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Is There Such A Thing As "Right" And "Wrong?"

Like your atheist friends say, "I'm going to study the Bible more than science". Yeah, right.

As opposed to your extremist friends who say:

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

The above seems to encapsulate the attitudes of so many of the more excitable Christians.

I actually have a library of about 75 feet of Christian books plus Kindle books. If I buy anymore, I might be cataloging them and putting them in boxes in my garage.

One of the prrofessors I volunteered for has two degrees and over 4,000 books in the 90's. I wonder how many books he has now.

My knowledge might be half a page I can write off the top of my head but some of the pastors I know can easily write 12 pages or more and write papers.

I 'm not here to embaress you, Hollie. I proved an atheist wrong on Tyre but proving you wrong won't solve your spiritual condition and when I start down this road, everyone will get in line trying to prove me wrong and I will never accomplish what I have to accomplish. But no. We have been reading the Bible longer than you. Can I tell you I don't believe you?

75 whole books!
This post is so pathetically sad it is impossible to respond to.
Speaking of right and wrong left in the hands of humans, God warned Abraham of the pending destruction of a group of cities in which not one righteous man could be found.

So how do you explain San Francisco?

Here is the best explanation I've heard so far:

"If God doesn't let this country have it He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology." ~ Mrs. Billy Graham :eusa_angel:
Speaking of right and wrong left in the hands of humans, God warned Abraham of the pending destruction of a group of cities in which not one righteous man could be found.

So how do you explain San Francisco?

At one point the great Prophet, Elijah thought that there were no more righteous men left but God assured him that there were another 7000 scattered in the general, geographical area.

Elijah laments the wickedness of Israel:
1 Kings 19:10
, "And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

Elijah laments a second request:
1 Kings 19:14
, "And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

God answers:
1 Kings 19:18
, "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him."
As bad as San Francisco is I know some really good people who live there. Not everyone has fallen into total debauchery -- yet.
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I love this old testament brimstone shit.

People who fuck in the butt should be eradicated. Granted, when it's consensual, there's no victim. Still, it's gross. Gross = ugly and Tupac told me God don't like ugly.

Hopefully Jesus will kill the people doing stuff that grosses me out.

LMFAO @ quoting Billy Graham's family, and way to spread the love of Christ.
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Why would anyone blindly accept information from someone with a predefined conclusion, especially when that information is unsupported?

Your friends aren't an authority on the Bible. Remember that.

I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.

Then become an authority yourself. We've had many discussion together. I've told you not to just believe because I say so. Go to the Lord and find out for yourself. You've been full of excuses so far. But I hope one day you will ask the Lord.

I love this old testament brimstone shit.

People who fuck in the butt should be eradicated. Granted, when it's consensual, there's no victim. Still, it's gross. Gross = ugly and Tupac told me God don't like ugly.

Hopefully Jesus will kill the people doing stuff that grosses me out.

LMFAO @ quoting Billy Graham's family, and way to spread the love of Christ.

Recognizing there are consequences to our actions doesn't mean we want people to face those consequences. Quite the opposite. Most of us are inviting people to avoid those consequences through Repentence.

As for San Fran, there are still righteous among them.

I love this old testament brimstone shit.

People who fuck in the butt should be eradicated. Granted, when it's consensual, there's no victim. Still, it's gross. Gross = ugly and Tupac told me God don't like ugly.

Hopefully Jesus will kill the people doing stuff that grosses me out.

LMFAO @ quoting Billy Graham's family, and way to spread the love of Christ.

Recognizing there are consequences to our actions doesn't mean we want people to face those consequences. Quite the opposite. Most of us are inviting people to avoid those consequences through Repentence.

As for San Fran, there are still righteous among them.

Sorry to burst your bubble on this, bud, but when you say that, "If God doesn't give it to this country, he owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah", and it's well known that you are a strong Christian and therefore you support the actions of your God, the inescapable implication is that you want God to smite this country. The fact that one would reference Sodom and Gomorrah in particular implies that their wish for the smiting of America is based on the US's perceived propensity for "amoral" (gross) sex.

You can't tell me that the statement in question was anything but vicious, and whoever quoted it is a sadistic, self-righteous motherfucker, just like its originator.

