Is There Such A Thing As "Right" And "Wrong?"

Many cults gave similar "end times" predictions. Fear is a powerful motivator.

It is possible to free yourself from the tyranny of fear and superstition.

Most cults borrow from Scripture. It's no wonder that they want to try to copy the true religion while placing their own spin on things. That's been happening since Christ delivered His message to His disciples.

Christianity is no more true than any other religion.

It's absolutely true. Other religions are wannabes. Every other religion on earth flatly rejects the Son of God. Only Christianity embraces Him as God in the flesh.
Why would you offer such silliness?

Where, precisely did any god "say" he would gather the Jews to their homeland on May 15, 1948?

Now you.... :eusa_angel:

Can you predict the future?
God gave the timeline to Jeremiah. Daniel calculated it. You can too. Keep in mind that Hebrew years are 360 days in a year, and not the 365 we use. :eusa_angel:
I expected my question would go unanswered.

Secondly, I'm not aware that any of the writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods, at least none that are more than hearsay from secondhand sources.

What did I not answer? I have done the math here before. I'll go find it tonight, after the K. Derby. It was predicted to the day.
If you are unaware, then you need to introduce yourself to Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and the other spokesmen for God. Their prophecies speak for themselves. Look up the destruction of Tyre and we'll see if God was correct when He told His prophets about Tyre's destiny. :eusa_angel:
Most cults borrow from Scripture. It's no wonder that they want to try to copy the true religion while placing their own spin on things. That's been happening since Christ delivered His message to His disciples.

Christianity is no more true than any other religion.

It's absolutely true. Other religions are wannabes. Every other religion on earth flatly rejects the Son of God. Only Christianity embraces Him as God in the flesh.

Adherents to competing religions are convinced that their gods/religions are true and you are the wannabe.

Nothing you've offered separates your gods / religion from any other.

Weapons and ammo usually decides who's gods are the "true" gods.
Can you predict the future?
God gave the timeline to Jeremiah. Daniel calculated it. You can too. Keep in mind that Hebrew years are 360 days in a year, and not the 365 we use. :eusa_angel:
I expected my question would go unanswered.

Secondly, I'm not aware that any of the writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods, at least none that are more than hearsay from secondhand sources.

What did I not answer? I have done the math here before. I'll go find it tonight, after the K. Derby. It was predicted to the day.
If you are unaware, then you need to introduce yourself to Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and the other spokesmen for God. Their prophecies speak for themselves. Look up the destruction of Tyre and we'll see if God was correct when He told His prophets about Tyre's destiny. :eusa_angel:

Make enough predictions and some may appear to be true.

Which writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods?
Christianity is no more true than any other religion.

It's absolutely true. Other religions are wannabes. Every other religion on earth flatly rejects the Son of God. Only Christianity embraces Him as God in the flesh.

Adherents to competing religions are convinced that their gods/religions are true and you are the wannabe.

Nothing you've offered separates your gods / religion from any other.

Weapons and ammo usually decides who's gods are the "true" gods.

Christ's message spread like wildfire without Christ or His Apostles ever firing a shot or killing anyone in any other fashion. Christ's sword is His Word.

Hebrews 4:12
, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
I expected my question would go unanswered.

Secondly, I'm not aware that any of the writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods, at least none that are more than hearsay from secondhand sources.

What did I not answer? I have done the math here before. I'll go find it tonight, after the K. Derby. It was predicted to the day.
If you are unaware, then you need to introduce yourself to Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and the other spokesmen for God. Their prophecies speak for themselves. Look up the destruction of Tyre and we'll see if God was correct when He told His prophets about Tyre's destiny. :eusa_angel:

Make enough predictions and some may appear to be true.

Which writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods?

God's criteria was if one of His prophet's were wrong, kill them.
God is in the details. He didn't just say that Tyre would be destroyed, He gave all the details concerning the events:
Destroyed twice without being rebuilt after the first destruction.
2 different invaders.
Tyre debris thrown into the ocean.
Neighboring cities would not oppose the 2nd. invader, after seeing what the 2nd. invader did to Tyre.
The great city of Tyre reduced to a rock used to dry fishnets.

