Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

God did not create himself because God doesn't require creation.
God IS... "I AM!"

And what Justin and M.D. are saying is that they places the Logic of God
as part of God's identity inseparable from God,
so where God doesn't require creation neither does God's Logic.

Boss there is no need for conflict here.

Just because you and I Justin and MD draw the lines in different places
doesn't mean we're not talking about the same God!
You are using an excuse and you tell me to grow up?
Going 45 min. without a pulse and having no brain damage is a miracle and even the Doctors are amazed.
How do you explain the deaths on the operating table and patients tell them exactly what was said and done in the operating room. No heart beat and no brain waves These experiences have started studies on the concept of life after death.
When you have no brain waves there is no flashbacks

But because we don't yet have an explanation that is natural, doesn't mean we won't find one and so jumping the gun and calling it concrete evidence for someone or something that didn't directly come down and show people that IT was what was doing what was happening - - - - - is not a very sound practice of discovery.

Same thing with the god.

We've been asking this question a long time.

Cosmogony is any theory concerning the coming into existence (or origin) of either the cosmos (or universe), or the so-called reality of sentient beings.

And we still don't have an explanation yet that is natural. But remember all the things they thought were god turned out to have scientific explanations? Yet still they say WE must be from god. But that's not based on evidence, unless you believe one of the organized religions. Those are all unbelievable lies. So we go back to before the Abraham 3 Religions, back to the same question, what created us?

And you and I know the answer is still we don't know.

I love it when weak minded theists swear they saw a ghost or angel or had an out of body experience or saw an exorcist. LOL.

I only entertain these discussions for some intrigue, but I never really find it.

The only way to prove something to me is to reach a certain bar of objective evidence, which is to mean evidence not subjectively fanciful or a twisting of the English language to make a fallacious proof.

I think I'm reiterating, but besides my family and friends - the last things in life that could blow my intrigue like a kid in a candy store would be time travel and the knowledge of existence's origin. And, outlook not so good, so far.

I think you can transcend linear time and space
by prayer and meditation. People have connected
with previous or future generations spiritually on that level.

look up the story about Buckminster Fuller
he had a spiritual experience when he was about to kill himself by drowning himself in the ocean

he realized the purpose of life was to help others
and he started getting visions of the future, the
Bucky Ball/geodesic dome and other insights that changed the future.

so this is not unlike a spiritual experience of transcending time
and seeing into the future to start creating it in the present before it is realized later in time.

Two things, here.

#1. I've been heavily invested in trying to advance my meditations and lucid dreaming skills. Still not where I'd call myself affluent yet, but also not sure if anything aside from cognitive wiring / firing implications are there as opposed to anything deistic or "spiritual."

#2. Testimonies are lost on me, they're an ineffective way to communicate a phenomena that's already hard to believe EVEN when witnessing it, let alone taking a person's word for it. For me, personally, testimonials are time wasted. I mean, I can maybe pick up relevant information by accident while listening to them, but they don't 'prove' anything to me.

the best way I know to improve your awareness and spiritual reception
is to forgive all things negative that block you from growing forward.

So all these things you hear, or people you run across that make you think "NO! NEGATIVE! FALSE!,"
those are signs of things to FORGIVE and let go so you can receive greater truth in their place.

Remove these negative blocks from your mind, by forgiveness and letting go,
and you open yourself up to receive.

If you waste mental energy actively rejecting them with negative thoughts or attached emotional reactions, that blocks you from spiritual progress.

let your love of truth be greater than your fears
and your quest for forgiveness and freedom
be greater than anything you struggle to forgive or let go.
Jesus is defiantly coming back in the not to far off distant future and then you will have the absolute proof.
When the antichrist desecrates the third temple, He will return in 3 1/2 years.
But because we don't yet have an explanation that is natural, doesn't mean we won't find one and so jumping the gun and calling it concrete evidence for someone or something that didn't directly come down and show people that IT was what was doing what was happening - - - - - is not a very sound practice of discovery.

Same thing with the god.

We've been asking this question a long time.

Cosmogony is any theory concerning the coming into existence (or origin) of either the cosmos (or universe), or the so-called reality of sentient beings.

And we still don't have an explanation yet that is natural. But remember all the things they thought were god turned out to have scientific explanations? Yet still they say WE must be from god. But that's not based on evidence, unless you believe one of the organized religions. Those are all unbelievable lies. So we go back to before the Abraham 3 Religions, back to the same question, what created us?

