Is This Really Smoking Gun of obama's Kenyan Birth?

So, they've finally settled on Kapiólani Hospital, because some of the Obamas, not the ones who liberated Auschwitz and not the Keynan Ambassador, were saying it was Queens Center Hospital.

That's progress

And, upon being proven wrong three times, the goal posts move again!

Well, I am done. Have fun with your delusions Frank (or intentional provocations, since I suspect you are smarter than this).

I have a rule where I flip the channel after a pitcher throws three dirtballs in a row.

Yeah, here's your three dirtballs: The grandmother misspoke, the Ambassador misspoke and Obama misspoke.

And Frank is interested in purchasing ocean front property in Arizona.
So, they've finally settled on Kapiólani Hospital, because some of the Obamas, not the ones who liberated Auschwitz and not the Keynan Ambassador, were saying it was Queens Center Hospital.

That's progress

And, upon being proven wrong three times, the goal posts move again!

Well, I am done. Have fun with your delusions Frank (or intentional provocations, since I suspect you are smarter than this).

I have a rule where I flip the channel after a pitcher throws three dirtballs in a row.

Yeah, here's your three dirtballs: The grandmother misspoke, the Ambassador misspoke and Obama misspoke.

The grandmother didn't misspeak, she was mistranslated. She said Obama was a child of that village. He is. That doesn't mean he was born there. I'm Romanian, and I've never been to Romania. My husband is Irish, and he's never been to Ireland. It's a statement about his descent. In another video, his grandma said that she met him when he went back to Kenya as a teenager.

As far as the ambassador, yeah, that looked to me like a non-native English speaker getting confused. But even it weren't, I give more credibility to the state of Hawaii than I do to some foreign ambassador.

Bottom line is, it doesn't really matter. The state of Hawaii birth certificate has been declared valid and binding by a Federal Court, and Obama is legally classified as a natural born citizen. They can change the legitimacy of that birth certificate over just one person. The best the birthers can hope for is to make Hawaii change their documentation for people going forward.
So, they've finally settled on Kapiólani Hospital, because some of the Obamas, not the ones who liberated Auschwitz and not the Keynan Ambassador, were saying it was Queens Center Hospital.

That's progress

And, upon being proven wrong three times, the goal posts move again!

Well, I am done. Have fun with your delusions Frank (or intentional provocations, since I suspect you are smarter than this).

I have a rule where I flip the channel after a pitcher throws three dirtballs in a row.

Yeah, here's your three dirtballs: The grandmother misspoke, the Ambassador misspoke and Obama misspoke.

Frank, do you really believe that the way these radio hosts approached this ambassador and obama's step grandmother with their set up, is something that should be taken seriously? How can you be so intellectually dishonest with yourself on that....? Do you have no conscious, do you have no sense of what right and wrong is, are you lacking in the ethics to admit these radio hosts were nothing but deceivers and tricky slime?

How can you sleep at night?

I was never an Obama supporter, and I did not vote for him, but the depths of deceit and ignorance that people like you have gone to prove something that is simply false, is beyond my comprehension.... :(

And, upon being proven wrong three times, the goal posts move again!

Well, I am done. Have fun with your delusions Frank (or intentional provocations, since I suspect you are smarter than this).

I have a rule where I flip the channel after a pitcher throws three dirtballs in a row.

Yeah, here's your three dirtballs: The grandmother misspoke, the Ambassador misspoke and Obama misspoke.

And Frank is interested in purchasing ocean front property in Arizona.

Pick any hospital in AZ and we can list that as Obama's birthplace too when we write an article about him
Frank's Debating skills:

And, upon being proven wrong three times, the goal posts move again!

Well, I am done. Have fun with your delusions Frank (or intentional provocations, since I suspect you are smarter than this).

I have a rule where I flip the channel after a pitcher throws three dirtballs in a row.

Yeah, here's your three dirtballs: The grandmother misspoke, the Ambassador misspoke and Obama misspoke.

Frank, do you really believe that the way these radio hosts approached this ambassador and obama's step grandmother with their set up, is something that should be taken seriously? How can you be so intellectually dishonest with yourself on that....? Do you have no conscious, do you have no sense of what right and wrong is, are you lacking in the ethics to admit these radio hosts were nothing but deceivers and tricky slime?

How can you sleep at night?

I was never an Obama supporter, and I did not vote for him, but the depths of deceit and ignorance that people like you have gone to prove something that is simply false, is beyond my comprehension.... :(


You should try to get out more into the "real world" See, why you ask a question like that you DON'T want to preface it by saying: "OK, I'm going to ask you about Obama birthplace and remember, if you say he was born in Kenya, that's wrong, OK? Now, tell me about where Obama was born"
You should try to get out more into the "real world" See, why you ask a question like that you DON'T want to preface it by saying: "OK, I'm going to ask you about Obama birthplace and remember, if you say he was born in Kenya, that's wrong, OK? Now, tell me about where Obama was born"

Umm, the people whom you claim said that...........yea that's been explained for you in total practical're just going "la la la la la" with your fingers in your ears like a child.

You lend no credence to the Evidence on the contrary of your view. None, at all, and then you claim the evidences you're citing as a reason we should be on your "side" of the issue? Makes no sense, especially when 1/2 the shit you're forwarding as "evidence" has been debunked, leaving you with an omelette covered face.

Sit in the shit, in shame. I like ketchup on my scrambled, loon.
You should try to get out more into the "real world" See, why you ask a question like that you DON'T want to preface it by saying: "OK, I'm going to ask you about Obama birthplace and remember, if you say he was born in Kenya, that's wrong, OK? Now, tell me about where Obama was born"

Umm, the people whom you claim said that...........yea that's been explained for you in total practical're just going "la la la la la" with your fingers in your ears like a child.

