Is there no end to stupid!


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2010
The sad part is, 47% of the American people actually believe this. They're proof the Left Wing Re-education Camps disguised as public schools has done it's work well. I've got a Grand Neice graduating from U.T. this year. She majored in Paleontology, but is going to go after her Master's in Health Care, because she was seduced by Liberal's idea of "Social Justice". Her parents are true Conservatives, all her aunts and uncles are Conservatiives, her siblings are Conservatives. Conservatism got her everything she has, including all the benefits capitalism offers. Her hard working Conservative parents paid her University Of Texas tuition. Why they let her go to university Of Texas is beyond my comprehension, U.T. is the most liberal college in Texas. They basically threw her to the wolves.

Democrat Rockefeller: If You Oppose Obamacare, You?re a Racist
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So are you jealous that your "Neice" is doing something with her life that she enjoys and you're stuck whining on the internet about those dum libruls?
"I think it is very important to take a long view at what’s going on here. I’ll be able to dig up some emails that make part of the Affordable Care Act that doesn’t look good, especially from people who made up their mind that they don’t want it to work because they don’t like the president. Maybe he’s of the wrong color, something of that sort. I’ve seen a lot of that and I know a lot of that to be true. It’s not something you’re meant to talk about in public but it’s something I’m talking about in public because that is very true.”


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