In fact, anybody who believes that a just God would eradicate people for gross sex that is victimless is pretty fuckin sadistic to begin with.
Sorry to burst your bubble on this, bud, but when you say that, "If God doesn't give it to this country, he owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah", and it's well known that you are a strong Christian and therefore you support the actions of your God, the inescapable implication is that you want God to smite this country. The fact that one would reference Sodom and Gomorrah in particular implies that their wish for the smiting of America is based on the US's perceived propensity for "amoral" (gross) sex.

You can't tell me that the statement in question was anything but vicious, and whoever quoted it is a sadistic, self-righteous motherfucker, just like its originator.

In fact, anybody who believes that a just God would eradicate people for gross sex that is victimless is pretty fuckin sadistic to begin with.

Justice is going to come down on us, that doesn't mean we don't want people to repent and find mercy. Repentance is always available to those who eek it.

And no crime is victimless. You may not always be aware of that consequences of ones actions, but the misuse of procreative powers has grave consequences, not only for those involved, but for generations of others as well.
Sorry to burst your bubble on this, bud, but when you say that, "If God doesn't give it to this country, he owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah", and it's well known that you are a strong Christian and therefore you support the actions of your God, the inescapable implication is that you want God to smite this country. The fact that one would reference Sodom and Gomorrah in particular implies that their wish for the smiting of America is based on the US's perceived propensity for "amoral" (gross) sex.

You can't tell me that the statement in question was anything but vicious, and whoever quoted it is a sadistic, self-righteous motherfucker, just like its originator.

In fact, anybody who believes that a just God would eradicate people for gross sex that is victimless is pretty fuckin sadistic to begin with.

Justice is going to come down on us, that doesn't mean we don't want people to repent and find mercy. Repentance is always available to those who eek it.

And no crime is victimless. You may not always be aware of that consequences of ones actions, but the misuse of procreative powers has grave consequences, not only for those involved, but for generations of others as well.

Oh, ok. So I should take it on faith that gross sex has victims, even though none can be determined via the information granted by our sensory input, and therefore accept that people who wish for the mass eradication of people who commit these acts aren't sadistic.

Except that even if you're sadistic based on your faith, you're STILL sadistic.
At one point the great Prophet, Elijah thought that there were no more righteous men left but God assured him that there were another 7000 scattered in the general, geographical area.

I never understood the Flood or S&G. I mean, I think ancient man is just backing in God as a reason for tremendous destruction. I do think S&G were historical, but a world wide flood, no way.

But in any case, why didn't God just snap It's fingers and everybody in the world but Noah's family keel over and die? Why is there evidence to support S&G, but the Flood, no way.....just the opposite?
Henry Morris, several members of his family, and numerous Christian scientists (not the religion of "Christian Science") maintain a website called the "Institute for Creation Research." It's full of scientific evidence that supports the biblical record of Genesis chapters 1 and 6 (Creation and the Flood of Noah) plus other portions of the Bible that discuss the meeting of the terrestrial with the Spirit of God and His biblical claims.

The Institute for Creation Research

Uh, no. The ICR is among the more notorious purveyors of fraud and deceit.

LOL. It's automatically "fraud and deceit" if it doesn't fit into your preconceived notions or personal worldview. I guess that makes you a "god" now.

It goes back a way but here’s a good article on how Charlatan is spelled as “ICR”.

A Visit to the ICR: Part 1

Otherwise, kindly show us the research that the “Institute for Creation Research” is actually doing.

Have you ever considered that an organization requiring it’s members to sign a “statement of faith” has an agenda to press that is not going to allow for open inquiry and integrity?

Foundational Principles
Why would anyone blindly accept information from someone with a predefined conclusion, especially when that information is unsupported?

Good question. Why exactly should we listen to you again?

Good question. You don't have to. You also don't have to listen to any peer reviewed science.

All you need to know is in the bibles.
Your friends aren't an authority on the Bible. Remember that.

I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.

Then become an authority yourself. We've had many discussion together. I've told you not to just believe because I say so. Go to the Lord and find out for yourself. You've been full of excuses so far. But I hope one day you will ask the Lord.

I did ask the lord, many of them. They all said "don't believe what Avatar4321 says".

I love this old testament brimstone shit.

