Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?


You think you're telling me something I don't know?

How does that refute the prebiotic facts of research demonstrating that the self-ordering properties of mere chemistry have never produced anything above the virtually non-informational level of mere infrastructure? It's not even close. And how do you suppose that the paltry number of racemic, wrong-handed organic molecules that can persist outside living cells managed to achieve homochirality without living cells? The problem is staggeringly complex. It's like trying to put square peg in a round hole . . . only in this case that square peg would have to be jammed through the round hole a virtually infinitely unknown number of times.

Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

I didn't ask you if it refuted anything. I asked you what you think it means wrt to the origin of life. Well? By the way, anyone who has to use his own rantings as citation either has a very large ego, or doesn't have the experience and knowledge to cite others. Congratulations.

My article tells you what I think about it. Read it. And enough of your mealy mouthed nonsense about how it's not backed by citation after citation of real science, by the research of the leading lights of prebiotic science. If what you imply is true it should be easy to refute its contents and my assessments of the research findings. Put up or shut up. Quote and refute, and watch what happens: the same thing that happened last time I wiped the floor with you and your bilge.

I implied nothing. I asked you a question, one you have yet to answer in any meaningful way. If precursor organic molecules exist on primordial comets in the solar system, and apparently they do according to the result of the Philae analysis, what does that say about the origin of life? By the way, if you don't know the answer, in science it is completely acceptable to say "I don't know".

You're imply nothing?

You just implied I don't know the answer to your silly question.

I answered that questioned. Read my article and you'll know the answer. I'm not going post a long and in-depth article on a complex issue on this forum. What's wrong with you? You have the link. Read it!

Besides, why do you think the findings of the Philae probe are such a big deal? The universe is littered with space debris containing organic molecules, some as old or older. Whoop-dee-doo. Why would the existence of the paltry number of organic molecules that can hold their composition outside living cells in the universe be something amazing. This only amazes those not well-versed in the actualities of prebiotic research.

The discovery of precursor organic molecules as described is actually pretty devastating to christian extremists such as yourself.

You have no idea how stupid that statement is, do you? Not the first clue. There's nothing new, unusual, surprising or even amazing about the paltry number of organic molecules that persist in space debris. LOL! We have known this for decades. Where have you been? LOL!
The discovery of precursor organic molecules as described is actually pretty devastating to christian extremists such as yourself.

You really do need to provide something to support this assertion.
I implied nothing. I asked you a question, one you have yet to answer in any meaningful way. If precursor organic molecules exist on primordial comets in the solar system, and apparently they do according to the result of the Philae analysis, what does that say about the origin of life? By the way, if you don't know the answer, in science it is completely acceptable to say "I don't know".

Why would any rational person, religious or otherwise, believe that organic molecules only existed on Earth... in all the vastness of our universe? I see nothing in this revelation which diminishes any belief in intelligent design. If omnipotent and omnipresent God created life on Earth, there is no reason to think God couldn't have done the same thing elsewhere. I am not an expert on Christian doctrine, but I don't know of anything in the Bible or Christianity which states it is absolutely impossible that God created life somewhere other than Earth. So where does this inference come from?
There's no reason why anyone should accept your claim to the version of gawds you have created as a part of your religion of spirits and spirit realm'ists.
I implied nothing. I asked you a question, one you have yet to answer in any meaningful way. If precursor organic molecules exist on primordial comets in the solar system, and apparently they do according to the result of the Philae analysis, what does that say about the origin of life? By the way, if you don't know the answer, in science it is completely acceptable to say "I don't know".

You're imply nothing?

You just implied I don't know the answer to your silly question.

Dufus, when I first asked the question, I made no implication. It was a question. Questions demand answers (even if the answer is "I don't know").

I answered that questioned. Read my article and you'll know the answer. I'm not going post a long and in-depth article on a complex issue on this forum. What's wrong with you? You have the link. Read it!

Besides, why do you think the findings of the Philae probe are such a big deal? The universe is littered with space debris containing organic molecules, some as old or older. Whoop-dee-doo. Why would the existence of the paltry number of organic molecules that can hold their composition outside living cells in the universe be something amazing. This only amazes those not well-versed in the actualities of prebiotic research.

