Is There One Honest Democrat Here? A Moment of Common Sense

Now, I will be fair and say you have a point. Many folks hated Hillary that much and they voted for Trump when they would have preferred Cruz or someone else.

But in the final contest, the visuals of the crowds, and Biden hiding in his basement, and the Biden senile gaffes and all that . . . it just strains credulity too far to think that Biden won.
It was the mail in-ballots that allowed Democrats to harvest ballots from people too ignorant, uninterested, or incompetent to vote on their own - the very people who are prone to manipulation and brainwashing.

Zuckerberg paid liberals $500 million to go door to door and harvest ballots. If he offered $2000 to each, that means there was a virtual army of 250,000 harvesters out there. If each collected 50 ballots, that is 12,500,000 ballots - all for Biden. Without the harvesters, Trump won the popular vote by a landslide.

But beyond thst, Zuckerberg focused his army in swing states. So now you actually have 250,000 harvesters concentrating in six or seven swing states. It doesn’t take many ballots per harvester to swing them the count.

Of course, these were the emergency ballots held back in case needed. At around midnight, when Trump was way ahead from voters who knew what they were doing, they called HALT to truck in the harvested ballots - many not even folded - and turn the election to Boden.
It was the mail in-ballots that allowed Democrats to harvest ballots from people too ignorant, uninterested, or incompetent to vote on their own - the very people who are prone to manipulation and brainwashing.

Zuckerberg paid liberals $500 million to go door to door and harvest ballots. If he offered $2000 to each, that means there was a virtual army of 250,000 harvesters out there. If each collected 50 ballots, that is 12,500,000 ballots - all for Biden. Without the harvesters, Trump won the popular vote by a landslide.

But beyond thst, Zuckerberg focused his army in swing states. So now you actually have 250,000 harvesters concentrating in six or seven swing states. It doesn’t take many ballots per harvester to swing them the count.

Of course, these were the emergency ballots held back in case needed. At around midnight, when Trump was way ahead from voters who knew what they were doing, they called HALT to truck in the harvested ballots - many not even folded - and turn the election to Boden.

With all of the obvious proof that Trump really did win the election, can someone tell me why he hasn't been reinstated?
Of course it is absurd to think that the Biden victory was legitimate. But the key to your post is the first sentence: "Is there one honest Democrat here?" Clearly the answer is no and you would find that in almost any group of Democrats.

There are plenty of Republicans who will criticize Trump, and who will criticize those who criticize Trump. Nearly all Republicans will shun any GOP pol caught in dishonesty, or sexual scandal.

But the Democratic Party and their followers are fully as monolithic as the CCP, or the Communist Party of the old Soviet Union. You can't find one that will even say, "I understand that it's a little fishy that Biden got all those votes by hiding in his basement." Instead, on this thread or anywhere else, they go immediately into attack mode.

Will they do it again in 2024? They will sure try. It may be that Manchin and Sinema literally saved democracy in America. Or maybe not. Democracy may not survive whatever the Dems pull in 2024 in spite of the laws not being tailored to their cheating as they had hoped.
You're killing me with this shit. Great stuff!
There are plenty of Republicans who will criticize Trump, and who will criticize those who criticize Trump. Nearly all Republicans will shun any GOP pol caught in dishonesty, or sexual scandal.

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