And you and I know the answer is still we don't know.

I love it when weak minded theists swear they saw a ghost or angel or had an out of body experience or saw an exorcist. LOL.

I only entertain these discussions for some intrigue, but I never really find it.

The only way to prove something to me is to reach a certain bar of objective evidence, which is to mean evidence not subjectively fanciful or a twisting of the English language to make a fallacious proof.

I think I'm reiterating, but besides my family and friends - the last things in life that could blow my intrigue like a kid in a candy store would be time travel and the knowledge of existence's origin. And, outlook not so good, so far.

I think you can transcend linear time and space
by prayer and meditation. People have connected
with previous or future generations spiritually on that level.

look up the story about Buckminster Fuller
he had a spiritual experience when he was about to kill himself by drowning himself in the ocean

he realized the purpose of life was to help others
and he started getting visions of the future, the
Bucky Ball/geodesic dome and other insights that changed the future.

so this is not unlike a spiritual experience of transcending time
and seeing into the future to start creating it in the present before it is realized later in time.

Two things, here.

#1. I've been heavily invested in trying to advance my meditations and lucid dreaming skills. Still not where I'd call myself affluent yet, but also not sure if anything aside from cognitive wiring / firing implications are there as opposed to anything deistic or "spiritual."

#2. Testimonies are lost on me, they're an ineffective way to communicate a phenomena that's already hard to believe EVEN when witnessing it, let alone taking a person's word for it. For me, personally, testimonials are time wasted. I mean, I can maybe pick up relevant information by accident while listening to them, but they don't 'prove' anything to me.

the best way I know to improve your awareness and spiritual reception
is to forgive all things negative that block you from growing forward.

So all these things you hear, or people you run across that make you think "NO! NEGATIVE! FALSE!,"
those are signs of things to FORGIVE and let go so you can receive greater truth in their place.

Remove these negative blocks from your mind, by forgiveness and letting go,
and you open yourself up to receive.

If you waste mental energy actively rejecting them with negative thoughts or attached emotional reactions, that blocks you from spiritual progress.

let your love of truth be greater than your fears
and your quest for forgiveness and freedom
be greater than anything you struggle to forgive or let go.
This makes sense. But don't worry - I don't really invest any fortitude into the antipathy I have for others on this thread. This messageboarding is a tiny insignificant sidebar into what I'd classify as my "real life."
Jesus is defiantly coming back in the not to far off distant future and then you will have the absolute proof.
When the antichrist desecrates the third temple, He will return in 3 1/2 years.
Do you think he will attend any County fairs?

Do you reckon he's scared of the Scrambler? It makes some people dizzy.

How about a Green Bay Packers game, do you think he'd face paint and pre-game in the parking lot?

Do you think he'd do some singing for the New Year's celebration in Times Square?

I wonder if Jesus would be proficient at first person shooters on xbox, or if he's just a button masher.

Do you think he'll have a jumpshot, now that basketball has been invented?

Will he be into vintage cars, muscle cars, or environmentally friendly ones?

Will he consider Americans living in the dark ages because we still use toilet paper? Would you touch poop, and then clean your hands with just paper, and then eat off those hands? No? Then why should toilet paper be considered "cleaning your ass?" jesus would probably say. Where is the inventor for better ass cleaning? Seems we're not adopting that european bidet (sp?) thingy.

I have so many questions.
2. as for Justin and this idea of either the Creator BEING logic or the Creator creating logic,
Boss this is like how Christians will say Jesus is God but Jesus is the Son and God the Father is greater.

they are blending them together as one!

No Emily, that's not what is flying back in my face from them. The equivalent would be me saying "Jesus is the Son of God" and them responding.. "Nuh uh! Jesus IS God! You're irrational!" There is no "blending" there.

What they are both actually doing is making the case for the Atheists and Agnostics even better than they can do themselves. If believers in God can't even get on the same page, how the hell are they supposed to believe? What are they supposed to believe? We can't even settle it amongst ourselves and we believe!

To me, it is sad and unfortunate that MD made such a great argument with the 7 Things, and has now destroyed his own argument in order to criticize and contradict someone who believes in God. Either God is the omnipotent and omniscient Creator of ALL, or God isn't that.
Jesus is defiantly coming back in the not to far off distant future and then you will have the absolute proof.
When the antichrist desecrates the third temple, He will return in 3 1/2 years.
Do you think he will attend any County fairs?

