Is Trayvon Martin Case Tawana Brawley 2.0

Is Trayvon Martin Case Tawana Brawley 2.0

It is starting to look that way. For people who were too young to remember the Tawana Brawley case, read up on it. To others, many of should be ashamed of ourselves for knee jerk reactions based on race.

Some like me went with what seemed to be the most likely scenario and common sense. Even though things often turn out to be very simple, some of us insist on complicating things with ignorant and uninformed questions.

America has become a nation of infantile minds. No wonder we fear Muslims, and Gays, and Atheists, and White men with guns, and other boogey men -- we're stuck on stupid.

Was Tawana shot and killed when she was 17 by some lunatic?
Besides Sharpton what are the comment elements between Trayvons case and Tawana Brawley? there really isn't anything there, your just typing this shit because they are both Black and you don't like Black people, at least man up and admit that much.:doubt:

It's obvious you haven't a clue or read a thing about the Tawana Brawley fiasco. Your ignorant comments about me and racism are pathetic. I live with black people. :eusa_shhh:

Tawana Brawley incident had the nation in an uproar demanding people be brought to justice.

People like you, Ravi, and SarahG
: Legal scholar Patricia Williams wrote in 1991 that the teenager "has been the victim of some unspeakable crime. No matter how she got there. No matter who did it to her and even if she did it to herself.

Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Name one other instance wherein an unarmed child, or teenager, was shot to death, in public, and the killer convinced the police it was "self defense" without a prosecutor investigating?

Considering it's a new law that allows a shooter to claim self defense and walk away, none yet that I know of. Why do you hate the law? Do you hate democracy so much you would throw law in the toilet in favor of mob justice? Wait, you love direct popular democracy were there are no barriers to mob rule.

Trayvon Martin will never be able to give his side of the case

nope. tragedy. actions have consequences, but no young man deserves to die like that and so young. I have friends who died like that and at that age. I grew up in a tough place. I was a punk. could have been me. that said, Zimmerman has my support until evidence to the contrary of what he claims is presented.

Zimmerman has black relatives, black friends, tutors black kids, is Hispanic, and seems not to be afraid of dark skinned youth. I suggest people who say otherwise are projecting inner fears and racism onto Zimmerman. just my opinion
Name one other instance wherein an unarmed child, or teenager, was shot to death, in public, and the killer convinced the police it was "self defense" without a prosecutor investigating?

Considering it's a new law that allows a shooter to claim self defense and walk away, none yet that I know of. Why do you hate the law? Do you hate democracy so much you would throw law in the toilet in favor of mob justice? Wait, you love direct popular democracy were there are no barriers to mob rule.


Nah, I do not like anyone in this nation shot dead without a COMPLETE investigation, which usually requires a PROMPT report to the prosecuting attorney AND no "looks like self defense to me" ending the matter..............................:eusa_angel:


Focus in Trayvon Martin case shifts to Washington -

On Tuesday, Zimmerman's friend, former CNN anchor Joe Oliver, said Zimmerman had given him the same account as the one that appeared in the Orlando Sentinel, as well as additional details about what happened between the time the two came face to face and the time the gun went off.

Oliver, who now works at WESH-TV in Orlando, said he could not discuss the details Tuesday, but said Zimmerman was sorry for what had happened.

"The George Zimmerman I know is not here anymore, because he knows that he took someone else's life, and he's extremely remorseful," Oliver said Tuesday on CNN's "Starting Point."

Oliver said race played no role in the incident.

Neighbors describe watch leader at center of Florida investigation -

Sanford, Florida (CNN) -- Current and former neighbors call George Zimmerman caring, passionate and polite, a regular guy they enjoyed being around.

Name one other instance wherein an unarmed child, or teenager, was shot to death, in public, and the killer convinced the police it was "self defense" without a prosecutor investigating?

OK to Shoot Rock-Throwing Mexican Teens?
Name one other instance wherein an unarmed child, or teenager, was shot to death, in public, and the killer convinced the police it was "self defense" without a prosecutor investigating?

Considering it's a new law that allows a shooter to claim self defense and walk away, none yet that I know of. Why do you hate the law? Do you hate democracy so much you would throw law in the toilet in favor of mob justice? Wait, you love direct popular democracy were there are no barriers to mob rule.


Nah, I do not like anyone in this nation shot dead without a COMPLETE investigation, which usually requires a PROMPT report to the prosecuting attorney AND no "looks like self defense to me" ending the matter..............................:eusa_angel:

typically, an investigation does not include a report to a prosecutor, unless an arrest is made. you want special considerations because?

looks like self defense under Florida law to me
Nah, I do not like anyone in this nation shot dead without a COMPLETE investigation, which usually requires a PROMPT report to the prosecuting attorney AND no "looks like self defense to me" ending the matter..............................:eusa_angel:

This is not what happened.

It is going to a grand jury, the FBI and a host of other eyes are into this.