A paltry number? There are likely over a million such objects in the Oort cloud. Together, they outweigh the entire Earth. Which means that the fact that organic precursors of life exist on these objects and are likely the source of the building blocks of life on Earth - that is a BIG deal. Wiggle all you care to, but doing so in the face of these facts only makes you look foolish and desperate.
I didn't ask you if it refuted anything. I asked you what you think it means wrt to the origin of life. Well? By the way, anyone who has to use his own rantings as citation either has a very large ego, or doesn't have the experience and knowledge to cite others. Congratulations.

My article tells you what I think about it. Read it. And enough of your mealy mouthed nonsense about how it's not backed by citation after citation of real science, by the research of the leading lights of prebiotic science. If what you imply is true it should be easy to refute its contents and my assessments of the research findings. Put up or shut up. Quote and refute, and watch what happens: the same thing that happened last time I wiped the floor with you and your bilge.

I implied nothing. I asked you a question, one you have yet to answer in any meaningful way. If precursor organic molecules exist on primordial comets in the solar system, and apparently they do according to the result of the Philae analysis, what does that say about the origin of life? By the way, if you don't know the answer, in science it is completely acceptable to say "I don't know".

You're imply nothing?

You just implied I don't know the answer to your silly question.

I answered that questioned. Read my article and you'll know the answer. I'm not going post a long and in-depth article on a complex issue on this forum. What's wrong with you? You have the link. Read it!

Besides, why do you think the findings of the Philae probe are such a big deal? The universe is littered with space debris containing organic molecules, some as old or older. Whoop-dee-doo. Why would the existence of the paltry number of organic molecules that can hold their composition outside living cells in the universe be something amazing. This only amazes those not well-versed in the actualities of prebiotic research.

The discovery of precursor organic molecules as described is actually pretty devastating to christian extremists such as yourself.

You have no idea how stupid that statement is, do you? Not the first clue. There's nothing new, unusual, surprising or even amazing about the paltry number of organic molecules that persist in space debris. LOL! We have known this for decades. Where have you been? LOL!
I was commenting on how devastating the discovery of precursor organic molecules would be to christian fundies. Your extreme reaction confirms my comment.

You went into panic mode because your extremist beliefs are directly impacted.
I implied nothing. I asked you a question, one you have yet to answer in any meaningful way. If precursor organic molecules exist on primordial comets in the solar system, and apparently they do according to the result of the Philae analysis, what does that say about the origin of life? By the way, if you don't know the answer, in science it is completely acceptable to say "I don't know".

You're imply nothing?

You just implied I don't know the answer to your silly question.

Dufus, when I first asked the question, I made no implication. It was a question. Questions demand answers (even if the answer is "I don't know").

I answered that questioned. Read my article and you'll know the answer. I'm not going post a long and in-depth article on a complex issue on this forum. What's wrong with you? You have the link. Read it!

Besides, why do you think the findings of the Philae probe are such a big deal? The universe is littered with space debris containing organic molecules, some as old or older. Whoop-dee-doo. Why would the existence of the paltry number of organic molecules that can hold their composition outside living cells in the universe be something amazing. This only amazes those not well-versed in the actualities of prebiotic research.

A paltry number? There are likely over a million such objects in the Oort cloud. Together, they outweigh the entire Earth. Which means that the fact that organic precursors of life exist on these objects and are likely the source of the building blocks of life on Earth - that is a BIG deal. Wiggle all you care to, but doing so in the face of these facts only makes you look foolish and desperate.

I'm referring to types or kinds of organic molecules! There's no millions of different kinds or types of organic precursors out there, you idiot. If you knew the science you wouldn't have misunderstood me. You don't know what you're talking about.

For starters, there's only six of the 20 amino acids of life that can reliably maintain their composition in racemic mixtures only under life-supporting, atmospheric conditions outside living cells, and that's being generous. The rest on Earth are calcified deposits found in meteorites of racemic mixtures utterly useless to life. Others can only maintain their composition in space, most in trace amounts, many of them non-biological. Proteins are polymers! In addition to amines, there are many other kinds of organic monomers that occur in nature in racemic mixtures. So what? There's nothing new, unusual, surprising or amazing about that. They're ubiquitous in space; albeit, they occur in racemic, wrong-handed mixtures, utterly useless to life. Only in living cells do organic molecules occur in homochiral mixtures and in complex, polymeric compositions.