Do you reckon he's scared of the Scrambler? It makes some people dizzy.

How about a Green Bay Packers game, do you think he'd face paint and pre-game in the parking lot?

Do you think he'd do some singing for the New Year's celebration in Times Square?

I wonder if Jesus would be proficient at first person shooters on xbox, or if he's just a button masher.

Do you think he'll have a jumpshot, now that basketball has been invented?

Will he be into vintage cars, muscle cars, or environmentally friendly ones?

Will he consider Americans living in the dark ages because we still use toilet paper? Would you touch poop, and then clean your hands with just paper, and then eat off those hands? No? Then why should toilet paper be considered "cleaning your ass?" jesus would probably say. Where is the inventor for better ass cleaning? Seems we're not adopting that european bidet (sp?) thingy.

I have so many questions.

Dummkapf questions G.T.. :)
Jesus is defiantly coming back in the not to far off distant future and then you will have the absolute proof.
When the antichrist desecrates the third temple, He will return in 3 1/2 years.
Do you think he will attend any County fairs?

Do you reckon he's scared of the Scrambler? It makes some people dizzy.

How about a Green Bay Packers game, do you think he'd face paint and pre-game in the parking lot?

Do you think he'd do some singing for the New Year's celebration in Times Square?

I wonder if Jesus would be proficient at first person shooters on xbox, or if he's just a button masher.

Do you think he'll have a jumpshot, now that basketball has been invented?

Will he be into vintage cars, muscle cars, or environmentally friendly ones?

Will he consider Americans living in the dark ages because we still use toilet paper? Would you touch poop, and then clean your hands with just paper, and then eat off those hands? No? Then why should toilet paper be considered "cleaning your ass?" jesus would probably say. Where is the inventor for better ass cleaning? Seems we're not adopting that european bidet (sp?) thingy.

I have so many questions.

Dummkapf questions G.T.. :)
I'll add asking him "what is dummkapf?" lol.
God did not create himself because God doesn't require creation.
God IS... "I AM!"

And what Justin and M.D. are saying is that they places the Logic of God
as part of God's identity inseparable from God,
so where God doesn't require creation neither does God's Logic.

Boss there is no need for conflict here.

Just because you and I Justin and MD draw the lines in different places
doesn't mean we're not talking about the same God!

There is no such thing as "God's Logic!" What that is doing is elevating Logic to the level of GOD!

Logic is a human-created word to describe our rational understanding of our universe and reality. GOD has no need for Logic whatsoever... GOD needs NOTHING!
The Syllogistic Arguments of Boss in the Gap Fallacy

The Boss in the Gap Argument for Created Logic
1. God created everything.
2. Boss in the gap
3. Hence, God created logic.

The Boss in the Gap Argument for Human Truth
1. Humans can only believe truth.
2. Boss in the gap
3. Hence, humans cannot know truth.

The Boss in the Gap Argument for the Anthropomorphism of God
Humans can only think about God on the terms of their understanding of consciousness: human logic and human emotions.
2. Boss in the gap
3. Hence, humans necessarily anthropomorphize God.

The Boss in the Gap Argument for "Nuh-huh, I Didn't Really Mean That"
1. God created everything.
2. Boss in the gap
3. Hence, God created logic.


1. Humans can only believe truth.
2. Boss in the gap
3. Hence, humans cannot know truth.

Or in the arguments where he thinks he's arguing something different, something I supposedly don't understand, when in fact it is he who fails to chart the true course of his own logic:

1. Humans think of God as having a consciousness that entails emotions and logic akin to their own because their consciousness is the only means by which they can think about consciousness.
2. Boss in the gap
3. Hence, "I never said the claptrap that humans necessarily anthropomorphize the consciousness of God in their minds."
[4. Rawlings, filling in the gap for Boss: "Yes, you effectively and necessary did!"]

Yep! Looks like we've got fallacious major premises, followed by no real minor premises at all connecting the major premises to the conclusions, except, of course, some mysterious thought processes going on in Boss's mind with Boss in the gap.

The Boss in the Gap Argument for Rawlings Supposed Irrationalism
Rawlings does not support his argument.
2. Boss ignoring the objective facts of human cognition, including the necessary line and implications of his own reasoning as if none of us noticed, as he stands in the gap
3. Rawlings is irrational.
[4. Rawlings: "Hogwash! See Post #4191."]