People who fuck in the butt should be eradicated. Granted, when it's consensual, there's no victim. Still, it's gross. Gross = ugly and Tupac told me God don't like ugly.

Hopefully Jesus will kill the people doing stuff that grosses me out.

LMFAO @ quoting Billy Graham's family, and way to spread the love of Christ.

Recognizing there are consequences to our actions doesn't mean we want people to face those consequences. Quite the opposite. Most of us are inviting people to avoid those consequences through Repentence.

As for San Fran, there are still righteous among them.

Sorry to burst your bubble on this, bud, but when you say that, "If God doesn't give it to this country, he owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah", and it's well known that you are a strong Christian and therefore you support the actions of your God, the inescapable implication is that you want God to smite this country. The fact that one would reference Sodom and Gomorrah in particular implies that their wish for the smiting of America is based on the US's perceived propensity for "amoral" (gross) sex.

You can't tell me that the statement in question was anything but vicious, and whoever quoted it is a sadistic, self-righteous motherfucker, just like its originator.

In fact, anybody who believes that a just God would eradicate people for gross sex that is victimless is pretty fuckin sadistic to begin with.

Here's a short list of "things I want" relating to your post:

1) I want everyone to turn to Jesus Christ with a contrite and humble heart; repent of their sins; follow His example; and witness the Kingdom of God.
2) I want God's will to be done in all things.
3) I want to live in a world free of fear, pain, tears, and evil.

But I want these things remembering that what I want is miniscule in comparison to what God wants. His will -- not mine -- be done.

On the one hand, I believe what the Bible says about God. I believe that He's cleansed this earth in the past and that He promises to cleanse it in the future. We shall have a "New Heaven" and a "New Earth" whether anyone likes it or not. So there's no changing that. But I also believe what the Bible says about who the ultimate Judge is and it ain't me. Every person will stand before Him as He reads their entire lives back to them.
I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.

Then become an authority yourself. We've had many discussion together. I've told you not to just believe because I say so. Go to the Lord and find out for yourself. You've been full of excuses so far. But I hope one day you will ask the Lord.

I did ask the lord, many of them. They all said "don't believe what Avatar4321 says".

The Bible warns that some gods (false prophets, spirits, demons?) will present themselves under false pretense:

1 John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

2 Corinthians 11:3-4, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."
Then become an authority yourself. We've had many discussion together. I've told you not to just believe because I say so. Go to the Lord and find out for yourself. You've been full of excuses so far. But I hope one day you will ask the Lord.

I did ask the lord, many of them. They all said "don't believe what Avatar4321 says".

The Bible warns that some gods (false prophets, spirits, demons?) will present themselves under false pretense:

That might be you, then.
At one point the great Prophet, Elijah thought that there were no more righteous men left but God assured him that there were another 7000 scattered in the general, geographical area.

I never understood the Flood or S&G. I mean, I think ancient man is just backing in God as a reason for tremendous destruction. I do think S&G were historical, but a world wide flood, no way.

But in any case, why didn't God just snap It's fingers and everybody in the world but Noah's family keel over and die? Why is there evidence to support S&G, but the Flood, no way.....just the opposite?

I could ask "why" every day for the rest of my life and still not fully understand. Even non-believers could ask themselves "why." Why did a "big bang" happen. Why did rocks and goo give birth to living organisms. Why is man here. Etc. Why, why, why.

I personally believe that many of the events of the Old Testament can be understood on at least two levels. We can understand them on the surface and in their literal sense (the historical events as they occurred) but we can also understand a more spiritual meaning. In other words, the purging of sinful cities and regions is a message to the believer that he should purge himself of sin for if we do not purge ourselves of sin our souls can be destroyed. There are other examples but you get the point.

I'm old school where the flood is concerned. I do believe that it was global. The fossil record indicates it and the fact that shark's teeth have been found on the tops of some extremely high mountains indicates it was well. There's much to be said concerning the flood of Noah.
I did ask the lord, many of them. They all said "don't believe what Avatar4321 says".

The Bible warns that some gods (false prophets, spirits, demons?) will present themselves under false pretense:

That might be you, then.

I guess you'll have to study your Bible to see if I'm teaching something other than what Christ taught. Before you start reading, pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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