Tyre was invaded and destroyed. Instead of rebuilding, those that escaped went to Tyre, the island, off the coast and rebuilt their lives from that location. Enter Alexander. Having no boats to reach Tyre, He took the stones and wood debris from the mainland Tyre and threw it in the ocean. He created a bridge wide enough for his army to cross and wiped out Tyre. The neighboring cities were stunned by Alexander's military genius, they gave in without a fight.
A researcher went to that island, and what he saw were fishermen drying their nets on the rocks.

Anyone can prognosticate about the future. I can tell you with 100% accuracy that a horse will win the Kentucky Derby. I can't tell you his name, colors, or the time he will run the race in. I can give it an educated guess. But God sees history before it happens. It's where He gets the details. :eusa_angel:
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I expected my question would go unanswered.

Secondly, I'm not aware that any of the writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods, at least none that are more than hearsay from secondhand sources.

What did I not answer? I have done the math here before. I'll go find it tonight, after the K. Derby. It was predicted to the day.
If you are unaware, then you need to introduce yourself to Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and the other spokesmen for God. Their prophecies speak for themselves. Look up the destruction of Tyre and we'll see if God was correct when He told His prophets about Tyre's destiny. :eusa_angel:

Make enough predictions and some may appear to be true.

Which writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods?

That isn't how it works. Psychics guess but have a very bad probability over their guesses.
Sir Robert Anderson was knighted for his work and he showed when Israel would become a nation according to the Bible. The fact is scholars rejected it because it was too true.
What did I not answer? I have done the math here before. I'll go find it tonight, after the K. Derby. It was predicted to the day.
If you are unaware, then you need to introduce yourself to Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and the other spokesmen for God. Their prophecies speak for themselves. Look up the destruction of Tyre and we'll see if God was correct when He told His prophets about Tyre's destiny. :eusa_angel:

Make enough predictions and some may appear to be true.

Which writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods?

God's criteria was if one of His prophet's were wrong, kill them.
God is in the details. He didn't just say that Tyre would be destroyed, He gave all the details concerning the events:
Destroyed twice without being rebuilt after the first destruction.
2 different invaders.
Tyre debris thrown into the ocean.
Neighboring cities would not oppose the 2nd. invader, after seeing what the 2nd. invader did to Tyre.
The great city of Tyre reduced to a rock used to dry fishnets.

Tyre was invaded and destroyed. Instead of rebuilding, those that escaped went to Tyre, the island, off the coast and rebuilt their lives from that location. Enter Alexander. Having no boats to reach Tyre, He took the stones and wood debris from the mainland Tyre and threw it in the ocean. He created a bridge wide enough for his army to cross and wiped out Tyre. The neighboring cities were stunned by Alexander's military genius, they gave in without a fight.
A researcher went to that island, and what he saw were fishermen drying their nets on the rocks.

Anyone can prognosticate about the future. I can tell you with 100% accuracy that a horse will win the Kentucky Derby. I can't tell you his name, colors, or the time he will run the race in. I can give it an educated guess. But God sees history before it happens. It's where He gets the details. :eusa_angel:
The "tyre would be destroyed" soothsaying is boilerplate.

Failure of Bible Prophecy - The Fall of Tyre
Make enough predictions and some may appear to be true.

Which writers of the bibles ever had any direct communications from the gods?

God's criteria was if one of His prophet's were wrong, kill them.
God is in the details. He didn't just say that Tyre would be destroyed, He gave all the details concerning the events:
Destroyed twice without being rebuilt after the first destruction.
2 different invaders.
Tyre debris thrown into the ocean.
Neighboring cities would not oppose the 2nd. invader, after seeing what the 2nd. invader did to Tyre.
The great city of Tyre reduced to a rock used to dry fishnets.

Tyre was invaded and destroyed. Instead of rebuilding, those that escaped went to Tyre, the island, off the coast and rebuilt their lives from that location. Enter Alexander. Having no boats to reach Tyre, He took the stones and wood debris from the mainland Tyre and threw it in the ocean. He created a bridge wide enough for his army to cross and wiped out Tyre. The neighboring cities were stunned by Alexander's military genius, they gave in without a fight.
A researcher went to that island, and what he saw were fishermen drying their nets on the rocks.

Anyone can prognosticate about the future. I can tell you with 100% accuracy that a horse will win the Kentucky Derby. I can't tell you his name, colors, or the time he will run the race in. I can give it an educated guess. But God sees history before it happens. It's where He gets the details. :eusa_angel:
The "tyre would be destroyed" soothsaying is boilerplate.