"Wiggle all you care to"?!

You little punk, you're not quailed to wipe my ass, so to speak, on this matter. I'm the authority. You're a know-nothing ignoramus.

All one has to do is read my article to see what an utter phony ass you are: Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism
Dufus, when I first asked the question, I made no implication. It was a question. Questions demand answers (even if the answer is "I don't know").


Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

For President!


mdr -

pity your idol lost his first reelection attempt in Congress, not to worry though there's big money to be made running for President. I'm sure that will heal your soul.

"Wiggle all you care to"?!

You little punk, you're not quailed to wipe my ass, so to speak, on this matter. I'm the authority. You're a know-nothing ignoramus.

All one has to do is read my article to see what an utter phony ass you are: Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

All I have to do is read your insane diatribe? You're a comedian, you know that? 9 years of college science under my belt tells me that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Authority? There are no authorities in science, and even if there were, you wouldn't even make the long list.

Baby Jane orogenicman


Science has shown how nature produced nucleic acids, I tell you! It's all true, I tell you! Abiogenesis is a scientific fact, I tell you! And . . . and . . . fairies wear boots! You gotta believe me!
"Wiggle all you care to"?!

You little punk, you're not qualified o wipe my ass, so to speak, on this matter. I'm the authority. You're a know-nothing ignoramus.

All one has to do is read my article to see what an utter phony ass you are: Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

All I have to do is read your insane diatribe? You're a comedian, you know that? 9 years of college science under my belt tells me that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Authority? There are no authorities in science, and even if there were, you wouldn't even make the long list.


You little punk, you're not qualified to wipe my ass, so to speak, on this matter. I'm the authority. You're a know-nothing ignoramus.
Nine years of college under your belt? :booze: So you majored in basket weaving? :booze: Millions of different kinds of organic molecules, you say? :alcoholic: Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! :booze: Let's see the list for these millions of organic molecules. :booze: What a hoot! Millions? :booze:Got link?

Say, orogenicman, is that millions of different kinds of organic monomers in your pocket or are you just happy to be here? :booze:

Tell us how the Miller-Urey experiments produced nucleic acids again like last time. :booze:That was a hoot. Got link?

Meanwhile, back in the real world: Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism
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"Wiggle all you care to"?!

You little punk, you're not qualified o wipe my ass, so to speak, on this matter. I'm the authority. You're a know-nothing ignoramus.

All one has to do is read my article to see what an utter phony ass you are: Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

All I have to do is read your insane diatribe? You're a comedian, you know that? 9 years of college science under my belt tells me that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Authority? There are no authorities in science, and even if there were, you wouldn't even make the long list.


You little punk, you're not qualified to wipe my ass, so to speak, on this matter. I'm the authority. You're a know-nothing ignoramus.
Nine years of college under your belt? :booze: So you majored in basket weaving? :booze: Millions of different kinds of organic molecules, you say? :alcoholic: Fairies wear boots. You gotta believe me! :booze: Let's see the list for these millions of organic molecules. :booze: What a hoot! Millions? :booze:Got link?

Say, orogenicman, is that millions of different kinds of organic monomers in your pocket or are you just happy to be here? :booze:

Tell us how the Miller-Urey experiments produced nucleic acids again like last time. :booze:That was a hoot. Got link?

Meanwhile, back in the real world: Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Read it and weep, you sos:

New Study Revisits Miller-Urey Experiment at the Quantum Level - Astrobiology Magazine
Dufus, when I first asked the question, I made no implication. It was a question. Questions demand answers (even if the answer is "I don't know").


Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Oh my. You should take an anger management course, bubba.

Oh my. You should really shut up, but you know what? Don't. Tell us more. What other insane nonsense do you have?

Here's my questions:

Among the amino acids of life, what are the six durables?

What is the actual end product in the organic synthesis of amino acids under the conditions of a reducing or semi-reducing atmosphere in nature?

What abiogenetic hypothesis was falsified by the Miller-Urey experiments?

What are the various challenges to the synthesis of cytosine under natural conditions?

What is the actual end product of the synthesis of cytosine in nature?

What is the one indispensable nucleobase in replication?

What is the chirality of biological amino acids?

What is the chirality of biological nucleic compounds?