1. Rawlings points out that God is omniscient, all-knowing. Hence, God is the very substance and the ground of the first principles of knowledge: the universal laws of thought! God did not create everything that exists. God did not create Himself or any necessary aspect of His Mind. That is axiomatic. The logic that humans have is the uncreated logic of God endowed on man! The terms create and endow are not synonymous.
2. Straw man Boss in the gap
3. Hence, because Rawlings argues that God created everything (?), his statement that God didn't create logic contradicts his statement that God didn't create everything (?).
[4. Rawlings: "Boss is outside his mind and his nonsense has been utterly refuted here and in Post #4191. If Boss prefers his foolish, irrational pride over the objective facts of commonsensical logic, he is welcome to it. But his lies less than honest claims and confused thinking are tiresome, verging on an age older than dirt and exponentially more stupid."]
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The only "gap" appears to be between your ears, MD.

God created logic just as God created every parameter of our universe and reality... OR... God is not omnipotent and omniscient and is restricted by laws of logic which God didn't create. You can pick one or the other, you cannot pick both because both cannot be true at the same time.
If Boss prefers his foolish, irrational pride over the objective facts of commonsensical logic, he is welcome to it.

LMFAO... NOW we have "commonsensical" logic! This is presumably logic which comes from our "common sense" (aka: conventional wisdom)

Do I need to chronicle the plethora of "common sense" beliefs humans have held through history, which turned out to be totally incorrect? I'm not sure if USMB can handle the bandwidth!
Jesus is defiantly coming back in the not to far off distant future and then you will have the absolute proof.
When the antichrist desecrates the third temple, He will return in 3 1/2 years.
Do you think he will attend any County fairs?

Do you reckon he's scared of the Scrambler? It makes some people dizzy.

How about a Green Bay Packers game, do you think he'd face paint and pre-game in the parking lot?

Do you think he'd do some singing for the New Year's celebration in Times Square?

I wonder if Jesus would be proficient at first person shooters on xbox, or if he's just a button masher.

Do you think he'll have a jumpshot, now that basketball has been invented?

Will he be into vintage cars, muscle cars, or environmentally friendly ones?

Will he consider Americans living in the dark ages because we still use toilet paper? Would you touch poop, and then clean your hands with just paper, and then eat off those hands? No? Then why should toilet paper be considered "cleaning your ass?" jesus would probably say. Where is the inventor for better ass cleaning? Seems we're not adopting that european bidet (sp?) thingy.

I have so many questions.

Hi GT Imagine that Jesus is the spirit of Equal Justice for ALL humanity.
Now imagine what it will take for that spirit of truth and justice to be incarnated
in EVERY human relationship on Earth, where all people are joined in good will and charity for all others
equally as ourselves.

That is what it means for the Kingdom of God to be established on Earth.
World peace where we all work out our daily and longterm issues CIVILLY, and do not
abuse each other, bully, commit crimes or wage war against each other,
because we are too busy solving problems together to waste time fighting.

When all people embrace the body of laws and commit to following equal
justice and protection of interests for all people under law, then we are equal in peace and justice.

If you can imagine that, this is the miracle of Jesus or Justice coming
to be manifested and received by all people worldwide, every nation and every tribe
joined under common conscience or law as one humanity.
If Boss prefers his foolish, irrational pride over the objective facts of commonsensical logic, he is welcome to it.

LMFAO... NOW we have "commonsensical" logic! This is presumably logic which comes from our "common sense" (aka: conventional wisdom)

Do I need to chronicle the plethora of "common sense" beliefs humans have held through history, which turned out to be totally incorrect? I'm not sure if USMB can handle the bandwidth!

Boss you said yourself "God didn't need creation" right? because God is self-existent.
So imagine that Logic already exists within God and is equally self-existent as is God.

The Logic was there, as an INHERENT part of God that didn't need creation,
before the Creation manifested.

Does that help?

Would it help to make a distinction
between the manmade logic (lower case l) that is part of the Creation that God created,
and the divine Logic (upper case) on the level of God that doesn't need creation but is self-existent.

So can we distinguish that you mean the man made logic, so if God made man then man's logic is also created
in that chain.

But Justin and MD may be talking about the self-existent truth and logic on the level of God
that isn't created but has always existed.

Can we resolve it that way? by labeling these two levels as different points in the process of creation?