Failure of Bible Prophecy - The Fall of Tyre

I investigated that from other atheists and they are wrong and refuse to accept the evidence so what you have is a strawman argument. I debated an atheist for years, he hammered me on everything and refused to listen to anything.

Get the information from people who know and stop listening to the liars.
God's criteria was if one of His prophet's were wrong, kill them.
God is in the details. He didn't just say that Tyre would be destroyed, He gave all the details concerning the events:
Destroyed twice without being rebuilt after the first destruction.
2 different invaders.
Tyre debris thrown into the ocean.
Neighboring cities would not oppose the 2nd. invader, after seeing what the 2nd. invader did to Tyre.
The great city of Tyre reduced to a rock used to dry fishnets.

Tyre was invaded and destroyed. Instead of rebuilding, those that escaped went to Tyre, the island, off the coast and rebuilt their lives from that location. Enter Alexander. Having no boats to reach Tyre, He took the stones and wood debris from the mainland Tyre and threw it in the ocean. He created a bridge wide enough for his army to cross and wiped out Tyre. The neighboring cities were stunned by Alexander's military genius, they gave in without a fight.
A researcher went to that island, and what he saw were fishermen drying their nets on the rocks.

Anyone can prognosticate about the future. I can tell you with 100% accuracy that a horse will win the Kentucky Derby. I can't tell you his name, colors, or the time he will run the race in. I can give it an educated guess. But God sees history before it happens. It's where He gets the details. :eusa_angel:
The "tyre would be destroyed" soothsaying is boilerplate.

Failure of Bible Prophecy - The Fall of Tyre

I investigated that from other atheists and they are wrong and refuse to accept the evidence so what you have is a strawman argument. I debated an atheist for years, he hammered me on everything and refused to listen to anything.

Get the information from people who know and stop listening to the liars.

Why would anyone blindly accept information from someone with a predefined conclusion, especially when that information is unsupported?
The "tyre would be destroyed" soothsaying is boilerplate.

Failure of Bible Prophecy - The Fall of Tyre

I investigated that from other atheists and they are wrong and refuse to accept the evidence so what you have is a strawman argument. I debated an atheist for years, he hammered me on everything and refused to listen to anything.

Get the information from people who know and stop listening to the liars.

Why would anyone blindly accept information from someone with a predefined conclusion, especially when that information is unsupported?

Your friends aren't an authority on the Bible. Remember that.
I investigated that from other atheists and they are wrong and refuse to accept the evidence so what you have is a strawman argument. I debated an atheist for years, he hammered me on everything and refused to listen to anything.

Get the information from people who know and stop listening to the liars.

Why would anyone blindly accept information from someone with a predefined conclusion, especially when that information is unsupported?

Your friends aren't an authority on the Bible. Remember that.

I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.
Why would anyone blindly accept information from someone with a predefined conclusion, especially when that information is unsupported?

Your friends aren't an authority on the Bible. Remember that.

I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.

Like your atheist friends say, "I'm going to study the Bible more than science". Yeah, right.
Your friends aren't an authority on the Bible. Remember that.

I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.

Like your atheist friends say, "I'm going to study the Bible more than science". Yeah, right.

As opposed to your extremist friends who say:

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

The above seems to encapsulate the attitudes of so many of the more excitable Christians.
I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.

Like your atheist friends say, "I'm going to study the Bible more than science". Yeah, right.

As opposed to your extremist friends who say:

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

The above seems to encapsulate the attitudes of so many of the more excitable Christians.

I actually have a library of about 75 feet of Christian books plus Kindle books. If I buy anymore, I might be cataloging them and putting them in boxes in my garage.

One of the prrofessors I volunteered for has two degrees and over 4,000 books in the 90's. I wonder how many books he has now.

My knowledge might be half a page I can write off the top of my head but some of the pastors I know can easily write 12 pages or more and write papers.

I 'm not here to embaress you, Hollie. I proved an atheist wrong on Tyre but proving you wrong won't solve your spiritual condition and when I start down this road, everyone will get in line trying to prove me wrong and I will never accomplish what I have to accomplish. But no. We have been reading the Bible longer than you. Can I tell you I don't believe you?
I googled for someone that could explain it better than I did. This is:

Veritas Ministeri

It appears that there were Syrian merchants in Samaria and Israelite merchants in Damascus during the reign of Ahab (1 Kings 20:34)."[4] Tyre and Sidon contained many glass shops, dyeing and weaving shops, as well as stone engravers and other such things. Tyre was well-known for its purple dye, which was partly due to the durability of its beautiful tints. This provided an abundant source of wealth to the occupants of Tyre.

