Is There Any Organization Crazier Than The CATO Institute???


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
2/3 immediate cut in Federal budget...Now? These people are certifiably insane.

No link. Watching PBS news.CATO rep wants 2/3s cut in budget NOW!!! Why do they even allow these idiots on the television?
I'm shocked.

Shocked that Cato would finally say something even halfway bold, that is.
Yep cato is nutz, but there are worse. One about Man/boy love? And even a sarah plain fan club !
2/3 immediate cut in Federal budget...Now? These people are certifiably insane.

No link. Watching PBS news.CATO rep wants 2/3s cut in budget NOW!!! Why do they even allow these idiots on the television?

A crazier organization than CATO?

Yes. It's called the Democrat Party.
Ya those democrats. The are pure evil. We should pass a law that they could be taken as slaves and used in every fashion imaginable. We could develop cures for all of the worlds illness and disease by experimenting with them. They are not worth of being called human beings let alone Americans. They should all be issues numbers tattooed on their arms for easy identification.
Ya those democrats. The are pure evil. We should pass a law that they could be taken as slaves and used in every fashion imaginable. We could develop cures for all of the worlds illness and disease by experimenting with them. They are not worth of being called human beings let alone Americans. They should all be issues numbers tattooed on their arms for easy identification.

No man. Thats crazy. I would never propose rounding up groups of Americans based only on a broad general trait they share. Or caging them in concentration camps on US soil for no reason other than they are part of one broad, lawful identified group.

Only the left's most worshipped Democrat president, FDR, did that. And hopefully we'll never do it again. Lefties love to ignore the fact he rounded up all Americans of Jap or German ethnicity, without cause, without charges, and detained them in camps on US soil indefinitely. Ooops.

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