This reminds me of Jesus being with God in heaven from the beginning and not being created.
versus Jesus incarnated on Earth as man and having a beginning and and end in finite form.

Both are still called Jesus or the Word of God made incarnate Logos.
But these laws existed with God in heaven already,
and it was only in the Process of manifesting on man's level they go through a finite/physical beginning and process.

So these are two different levels of Existence
even though in spirit they are both called Jesus or the divine Laws of Justice synonymous with God's perfect will
and thus called God.
God did not create himself because God doesn't require creation.
God IS... "I AM!"

And what Justin and M.D. are saying is that they places the Logic of God
as part of God's identity inseparable from God,
so where God doesn't require creation neither does God's Logic.

Boss there is no need for conflict here.

Just because you and I Justin and MD draw the lines in different places
doesn't mean we're not talking about the same God!

There is no such thing as "God's Logic!" What that is doing is elevating Logic to the level of GOD!

Logic is a human-created word to describe our rational understanding of our universe and reality. GOD has no need for Logic whatsoever... GOD needs NOTHING!

A little care here, Boss

"If God needs Nothing" will lead to the question
"Does God want something?"

Two problems are popping up

1)The question of why this God would create
2)The increase of characteristics in this notion of God

Right now, I'm at "I don't know" but continued qualities can give me something to latch unto even if this God is beyond logic.
God did not create himself because God doesn't require creation.
God IS... "I AM!"

And what Justin and M.D. are saying is that they places the Logic of God
as part of God's identity inseparable from God,
so where God doesn't require creation neither does God's Logic.

Boss there is no need for conflict here.

Just because you and I Justin and MD draw the lines in different places
doesn't mean we're not talking about the same God!

There is no such thing as "God's Logic!" What that is doing is elevating Logic to the level of GOD!

Logic is a human-created word to describe our rational understanding of our universe and reality. GOD has no need for Logic whatsoever... GOD needs NOTHING!

God's "logic" is cause and effect, the laws of justice, of karma, of reaping what you sow
where you get the justice you give.

So if you refuse to forgive and you reject judge or punish others,
lo and behold, they do the same unto you.

Man did not invent the laws of justice.
We struggle to define, understand, follow and enforce them.
and we are baffled when we don't get the justice we think ought to happen
because God's justice is based on greater knowledge of cause and effect we can't always see.

I agree man's logic and justice is limited, and flawed compared with God's logic and laws of justice
that are by definition in charge.

I think we do need to make a distinction between God's perfect justice that
existed already, and not confuse this with manmade understanding or systems of logic and justice.

We fall terribly short, and this is what MD means by our reliance on science is not going to work here.
I think we all agree man's ways fall short, but are saying it
in different ways and talking past each other.
2. as for Justin and this idea of either the Creator BEING logic or the Creator creating logic,
Boss this is like how Christians will say Jesus is God but Jesus is the Son and God the Father is greater.

they are blending them together as one!

No Emily, that's not what is flying back in my face from them. The equivalent would be me saying "Jesus is the Son of God" and them responding.. "Nuh uh! Jesus IS God! You're irrational!" There is no "blending" there.

What they are both actually doing is making the case for the Atheists and Agnostics even better than they can do themselves. If believers in God can't even get on the same page, how the hell are they supposed to believe? What are they supposed to believe? We can't even settle it amongst ourselves and we believe!

To me, it is sad and unfortunate that MD made such a great argument with the 7 Things, and has now destroyed his own argument in order to criticize and contradict someone who believes in God. Either God is the omnipotent and omniscient Creator of ALL, or God isn't that.

It's a mutual process.

You may have to figure out how to get on the same page with them
if they can't figure out how to get on the same page with you.

once you get how to connect, maybe they can reciprocate after you?
The only "gap" appears to be between your ears, MD.

God created logic just as God created every parameter of our universe and reality... OR... God is not omnipotent and omniscient and is restricted by laws of logic which God didn't create. You can pick one or the other, you cannot pick both because both cannot be true at the same time.

Pride, foolish pride: that's what we have here!

God is Love. Did God create love?

God is Truth. Did God create truth?

God is Omniscience. Did God create omniscience?

God is Omnipotence. Did God create omnipotence?

God is Omnipresence. Did God create omnipresence?

God is Rationality and Order. Did God create rationality and order in the cosmos or bestow His rationality and order on the cosmos when He created it?

