Is the world ready for another Bush Presidency?


Craig Williams
Feb 23, 2013
Yes. Yes. Yes. The world and the US are more than ready to get the liberals out of government and put our country back to work. Obama's socialist policies that would rather raise taxes to pay the welfare leeches to sit at home instead of work would end with Jeb Bush as President. He would return the country to the policies set by his father and brother that helped the US see its most prosperous era during the past 25 years. If we elect Jeb Bush in 2016 he would have the economy recovered in his first 6 months.

Jeb Bush: Is the world ready for a third Bush in the White House? - Yahoo! News
I don't think that our population would vote for anyone with the name Bush. Unfortunately, I feel that the average voter will be reminded of an unpopular presidency (regardless of its actual effectiveness) and won't listen to anything he has to say.
Thank Dubya for the Great Bush Recession. It happened on his watch - as did 9/11...and two unfunded and off-budget wars...and tax cuts for the first time in U.S. history during wartime.
Are you saying tax cuts are a bad thing? And that 9/11 could have been prevented by a different president? I think the Bush presidency was far from perfect but the things you mentioned would not go on my list of Dubya's mistakes
The GOP is stupid enough to nominate him. I'd love to see it happen so the GOP can get the beatdown they'll deserve for having done it.
Here is Jeb's slogan: Third time's the charm... Ain't it?

There has been exactly one decent Bush in that Bush family, and he disappeared during the 1980 presidential campaign. That George Bush supported abortion and understood that voodoo economics had crazy risks. The pod-person who took the vice presidential oath never recovered.

Surely two Bush Leagues were enough. The God nutballs hide an appalling amount of craven behavior behind can't hate America bad enough to give nutballs another shot at recreating a time and place that never existed.
Yes. Yes. Yes. The world and the US are more than ready to get the liberals out of government and put our country back to work. Obama's socialist policies that would rather raise taxes to pay the welfare leeches to sit at home instead of work would end with Jeb Bush as President. He would return the country to the policies set by his father and brother that helped the US see its most prosperous era during the past 25 years. If we elect Jeb Bush in 2016 he would have the economy recovered in his first 6 months.

Jeb Bush: Is the world ready for a third Bush in the White House? - Yahoo! News

The Illuminati demand it. It's either Jeb or Hillary. Do you think you have a choice? :cool:
Why Americans keep electing same Royal Family Lines over and over again? :confused:

Hint: Obama and Bush are related.
Jeb cannot get the nomination.

He does not have the money needed.

He does not have the organization required.

He is tied to his brother's death legacy.
I don't think the rest of world wants another Bush, but the cons here seem to.

The Bush legacy is one of honor and integrity. It was this way with the first President Bush and his son was no different both men stood up to Iraq and both men made it an honor to be an American. Jeb would carry on this tradition and should be elected President in 2016. The liberal media will bash him but they bash all that is good with America and all of its good and industrious people. The liberal control of the US must end if this country is to survive and Jeb Bush is the man to do this.
I don't think the rest of world wants another Bush, but the cons here seem to.

The Bush legacy is one of honor and integrity. It was this way with the first President Bush and his son was no different both men stood up to Iraq and both men made it an honor to be an American. Jeb would carry on this tradition and should be elected President in 2016. The liberal media will bash him but they bash all that is good with America and all of its good and industrious people. The liberal control of the US must end if this country is to survive and Jeb Bush is the man to do this.

What’s Jeb Bush's plan to deal with our debt and deficit problems? It seems to me if he's wants the job and you seem to be pushing him, what are his solutions? I'm not impressed with Jeb Bush at all.

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