Is This Whole Abortion Debacle A "Careful What You Wish For" Moment?

Just an observation... A large % of attendee's and participants at some of the Anti-fa/BLM riots were fat, close to being obese young white women...

This morning at the SC...

Oh look, a Nazi is making shit up and passing it off as fact again....

Overturning Roe does NOT outlaw abortion.

It returns the issue to the states, where it belongs. California will still be slaughtering infants on a massive scale.
Keep denying. You guys are amazing liars.
Obtuse as ever I see......Do you make a living at being obtuse? If not you should consider it as you have it down pat. ;)
69% agree with roe. How is Michigan one of those states in jeopardy? I told you mother fuckers they’d do it.

Theyll end social security too. All while telling you they would never.
That's the operative word alright.
If they agree they shouldn’t have the right to choose let them vote Republican.

We all know if men got pregnant we’d have abortion clinics on every corner and you’d be able to abort 6 months in. 9 if the kid was retarded.
Well aren't you special. Hardly.
You actually believe that abortions are only done by a (D).
Should this ^^^^^ be a question or a statement.

You would be shocked to learn how many staunch (R) women have had an abortion or supported their child in having an abortion.

You see, abortion is used across the political spectrum, liberals just acknowledge it and support pro-choice, whereas conservatives claim to be Christians and are pro-life, but when pregnant hits home, the conservative will have the abortion they oppose.

Oh sure - because you say so....
I don't see how it's not a winning issue for them, but they are Democrats, and they love to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

It's only a winning issue in the States that are already dem strongholds, and in the dem stronghold cities in red areas.

On the converse, it could be a winning issue for Republicans to even further entrench themselves in the red areas of blue States.
69% agree with roe. How is Michigan one of those states in jeopardy? I told you mother fuckers they’d do it.

Theyll end social security too. All while telling you they would never.

If what you claimed were true, which it isn't, then that 69% can make state laws to sacrifice infants.

Roe FEDEALIZED an issue that is not purvey of the federal government.

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