Where is the contradiction in that?

Answer: there is no contradiction!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

God is not inherently bound by His own nature and is not bound to create things in accordance with His own nature?

That's your argument?

Answer: Yes, it is!

What's wrong with that argument?

Answer: everything!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

A perfect God is not bound by the imperatives of love and truth and rationality and order?

Answer: Yes, He is!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is God rational or is He irrational? He is rational!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is God bound by His nature of rationality and order? Yes or no?

Answer: Yes, He is!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

A: A = A.

God = Not-God?! Is that your argument?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is that argument sensible?

Answer: No, it's not!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

God Not-God.

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

If our logic is wrong, then God is leading us to believe things about Him that are wrong, indeed, things that according to your logic don't even makes sense to us!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is your logic right?

Answer: No, it's not! It's incoherent and insane.

Indeed, it contradicts itself at every turn: for example, according to you, we can only believe truth, not know truth.

Are you asserting that as an absolutely true statement? Yes or no?

Answer: Yes, you are!

Hence, does your claim necessarily negate itself and positively prove the opposite is true?

Answer: Yes, it does!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Your logic is wrong, because the only thing that does make sense is the real logic of human cognition that just destroyed your nonsense, the logic that must be the eternally existing logic of God bestowed on us, not created!

Enough of this nonsense that the terms endow or bestow or confer are synonymous to the term create!

God did not create logic!
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The only "gap" appears to be between your ears, MD.

God created logic just as God created every parameter of our universe and reality... OR... God is not omnipotent and omniscient and is restricted by laws of logic which God didn't create. You can pick one or the other, you cannot pick both because both cannot be true at the same time.

Pride, foolish pride: that's what we have here!

God is Love. Did God create love?

God is Truth. Did God create truth?

God is Omniscience. Did God create omniscience?

God is Omnipotence. Did God create omnipotence?

God is Omnipresence. Did God create omnipresence?

God is Rationality and Order. Did God create rationality and order in the cosmos or bestow His rationality and order on the cosmos when He created it?

Where is the contradiction in that?

Answer: there is no contradiction!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

God is not inherently bound by His own nature and is not bound to create things in accordance with His own nature?

That's your argument?

Answer: Yes, it is!

What's wrong with that argument?

Answer: everything!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

A perfect God is not bound by the imperatives of love and truth and rationality and order?

Answer: Yes, He is!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is God rational or is He irrational? He is rational!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is God bound by His nature of rationality and order? Yes or no?

Answer: Yes, He is!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

A: A = A.

God = Not-God?! Is that your argument?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is that argument sensible?

Answer: No, it's not!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

God Not-God.

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

If our logic is wrong, then God is leading us to believe things about Him that are wrong, indeed, things that according to your logic don't even makes sense to us!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Is your logic right?

Answer: No, it's not! It's incoherent and insane.

Indeed, it contradicts itself at every turn: for example, according to you, we can only believe truth, not know truth.

Are you asserting that as an absolutely true statement? Yes or no?

Answer: Yes, you are!

Hence, does your claim necessarily negate itself and positively prove the opposite is true?

Answer: Yes, it does!

Is that the argument of human cognition refuting your nonsense?

Answer: Yes, it is!

Your logic is wrong, because the only thing that does make sense is the real logic of human cognition that just destroyed your nonsense, the logic that must be the eternally existing logic of God bestowed on us, not created!

Enough of this nonsense that the terms endow or bestow or confer are synonymous to the term create!

God did not create logic!

Dear MD
I am guessing that Boss means something like
man's logic or man's science based on laws in creation.
so if God created man and created the universe
then the laws of logic and science are also part of this level of creation.

I think we agree more than we disagree.

Boss has a problem with what is meant by Logic on God's level
just like Justin had a problem with what is meant by
relative truths. vs. absolute truths on God's level.

i think we need better distinctions when we are talking
about the DIFFERENT LEVELS of truth or logic.
And distinguish God's absolute level from the
man made level. i think that is where we might be talking past each other.

In addition, I don't think any insult offense or error is intended
by you, Justin, me or Boss or even GT and Hollie and others.

From what I see, we are all trying to be honest with each other
what we see going on or wrong, and just not getting where the other is coming from yet.

The frustration and misunderstanding will be less as we go.
I hope the accusations and namecalling drop because that isn't helping at all,
especially with people who are sincerely trying and being accused of otherwise!

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