cheap seats. It's all you idiots have. Leave fixing the problems and implementing the solutions to the adults. :)
You tards are the ones that caused all of them, dumbfuck.
I think the USA is a failing state but not necessarily a failed state, or at least I thought so until Tuesday. Free and fair elections are the remedy for a failing state, I am doubtful that we actually have free and fair elections anymore. When 2/3rds of the people think the country is headed in the wrong direction and yet do not vote the majority party out in significant numbers, should I not question QTF is going on? I see the inflation problem and the likelihood of an economic recession looming, plus the absolute mess on our southern border, rising crime rates, and a lack of respect for and trust in so many of our institutions, how can I not be worried? Not for myself, I'll be okay but what about future generations? What kind of a country are we leaving them with? I think they're getting screwed and apparently don't realize it.

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