Tyre is infamous for its prophetic importance: it was frequently denounced by the prophets. (Isaiah 23:1; Jeremiah 25:22; Ezekiel 26, 28:1-19; Amos 1:9, 10; Zechariah 9:2-4). Isaiah 23:1 conveys, "A prophecy concerning Tyre: Wail, you ships of Tarshish! For Tyre is destroyed and left without house or harbor. From the land of Cyprus word has come to them." Amos 1:9 says, "For three sins of Tyre, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath. Because she sold whole communities of captives to Edom, disregarding a treaty of brotherhood. I will send fire on the walls of Tyre that will consume her fortress."

Zechariah 9:2-4, another prophecy concerning Tyre, reads, "and on Hamath, too, which borders on it, and on Tyre and Sidon, though they are skillful. Tyre has built herself a stronghold; she has heaped up silver like dust, and gold like the dirt of the streets. But the LORD will take away her possessions and destroy her power on the sea, and she will be consumed by fire."But perhaps the most important and revealing passage concerning Tyre is found in Ezekiel 26.

Verses 3-5 read, "I am against you, Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you, like the sea casting up its waves. They will destroy the walls of Tyre and pull down her towers; I will scrape away her rubble and make her bare rock. Out of the sea she will become a place to spread fishnets, for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign LORD." Verses 7-9 continue, "From the north I am going to bring against Tyre Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings, with horses and chariots, with horseman and a great army. He will ravage your settlements on the mainland with the sword; he will set up a siege works against you, build a ramp up to your walls and raise his shields against you. He will direct the blows of his battering rams against your walls and demolish your towers with his weapons."

Ezekiel 26:12-14 goes on to say, "They will plunder your wealth and loot your merchandise; they will break down your walls and demolish your fine houses and throw your stones, timber and rubble into the sea. I will put an end to your noisy songs, and the music of your harps will be heard no more. I will make you a bare rock, and you will become a place to spread fishnets. You will never be rebuilt, for I the LORD have spoken, declares the Sovereign LORD." Verse 21 concludes, "I will bring you to a horrible end and you will be no more. You will be sought, but you will never again be found, declares the LORD."

Before we continue to examine, permit me to draw your attention to verse 21, "You will be sought, but you will never again be found." Critics level their claims at this specific phrase, believing the prophecy invalid because Tyre is a known location, and people do visit the location. However, after careful examination, a better translation of this word is not "found," but "revived." The better translation would be as follows: "You will be sought, but you will never again be revived, declares the LORD." Now, what can we determine from this passage?

We can determine that Nebuchadnezzar will destroy the mainland city of Tyre (verse 8), that there will be many nations against Tyre (verse 3), that Tyre would become bare rock, flat like the top of a rock (verse 4, 14), that fishermen would spread their nets over this site (verse 5, 14), that Tyre would never be rebuilt, and would never be revived (verse 14, 21). The book of Ezekiel was written ca.592-570 BC, which was several centuries before most of these prophecies were fulfilled. This is significant because it illustrates the Bible's prophetic fulfillment in history, supporting the uniqueness and veracity of God's Word.

When Nebuchadnezzar broke the gates of Tyre down, he found the city nearly empty. Most of the inhabitants had moved via ship to an island about half a mile off the coast and there, fortified a city. Just as Ezekiel prophesied in Ezekiel 26:8, the mainland city was destroyed (573 BC), but the city of Tyre on the island still remained a powerful force.[5] The Encyclopedia Britannica writes, "In his war with the Persians, Alexander III, after defeating Darius III at the Battle of Issus (333), marched southward toward Egypt, calling upon the Phoenician cities to open their gates, as it was part of his general plan to deny their use to the Persian fleet. The citizens of Tyre refused to do so, and Alexander laid siege to the city. Possessing no fleet, he demolished old Tyre, on the mainland, and with the debris built a mole 200 ft. (60 m.) wide across the straits separating the old and new towns, erecting towers and war engines at the farther end."[6]

Philip Myers, a secular historian (and not a theologian by any means) made an intriguing quote, which can be found in a history textbook, "Alexander the Great... reduced it to ruins (332 BC). She recovered in a measure from this blow, but never regained the place she had previously held in the world. The larger part of the site of the once great city is now bare as the top of the rock - a place where the fisherman that still frequent the spot spread their nets to dry."[7] Note that in saying this, Myers reveals an important truth to the reader: Tyre never regained its former place, it now lays bare as the top of rock - and it is a place where fisherman spread their nets to dry, all of which was prophesied by Ezekiel hundreds of years before, and all of which has been fulfilled.