What is the chirality of biological sugars?

What is the single most unstable organic monomer/polymer outside living cells?

What organic polymer are cellular membranes composed of?

What is the indispensable organic monomer/polymer for the synthesis of nucleotides?

In a nutshell, without looking it up, given your nine years of college, what are the nuts and bolts of the RNA-World model?

Why has the RNA-World hypothesis been abandoned?

What are the two types of biological sugars that must be segregated in order to prevent the disruption of RNA synthesis in living cells?

What are the five organic, monomeric substances that nature can produce via the self-ordering properties of chemistry?

What do the pyrimidines need in order to polymerize?

What would have been the eight steps/stages of biochemical evolution via the purely natural conditions and processes of abiogenesis?

At what level of nucleotide polymers (polynucleotides) does the command, organizational information for organic polymerization reside?

In microbiological engineering what kind of RNA production system produces self-replicating strands of RNA?

In microbiological engineering what is the difference between recombinant mutation and transmutation?

In the light of the answers to the last four questions, what may we reasonably expect for the future of pebiotic research regarding the various "primordial-soup" models of organic polymerization?​
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Hey, Basket Weaver, I stay current on the science. I'm quite familiar with the quantum-electric fields model for the alternate intermediate formamide for amino acid and nucleobase synthesis, though I know you don't understand that formaldehyde would necessarily remain a constant intermediate along side the potentiality of formamide in terrestrial-based synthesis as opposed to space-based synthesis, and this would not change the actual end product that would be produced in terrestrial-based synthesis in a reducing or semi-reducing atmosphere under natural conditions. Also, we've suspected the potentiality of the alternate intermediate formamide in the space-based synthesis of amino acids and nucleobases for some time.

Now, tell us what you think this means in the grand scheme of things, and what am I supposed to be weeping over, you silly ass?

You know you would save yourself all this humiliation if you would shut the hell up, dweeb, stop pretending that you know anything worth knowing about this matter, stop pretending to be above the authority of my article, read the article and educate yourself.

Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism
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:lol: :lol:

Its reduced to "I'm the authority!!!! Grrrrr!!! Punk!"

Too comedy.....too comedy

Hey, Basket Weaver, I stay current on the science. I'm quite familiar with the quantum-electric fields model for the alternate intermediate formamide for amino acid and nucleobase synthesis, though I know you don't understand that formaldehyde would necessarily remain a constant intermediate along side the potentiality of formamide in terrestrial-based synthesis as opposed to space-based synthesis, and this would not change the actual end product that would be produced in terrestrial-based synthesis in a reducing or semi-reducing atmosphere under natural conditions. Also, we've suspected the potentiality of the alternate intermediate formamide in the space-based synthesis of amino acids and nucleobases for some time.

Now, tell us what you think this means in the grand scheme of things, and what am I supposed to be weeping over, you silly ass?

You know you would save yourself all this humiliation if you would shut the hell up, dweeb, stop pretending that you know anything worth knowing about this matter, stop pretending to be above the authority of my article, read the article and educate yourself.

Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism
Oddly, none of your rant does anything to support your polytheistic gawds.

Yours is the standard tactic of the Harun Yahya groupies. You hope to vilify science in the hope of shifting the burden of proof from your claims to gawds.
Dufus, when I first asked the question, I made no implication. It was a question. Questions demand answers (even if the answer is "I don't know").


Prufrock s Lair Abiogenesis The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Oh my. You should take an anger management course, bubba.

Oh my. You should really shut up, but you know what? Don't. Tell us more. What other insane nonsense do you have?

Here's my questions:

Among the amino acids of life, what are the six durables?

What is the actual end product in the organic synthesis of amino acids under the conditions of a reducing or semi-reducing atmosphere in nature?

What abiogenetic hypothesis was falsified by the Miller-Urey experiments?

What are the various challenges to the synthesis of cytosine under natural conditions?

What is the actual end product of the synthesis of cytosine in nature?

What is the one indispensable nucleobase in replication?

What is the chirality of biological amino acids?

What is the chirality of biological nucleic compounds?

What is the chirality of biological sugars?

What is the single most unstable organic monomer/polymer outside living cells?

What organic polymer are cellular membranes composed of?

What is the indispensable organic monomer/polymer for the synthesis of nucleotides?