You lend no credence to the Evidence on the contrary of your view. None, at all, and then you claim the evidences you're citing as a reason we should be on your "side" of the issue? Makes no sense, especially when 1/2 the shit you're forwarding as "evidence" has been debunked, leaving you with an omelette covered face.

Sit in the shit, in shame. I like ketchup on my scrambled, loon.

You're "Explanation" consist of: Misspoke, misunderstood and misreported.

The Granny and half sister both say he was born in Kenya, the Ambassador confirmed it, Obama has given two different "Birth Hospitals" in Hawaii, and of course, the paperwork is not available.
You're "Explanation" consist of: Misspoke, misunderstood and misreported.

The Granny and half sister both say he was born in Kenya, the Ambassador confirmed it, Obama has given two different "Birth Hospitals" in Hawaii, and of course, the paperwork is not available.

Wow, wrong again. No, our explanation consists of a Federal Ruling, Official Statements from the State of Hawaii and the President of the United States, Hawaiin print-newspapers from his time of birth, 85% of his up-bringing; declarations from his political OPPOSITION such as Karl Rove, Ann Coulter, and you were corrected that the Hospital he was born-in once had QUEEN in its name, dipshit, and you're citing a random writer, and two people who don't speak english as YOUR sources? And you want us to not laugh at you like you're a fucking retard? You're out of your fucking goard, guy. :cuckoo:
You're "Explanation" consist of: Misspoke, misunderstood and misreported.

The Granny and half sister both say he was born in Kenya, the Ambassador confirmed it, Obama has given two different "Birth Hospitals" in Hawaii, and of course, the paperwork is not available.

Wow, wrong again. No, our explanation consists of a Federal Ruling, Official Statements from the State of Hawaii and the President of the United States, Hawaiin print-newspapers from his time of birth, 85% of his up-bringing; declarations from his political OPPOSITION such as Karl Rove, Ann Coulter, and you were corrected that the Hospital he was born-in once had QUEEN in its name, dipshit, and you're citing a random writer, and two people who don't speak english as YOUR sources? And you want us to not laugh at you like you're a fucking retard? You're out of your fucking goard, guy. :cuckoo:

Wow! I've never seen such racist spew and hatred toward Obama Granny and the Ambassador, who by the way spoke in English. I think the Obama KoolAid got in your ears.

Should I repost the interview with Ogego?

Karl Rove is your hero now?
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Wow! I've never seen such racist spew and hatred toward Obama Granny and the Ambassador, who buy the way spoke in English. I think the Obama KoolAid got in your ears.

Should I repost the interview with Ogego?

Karl Rove is your hero now?

You debate like a 4-year old. I can see the intellect you're working with: pointing out Rove said something means he's my hero.
Saying someone can't speak english is racist and the BEST one, I drink Obama kool-aid because I don't subscribe to a sub-moronic, loon-driven conspiracy theory?

Yea man, I can see the mature and honest intellect you're working with and uh......I'll just say it's no wonder you believe anything you hear or see on the Radio/Telly. :lol: wow.
See, this is what I mean about Frank. No matter what matter how many times he has been proven wrong, and shown the evidence, he just keeps spewing the same bullshit.

All without a spit of shame.
Wow! I've never seen such racist spew and hatred toward Obama Granny and the Ambassador, who buy the way spoke in English. I think the Obama KoolAid got in your ears.

Should I repost the interview with Ogego?

Karl Rove is your hero now?

You debate like a 4-year old. I can see the intellect you're working with: pointing out Rove said something means he's my hero.
Saying someone can't speak english is racist and the BEST one, I drink Obama kool-aid because I don't subscribe to a sub-moronic, loon-driven conspiracy theory?

Yea man, I can see the mature and honest intellect you're working with and uh......I'll just say it's no wonder you believe anything you hear or see on the Radio/Telly. :lol: wow.

[ame=]YouTube - Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya[/ame]

What language is that?
How deep off the end must you be when Coulter, Malkin, Horowitz and Rove call you kooked out extremists?

I mean really. Think about it.

I think if you guys were really more confident in your arguments and could say something other than "The Hawaiian COLB sure looks real to me!!" I would be more willing to let this drop.

But the more I look at it, the more it looks like there's a mountain of circumstantial evidence that puts Obama in Mombasa at the time of his birth.
:lol: @ Birthers. :lol: It's like poking a telle-tubby's belly with a stick for some giggles.
I think if you guys were really more confident in your arguments and could say something other than "The Hawaiian COLB sure looks real to me!!" I would be more willing to let this drop.

But the more I look at it, the more it looks like there's a mountain of circumstantial evidence that puts Obama in Mombasa at the time of his birth.

The newspaper articles. It's all a hoax Frank! The Pres. is illigitimate! OMG!! Storm the Bastille!!:lol:
See, this is what I mean about Frank. No matter what matter how many times he has been proven wrong, and shown the evidence, he just keeps spewing the same bullshit.

All without a spit of shame.

It would make one think he gets his information and his tactics from talk radio wouldn't it?
Frank's whole purpose in posting here or anywhere else is simply to get a rise out of people.

Facts don't matter, I don't know if he believes half the shit he posts, he just does it to be irritating, hoping to get someone else angry.

It appears that his second favorite hobby lately is to mock or otherwise discredit the military service of World War II veterans. Pretty scummy, but hey, that's Frank...

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