Is There a Path Back from Clown World?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Is it possible for Democrats to ever return to the time when they proudly proclaimed ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, when it was safe for girls to use a public restroom without fear of men being in there, when someone was offended by your opinion everyone just shrugged and moved on?
Is it possible for Democrats to ever return to the time when they proudly proclaimed ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, when it was safe for girls to use a public restroom without fear of men being in there, when someone was offended by your opinion everyone just shrugged and moved on?
No, democrats are fucking weird now.

Murica will die with neither a bang nor a whimper...But with a HONK! HONK!

Once you fully sell your soul to The Devil, there are no refunds.

There is only one way for Democrats to bring themselves out of insanity and moral corruption and that is to seek salvation through Yeshua.

Is it possible for Democrats to ever return to the time when they proudly proclaimed ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, when it was safe for girls to use a public restroom without fear of men being in there, when someone was offended by your opinion everyone just shrugged and moved on?
No, it's all about what you can get from your country except there ain't nothing to get because the socialists have already pillaged and looted the treasury.

$23 Trillion Blown on the so called “War on Poverty” which did nothing but make people like Clinton, Biden, Sanders and Obama Millionaires.
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Is it possible for Democrats to ever return to the time when they proudly proclaimed ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, when it was safe for girls to use a public restroom without fear of men being in there, when someone was offended by your opinion everyone just shrugged and moved on?


They are the Bridge to Nowehere now...
Is it possible for Democrats to ever return to the time when they proudly proclaimed ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, when it was safe for girls to use a public restroom without fear of men being in there, when someone was offended by your opinion everyone just shrugged and moved on?
I don't believe there IS a path back unless the Dems completely revamp their party. It has turned into the "We hate Trump, Orange Man Bad" party. That's ALL they have right now. Dreadful.
Is it possible for Democrats to ever return to the time when they proudly proclaimed ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, when it was safe for girls to use a public restroom without fear of men being in there, when someone was offended by your opinion everyone just shrugged and moved on?
I don't believe there IS a path back unless the Dems completely revamp their party. It has turned into the "We hate Trump, Orange Man Bad" party. That's ALL they have right now. Dreadful.


They are " we will give you free stuff that you will unwillingly pay for through higher taxes ", so what is not to love about that?
If the Democrats get their butts handed to them this fall as they did in '72, I could see the possibility of their more moderate candidates coming out of the woodwork in 2024. Just as they did when Jimmy Carter captured the nomination in '76 away from the party's extreme liberals.
Old Democratic Motto (JFK): Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for you country.

New Democrat Motto: From each hard working American according to his ability and motivation; to each Porch Sitter/Illegal Alien according to his need.
If the Democrats get their butts handed to them this fall as they did in '72, I could see the possibility of their more moderate candidates coming out of the woodwork in 2024. Just as they did when Jimmy Carter captured the nomination in '76 away from the party's extreme liberals.

I can agree with this. After Trump schlongs Crazy Bernie in November, the D's will put some of their more extreme ideas on the back burner. Clinton for example once said "the era of big government is over", you would never hear that from any D today, but that was after Uncle Newtie won Congress.

I can see the D's pulling back from Gay Marriage, Tranny "rights", and other silliness, particularly if Trump captures a larger percentage of the black vote than he did in 2016.

Black people just aren't as hot for homosexuality as Liberals pretend. If you don't believe me, roll up in your car to a corner in your local Ghetto and ask the young men if they go for Sodomy.

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