Is This Really Smoking Gun of obama's Kenyan Birth?

Not so hot. The required tin foil hat keeps interfering with my cell phone reception.

Uh huh. I'm sure that must be it.

All you have to do is see who was attending at one of the two possible Hawaiian hospitals Obama was supposedly born in no?

The Mother probably didn't have time to have her own ObGyn since she flew back from Kenyan 9 months pregnant and went straight to one of the two hospitals.

Dr. Rodney T. West

Teacher from Kenmore recalls Obama was a focused student : Don't Miss : The Buffalo News

("One of Obama’s high scool teachers was a friend of Dr. West’s daughter, and was interviewed by the Buffalo News on the occasion of Obama’s inauguration. The story doesn’t have any birther angle; it was a local interest story because the woman had moved to Buffalo.")

Any other questions?

Damn, Em! Nice work. You may finally succeeded in shutting me promises

That's long on specifics and sounds extremely credible. If I were a juror I would give the nurses testimony a lot of credence because of the "Stanley" connection.
Uh huh. I'm sure that must be it.

All you have to do is see who was attending at one of the two possible Hawaiian hospitals Obama was supposedly born in no?

The Mother probably didn't have time to have her own ObGyn since she flew back from Kenyan 9 months pregnant and went straight to one of the two hospitals.

Dr. Rodney T. West

Teacher from Kenmore recalls Obama was a focused student : Don't Miss : The Buffalo News

("One of Obama’s high scool teachers was a friend of Dr. West’s daughter, and was interviewed by the Buffalo News on the occasion of Obama’s inauguration. The story doesn’t have any birther angle; it was a local interest story because the woman had moved to Buffalo.")

Any other questions?

Damn, Em! Nice work. You may finally succeeded in shutting me promises

That's long on specifics and sounds extremely credible. If I were a juror I would give the nurses testimony a lot of credence because of the "Stanley" connection.

Someone named "Stanley" giving birth would tend to stand out in one's memory, I'd think. Not to mention the baby's unusual name, too.

There is an old lady (80-something) I remember from over 25 years ago. VERY unusual name (no, not stanley)... she was allergic to "dope". :lol:

I'll never forget that name... or her response to what was she allergic to ("dope!!!"). She was never more specific than that lol.

I couldn't begin to tell you the names of the OBs who delivered my daughters, though. I couldn't even venture a guess. The first was a nasty old woman (mean as hell) and the second looked like Paul McCartney. Ah well.
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Paperview was right, though.

I know more than I ever thought I would (or ever thought I'd want to know) about Hawaiian birth certificate laws, Kenyan and Indonesian citizenship laws, their Constitutions and all the other gobbledygook that has come along with all of this over the last year...

Giving report this morning, I was blanking on a very important point regarding one of my patients. But by God, I could have quoted her chapter and verse on Hawaiian law as it pertains to vital records.

(I finally did recall what it was I wanted to tell them about the patient)
Not so hot. The required tin foil hat keeps interfering with my cell phone reception.

Uh huh. I'm sure that must be it.

All you have to do is see who was attending at one of the two possible Hawaiian hospitals Obama was supposedly born in no?

The Mother probably didn't have time to have her own ObGyn since she flew back from Kenyan 9 months pregnant and went straight to one of the two hospitals.

Dr. Rodney T. West

Teacher from Kenmore recalls Obama was a focused student : Don't Miss : The Buffalo News

("One of Obama’s high scool teachers was a friend of Dr. West’s daughter, and was interviewed by the Buffalo News on the occasion of Obama’s inauguration. The story doesn’t have any birther angle; it was a local interest story because the woman had moved to Buffalo.")

Any other questions?

It's Helpful.
That story IS a great find Emma!

But, of course, they'll find a way to trash it... Just watch!
Paperview was right, though.

I know more than I ever thought I would (or ever thought I'd want to know) about Hawaiian birth certificate laws, Kenyan and Indonesian citizenship laws, their Constitutions and all the other gobbledygook that has come along with all of this over the last year...

Giving report this morning, I was blanking on a very important point regarding one of my patients. But by God, I could have quoted her chapter and verse on Hawaiian law as it pertains to vital records.

(I finally did recall what it was I wanted to tell them about the patient)

hahahahahahaha! oh my God! MEEEE TOOOOOO....

i know more now about immigration, naturalization, citizenship and nationalism laws than any person would or should, ever need to know!!!