However, John C. Beck also points out an important truth, "The history of Tyre does not stop after the conquest of Alexander. Men continue to rebuild her and armies continue to besiege her walls until finally, after sixteen hundred years, she falls never to be rebuilt again."[8] Nina Jidejian, in Tyre Through the Ages, relates the Persian traveler, Nasir-i-Khusrau's visit and description of 1047 AD, "They have rebuilt the city on a rock (that is in the sea) after such a manner that the town hall for one hundred years only, is upon the dry land, and the remainder rises up from the very water. The walls are built out of hewn stone, their joints being set in bitumen in order to keep the water out. I estimated the area of the town to be a thousand arsh [that is, 18 inches] square, and its caravanserais are built of five and six stories, set one above the other. There are numerous fountains of water, bazaars are very clean; also great is the quantity of wealth exposed..."[9]

The city was captured by Muslims later on, which consequently led Crusaders to reclaim the island. It was retaken, and it became an important base during the Crusades. As history will show us, the Sidonian port of Tyre is still in use today, and small fishing vessels harbor there. It is a large fishing area now. According to the prophets in God's Word, Tyre would become a place where fisherman would spread their nets. Understand that there is in existence a city of Tyre. However, this is not the original city, this city is actually built down the coast from the original, and does not, in biblical terms, qualify as the biblical Tyre. Tyre was destroyed, never to be revived again, and to date, it never has, not in its original format.

Jidejian concludes in her book, "[Tyre's] stones may be found as far away as Acre and Beirut. Yet evidences of a great past are abundant and recent excavations have revealed successive levels of this proud Phoenician seaport... The great ancient city of Tyre lay buried under accumulated debris. The ruins of an aqueduct and a few scattered columns and the ruins of a Christian basilica were the only remains found above ground... Looking down into the water one can see a mass of granite columns and stone blocks strewn over the sea bottom. Until recently the ruins of Tyre above water were few."[10]

Tyre is mentioned in Matthew 11:21 and Acts 12:20. Also, a church was founded soon after the death of Stephen, and Paul, upon returning from his third missionary journey, spent a week with the disciples there (see Acts 21:4). Tyre has played an important role in history. But what of its prophetic significance? First off, Nebuchadnezzar, as Ezekiel had prophesied, did destroy the old mainland city of Tyre. Many nations have also been against Tyre - the text indicated that, like waves, Tyre would be subject to a series of invaders over a prolonged amount of time. Alexander also scraped the old site of Tyre clean when he had build the causeway out to the island city and left only "bare rock."

There have also been numerous references (even by secular observers) to the spreading of nets, the occupancy of fisherman, in that area. Also, just as Ezekiel prophesied, Alexander the Great had the debris thrown into the water in order to build the causeway. When Alexander the Great's engineers built the mole, utilizing the remains of ancient Tyre, they laid them in the midst of the water. The prophecy also states that Tyre would never be rebuilt. Floyd Hamilton, in The Basis of Christian Faith, states:

Modern-Day Tyre
"It is also written, 'thou shalt be built no more'. (26:14) Other cities destroyed by enemies had been rebuilt; Jerusalem was destroyed many times, but always has risen again from the ruins; what reason was there for saying that Old Tyre might not be rebuilt? But twenty-five centuries ago a Jew in exile over in Babylonia looked into the future at the command of God and wrote the words, 'thou shalt be built no more!' The voice of God has spoken and Old Tyre today stands as it has for twenty-five centuries a bare rock, uninhabited by man! Today anyone who wants to see the site of the old city, can have it pointed out to him along the shore, but there is not a ruin to mark the spot. It has been scraped clean and has never been rebuilt."[11]

Beck evaluates the final stipulation of the prophecy, which stated that the city was never to be found again, "Most commentators say that the actual site of the ancient city would be forgotten or lost because of destruction. A better interpretation of this verse is that the seeking by men would be for the purpose of elevating Tyre to her former position of wealth and splendor. It is difficult to believe that the actual location of the city could be lost when it formerly occupied completely the island with walls built to the water's edge."[12] Yet some still have difficulty in accepting the fulfillment of this part in the prophecy.