In a nutshell, without looking it up, given your nine years of college, what are the nuts and bolts of the RNA-World model?

Why has the RNA-World hypothesis been abandoned?

What are the two types of biological sugars that must be segregated in order to prevent the disruption of RNA synthesis in living cells?

What are the five organic, monomeric substances that nature can produce via the self-ordering properties of chemistry?

What do the pyrimidines need in order to polymerize?

What would have been the eight steps/stages of biochemical evolution via the purely natural conditions and processes of abiogenesis?

At what level of nucleotide polymers (polynucleotides) does the command, organizational information for organic polymerization reside?

In microbiological engineering what kind of RNA production system produces self-replicating strands of RNA?

In microbiological engineering what is the difference between recombinant mutation and transmutation?

In the light of the answers to the last four questions, what may we reasonably expect for the future of pebiotic research regarding the various "primordial-soup" models of organic polymerization?​
Why does all your cutting and pasting come from christian fundamentalist ministries?
Here is something for the "no such thing as God" people to ponder....

I want you to think about sharks and lions for a minute. A shark is basically an eating machine. It spends most of it's existence searching out and consuming prey, only to grow larger and need more prey. Lions are basically land-based versions of the shark. Both creatures have amazing abilities and are incredibly smart but they can't contemplate, rationalize, invent and create like humans. Can you imagine the nightmare if sharks and lions had the capacity of humans to reason and imagine?

Now we look at humans. We have the ability to reason, to contemplate, to invent and create. Nothing else does it better than us. Left to our own devices, we have the potential to outsmart anything on the planet, including the sharks and lions. This amazing ability and power of humans is great because it has allowed us to advance to levels that no other creature can even comprehend. We've invented math and science, we can figure things out, including how to literally destroy every living thing in creation. What prevents this from happening? What constrains the inherent powers of human beings? What stops us from being "too smart for our own good?"

It is our built-in and hard-wired comprehension of something greater than self. The realization of this power is the basis for our development of "human morality" and this alone prevents us from destroying ourselves and everything else. You can intellectually argue about various incarnations of God all day long, but what you cannot argue is the necessity of something which keeps humanity in check and doesn't allow our intelligence and cognizance to go too far. Without this, we couldn't or wouldn't survive and nothing else would either. Our world would have long ago collapsed into chaos and we would have destroyed it all without something to reel us back in.

Whether or not a particular "God" does or doesn't exist is certainly something we can debate, but nature itself could not be balanced as it is with humans having the abilities they have, and nothing to constrain them. It simply doesn't work without human realization of something greater than self.
Here is something for the "no such thing as God" people to ponder....

I want you to think about sharks and lions for a minute. A shark is basically an eating machine. It spends most of it's existence searching out and consuming prey, only to grow larger and need more prey. Lions are basically land-based versions of the shark. Both creatures have amazing abilities and are incredibly smart but they can't contemplate, rationalize, invent and create like humans. Can you imagine the nightmare if sharks and lions had the capacity of humans to reason and imagine?

Now we look at humans. We have the ability to reason, to contemplate, to invent and create. Nothing else does it better than us. Left to our own devices, we have the potential to outsmart anything on the planet, including the sharks and lions. This amazing ability and power of humans is great because it has allowed us to advance to levels that no other creature can even comprehend. We've invented math and science, we can figure things out, including how to literally destroy every living thing in creation. What prevents this from happening? What constrains the inherent powers of human beings? What stops us from being "too smart for our own good?"

It is our built-in and hard-wired comprehension of something greater than self. The realization of this power is the basis for our development of "human morality" and this alone prevents us from destroying ourselves and everything else. You can intellectually argue about various incarnations of God all day long, but what you cannot argue is the necessity of something which keeps humanity in check and doesn't allow our intelligence and cognizance to go too far. Without this, we couldn't or wouldn't survive and nothing else would either. Our world would have long ago collapsed into chaos and we would have destroyed it all without something to reel us back in.

Whether or not a particular "God" does or doesn't exist is certainly something we can debate, but nature itself could not be balanced as it is with humans having the abilities they have, and nothing to constrain them. It simply doesn't work without human realization of something greater than self.
Nothing in that whimpering, weepy-eyed appeal to emotion comes close to suggesting gawds.

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