Both the Chief of Police and the State Attorney and stepped away from their posts to facilitate due process.
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How cool is it that Dante forms his opinions based on what Al Sharpton does?

would be cool if that is what I said or better for your argument if it were true. but alas, poor Speck/Quest/Ravi, your unrequited luv for all things Dante, has you striking out in anger and foolishness again. :eusa_angel:

As both those FOR further investigation, and those against, appear to have strong feelings, no result will please all. I note that racism isn't the only issue: WANNABE COP remains in my mind. Zimmerman may have seen danger where there was none.................................
Is Trayvon Martin Case Tawana Brawley 2.0

It is starting to look that way. For people who were too young to remember the Tawana Brawley case, read up on it. To others, many of should be ashamed of ourselves for knee jerk reactions based on race.

Some like me went with what seemed to be the most likely scenario and common sense. Even though things often turn out to be very simple, some of us insist on complicating things with ignorant and uninformed questions.

America has become a nation of infantile minds. No wonder we fear Muslims, and Gays, and Atheists, and White men with guns, and other boogey men -- we're stuck on stupid.

Was Tawana shot and killed when she was 17 by some lunatic?

you women are obviously bleeding together. nothing else can explain this group hysteria.

time of the month in aisle 69
Is Trayvon Martin Case Tawana Brawley 2.0

It is starting to look that way. For people who were too young to remember the Tawana Brawley case, read up on it. To others, many of should be ashamed of ourselves for knee jerk reactions based on race.

Some like me went with what seemed to be the most likely scenario and common sense. Even though things often turn out to be very simple, some of us insist on complicating things with ignorant and uninformed questions.

America has become a nation of infantile minds. No wonder we fear Muslims, and Gays, and Atheists, and White men with guns, and other boogey men -- we're stuck on stupid.

Was Tawana shot and killed when she was 17 by some lunatic?

you women are obviously bleeding together. nothing else can explain this group hysteria.

time of the month in aisle 69

AHA! SEXISM!:D ('course I don't know your gender, NOR DO I CARE TO KNOW.)
True, and Zimmerman appears to be getting the benefit all doubts available.


thats becasue hes alive, is the focus naturally and Trayvon isn't, an unfortunate but simple fact.

would you be happier if zimmerman and anyone that knew him just laid down?

I am sure thats what the media was hoping for, they are even working to keep hope alive for a white on black race based event...meanwhile, there were 10 deaths and 45 shootings in Chicago in one weekend, one of them a 6 month old child sitting in her mothers lap on their porch, I don't seem to recall outrage and the media camping out on Rahm Emmanuels doorstep.

Now trayvons is different because the shooter is known, and folks suspect there was some bad policing going on, ( kind of like chicago?) in addition and the biggey- he was described in the outset as white, so please, lets get real, if zimmerman were black, we would not be having this conversation becasue the media never ever would have made an issue if it, we both know this.
You don't find it disturbing at all that someone seeing a black teen immediately thinks criminal activity? I find it sad. I don't think Zimmerman is a racist or was actually setting out to hurt someone, but it certainly appears that he considers black teens a threat. The dead teen deserves his day in court.
You don't find it disturbing at all that someone seeing a black teen immediately thinks criminal activity? I find it sad. I don't think Zimmerman is a racist or was actually setting out to hurt someone, but it certainly appears that he considers black teens a threat. The dead teen deserves his day in court.

Any color in the circumstances.

Zimmerman had a long and documented history of 911 calls across the racial spectrum.
Is Trayvon Martin Case Tawana Brawley 2.0

It is starting to look that way. For people who were too young to remember the Tawana Brawley case, read up on it. To others, many of should be ashamed of ourselves for knee jerk reactions based on race.

Some like me went with what seemed to be the most likely scenario and common sense. Even though things often turn out to be very simple, some of us insist on complicating things with ignorant and uninformed questions.

America has become a nation of infantile minds. No wonder we fear Muslims, and Gays, and Atheists, and White men with guns, and other boogey men -- we're stuck on stupid.

Duke University lacrosse team was Al Sharpton's Tawana Brawley 2.0.
I'm thinking 3.0 now.

I'm guessing the same fools that ignored the facts of the Tawana Brawley and Duke lacrosse outcomes are screaming about this situation in the same manner. Absent of facts.

Mr Sharpton is leading them now, just as he did in those cases.

His entire goal seems to be at odds with what he claims to want. Mr Sharpton isn't looking for solutions of any kind. All he want's to do is scream that things are unfair and that people are racist. All the while, he tosses fuel on the fire.
When a KKK member tosses fuel on the fire, the media rightly ridicules them. When Mr Sharpton tosses fuel on the fire, the media wrongly gives him credence as a supposed "Black Leader".
Mr Sharpton is foul, disgusting and full of accusation, not solutions. The media that panders to him are more worthless than he is.

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