See, this is what I mean about Frank. No matter what matter how many times he has been proven wrong, and shown the evidence, he just keeps spewing the same bullshit.

All without a spit of shame.

Kinda like this guy:


See, this is what I mean about Frank. No matter what matter how many times he has been proven wrong, and shown the evidence, he just keeps spewing the same bullshit.

All without a spit of shame.

Kinda like this guy:



Who is the middle birther in your picture? I recognize Taitz and Dobbs but not the other person.

Sorry if you've already answered this. I think I've asked it before.
See, this is what I mean about Frank. No matter what matter how many times he has been proven wrong, and shown the evidence, he just keeps spewing the same bullshit.

All without a spit of shame.

Kinda like this guy:



Who is the middle birther in your picture? I recognize Taitz and Dobbs but not the other person.

Sorry if you've already answered this. I think I've asked it before.

I thought it might be Lynn Cheney, but I don't really know either.
We are not alone in our demand for Total Transparency, N.Y. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) said of John McCain’s health records needed to be released to the public because in his own words, “When your running for President everything should be public, including your full medical records. I believe in a right for privacy, but when you’re running for President, which is such an important job, the need of the public to know supersedes it.”

Health while an important factor in determining who to vote for is not a constitutional requirement for the office of the President, being a constitutionally eligible natural-born citizen is. Is this the “OMG” moment Obama has been dreading

So From the Ministry Of Truth we have it.

What a Putz.
The "kenyan birth certificate" is a forgery. Not even a good forgery.
We are not alone in our demand for Total Transparency, N.Y. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) said of John McCain’s health records needed to be released to the public because in his own words, “When your running for President everything should be public, including your full medical records. I believe in a right for privacy, but when you’re running for President, which is such an important job, the need of the public to know supersedes it.”

Health while an important factor in determining who to vote for is not a constitutional requirement for the office of the President, being a constitutionally eligible natural-born citizen is. Is this the “OMG” moment Obama has been dreading

So what exactly is it that we don't know about where and when the President was born?

'Cause, see, THAT'S the only relevant information regarding his birth.

On the other hand, it would have been nice to know the health of someone who was running to be the oldest ever first time elected President ever...

Apples and oranges. And did McCain release the records?

But the COLB is 100% genuine?


According to the state DOH it is. Unless of course YOU believe the state of Hawaii is in on this conspiracy as well.

The State of HI did not veify the alleged COLB displayed by team Obama.

Why would THAT matter, if the State of Hawaii verified that the certified colb had an original birth certificate on file of which it was computer generated from and since they verified once again, that Obama was born in Honolulu as the colb stated?

Did you ask for all of this from President Bush or Reagan or bush 1...were their colb's not good enough?
According to the state DOH it is. Unless of course YOU believe the state of Hawaii is in on this conspiracy as well.

The State of HI did not veify the alleged COLB displayed by team Obama.

Why would THAT matter, if the State of Hawaii verified that the certified colb had an original birth certificate on file of which it was computer generated from and since they verified once again, that Obama was born in Honolulu as the colb stated?

Did you ask for all of this from President Bush or Reagan or bush 1...were their colb's not good enough?

Neither Reagan nor Bushs granny said they were born in Kenya.

And, as usual, Liability make a point that no one cares to address

But the COLB is 100% genuine?


According to the state DOH it is. Unless of course YOU believe the state of Hawaii is in on this conspiracy as well.

The State of HI did not veify the alleged COLB displayed by team Obama.

They verified that IS the form provided, and that it matches their records. Also, had there been a discrepancy, the director of the DOH wouldn't have issued to statements declaring that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii as the COLB shows.
The State of HI did not veify the alleged COLB displayed by team Obama.

Why would THAT matter, if the State of Hawaii verified that the certified colb had an original birth certificate on file of which it was computer generated from and since they verified once again, that Obama was born in Honolulu as the colb stated?

Did you ask for all of this from President Bush or Reagan or bush 1...were their colb's not good enough?

Neither Reagan nor Bushs granny said they were born in Kenya.

And, as usual, Liability make a point that no one cares to address


Obama's STEP Grandmother DID NOT say he was born in Kenya, she said over and over again that he was born in the united States...your radio slime ball host, twisted her words from the very beginning and just could not stand it when he was corrected...

NO ONE in the right mind would ever take that tape as anything other than a sham....honestly.

And to act as if it is something with any kind of validity is absolute nonsense....

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