Understand that the spreading of nets is part of the prophecy as well. This indicates that there must be fishermen, which have to live somewhere. Typically, if they spread their fishing nets on the site of the ancient city (which prophecy states has and will continue), the fisherman likely will not live several miles down the coast, they would be more likely to live where the spread their nets, which is near Tyre. As Peter M. Stoner so eloquently and succinctly points out, "If Ezekiel had looked at Tyre in his day and had made these... predictions in human wisdom, these estimates mean that there would have been only one chance in 75,000,000 of their all coming true. They all came true."[13]

The fulfillment of biblical prophecy concerning Tyre even to the most minute detail is significant in that, as aforementioned, it gives credence to the Biblical record and provides support for the veracity, divine inspiration, and reliability of the Bible. The archaeological, historical, and geographical findings and discoveries concerning Tyre confirm the prophecies of Tyre found in Scripture. Tyre's irrevocable destruction at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar (the Babylonians), Alexander the Great (the Greeks), and many other nations has ultimately led to a final conclusion: Tyre is now nothing more than a mere sea-port, usually used for fishing.
I'll remember that.

I also understand that I have no reason to expect that anonymous posters on a message board are authorities either.

Like your atheist friends say, "I'm going to study the Bible more than science". Yeah, right.

As opposed to your extremist friends who say:

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

The above seems to encapsulate the attitudes of so many of the more excitable Christians.

Henry Morris, several members of his family, and numerous Christian scientists (not the religion of "Christian Science") maintain a website called the "Institute for Creation Research." It's full of scientific evidence that supports the biblical record of Genesis chapters 1 and 6 (Creation and the Flood of Noah) plus other portions of the Bible that discuss the meeting of the terrestrial with the Spirit of God and His biblical claims.

The Institute for Creation Research
Like your atheist friends say, "I'm going to study the Bible more than science". Yeah, right.

As opposed to your extremist friends who say:

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

The above seems to encapsulate the attitudes of so many of the more excitable Christians.

Henry Morris, several members of his family, and numerous Christian scientists (not the religion of "Christian Science") maintain a website called the "Institute for Creation Research." It's full of scientific evidence that supports the biblical record of Genesis chapters 1 and 6 (Creation and the Flood of Noah) plus other portions of the Bible that discuss the meeting of the terrestrial with the Spirit of God and His biblical claims.

The Institute for Creation Research

Uh, no. The ICR is among the more notorious purveyors of fraud and deceit.
As opposed to your extremist friends who say:

"It is precisely because Biblical revelation is absolutely authoritative and perspicuous that the scientific facts, rightly interpreted, will give the same testimony as that of Scripture. There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible."
-Dr. Henry Morris in very first paragraph of "Scientists Confront Creationism" edited by Laurie R. Godfrey

The above seems to encapsulate the attitudes of so many of the more excitable Christians.

Henry Morris, several members of his family, and numerous Christian scientists (not the religion of "Christian Science") maintain a website called the "Institute for Creation Research." It's full of scientific evidence that supports the biblical record of Genesis chapters 1 and 6 (Creation and the Flood of Noah) plus other portions of the Bible that discuss the meeting of the terrestrial with the Spirit of God and His biblical claims.

The Institute for Creation Research

Uh, no. The ICR is among the more notorious purveyors of fraud and deceit.

LOL. It's automatically "fraud and deceit" if it doesn't fit into your preconceived notions or personal worldview. I guess that makes you a "god" now.
Speaking of right and wrong left in the hands of humans, God warned Abraham of the pending destruction of a group of cities in which not one righteous man could be found. No right in any of those cities. Wrong was the acceptable practice of all of their citizens.
Abraham's nephew lived in one of those cities. God promised to protect Lot. Lot made it to a cave in Zoar.

Archeology unearthed the "planetary disk". A disk that recorded the event with remarkably precise placement of the planets stars and the meteor responsible for the destruction. From the disk we know where it hit the earth and where the heat would have incinerated the entire area.
You can say it was just a random stellar event, but what you can't tell me is how Zoar escaped the inferno, when Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim did not. Did I mention that Lot went to Zoar?
So, that it is fable has been proven not to be the case. We have unearthed them where the Bible said the cities would be. That fire and brimstone caused their demise has also been established.
Who sent it is the same one that prevented it from killing Lot. :)
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