Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

Fake News troll thread. Nothing to see here.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !

Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.
Fake News troll thread. Nothing to see here.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !

Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

A member of the KKK is now a separate race? So you hang with a group who take pleasure in the misfortune of others? That's sick. Or are you suggesting I'm anti White (odd, I'm Caucasian as are my my wife and my kids)?
Fake News troll thread. Nothing to see here.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !

Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

A member of the KKK is now a separate race?

Nothing i said, suggested any such thing. Oh, was that a pretense that you don't know what the Race Card is?

YOur dishonesty is noted and dismissed.

Stop with the Race Card bullshit.

So you hang with a group who take pleasure in the misfortune of others? That's sick.

Illegals take jobs and depress wages. They are not welcome. It is our right to want and have Government policy that benefits AMERICANS.

Your dishonest characterization of this is dismissed.

Are you able to discuss these issues honestly, and without being an insulting jerk?

Or are you suggesting I'm anti White (odd, I'm Caucasian as are my my wife and my kids)?

I think this is more of you pretending that you don't know what a Race Card Play is.

Knock that shit off.

Wow. There was nothing real in your post at all.

YOu have NOTHING to back up your shit.
Fake News troll thread. Nothing to see here.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !

Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

A member of the KKK is now a separate race?

Nothing i said, suggested any such thing. Oh, was that a pretense that you don't know what the Race Card is?

YOur dishonesty is noted and dismissed.

Stop with the Race Card bullshit.

So you hang with a group who take pleasure in the misfortune of others? That's sick.

Illegals take jobs and depress wages. They are not welcome. It is our right to want and have Government policy that benefits AMERICANS.

Your dishonest characterization of this is dismissed.

Are you able to discuss these issues honestly, and without being an insulting jerk?

Or are you suggesting I'm anti White (odd, I'm Caucasian as are my my wife and my kids)?

I think this is more of you pretending that you don't know what a Race Card Play is.

Knock that shit off.

Wow. There was nothing real in your post at all.

YOu have NOTHING to back up your shit.

I know what the race card is, the reference in your writing is at best vague and your rant above suggests to me you're incapable of writing clearly. I have a graduate degree and a world of experience to "back up my shit".
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !

Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

A member of the KKK is now a separate race?

Nothing i said, suggested any such thing. Oh, was that a pretense that you don't know what the Race Card is?

YOur dishonesty is noted and dismissed.

Stop with the Race Card bullshit.

So you hang with a group who take pleasure in the misfortune of others? That's sick.

Illegals take jobs and depress wages. They are not welcome. It is our right to want and have Government policy that benefits AMERICANS.

Your dishonest characterization of this is dismissed.

Are you able to discuss these issues honestly, and without being an insulting jerk?

Or are you suggesting I'm anti White (odd, I'm Caucasian as are my my wife and my kids)?

I think this is more of you pretending that you don't know what a Race Card Play is.

Knock that shit off.

Wow. There was nothing real in your post at all.

YOu have NOTHING to back up your shit.

I know what the race card is, the reference in your writing is at best vague and your rant above suggests to me you're incapable of writing clearly. I have a graduate degree and a world of experience to "back up my shit".

1. My reference to it was general. You are obviously smart enough to deal with that. Don't bore me pretending otherwise.

2. Your degree and your experience doesn't seem to help you address my point, about my observations in my Rust Belt city. Nothing in your reply was actually addressing anything I said, and you still haven't.

Here it is again, for you to try again.

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !

Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

A member of the KKK is now a separate race?

Nothing i said, suggested any such thing. Oh, was that a pretense that you don't know what the Race Card is?

YOur dishonesty is noted and dismissed.

Stop with the Race Card bullshit.

So you hang with a group who take pleasure in the misfortune of others? That's sick.

Illegals take jobs and depress wages. They are not welcome. It is our right to want and have Government policy that benefits AMERICANS.

Your dishonest characterization of this is dismissed.

Are you able to discuss these issues honestly, and without being an insulting jerk?

Or are you suggesting I'm anti White (odd, I'm Caucasian as are my my wife and my kids)?

I think this is more of you pretending that you don't know what a Race Card Play is.

Knock that shit off.

Wow. There was nothing real in your post at all.

YOu have NOTHING to back up your shit.

I know what the race card is, the reference in your writing is at best vague and your rant above suggests to me you're incapable of writing clearly. I have a graduate degree and a world of experience to "back up my shit".

So you're some clown who got a basketball scholarship. Big deal. They all have degrees, too. lol
Last edited:
Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

A member of the KKK is now a separate race?

Nothing i said, suggested any such thing. Oh, was that a pretense that you don't know what the Race Card is?

YOur dishonesty is noted and dismissed.

Stop with the Race Card bullshit.

So you hang with a group who take pleasure in the misfortune of others? That's sick.

Illegals take jobs and depress wages. They are not welcome. It is our right to want and have Government policy that benefits AMERICANS.

Your dishonest characterization of this is dismissed.

Are you able to discuss these issues honestly, and without being an insulting jerk?

Or are you suggesting I'm anti White (odd, I'm Caucasian as are my my wife and my kids)?

I think this is more of you pretending that you don't know what a Race Card Play is.

Knock that shit off.

Wow. There was nothing real in your post at all.

YOu have NOTHING to back up your shit.

I know what the race card is, the reference in your writing is at best vague and your rant above suggests to me you're incapable of writing clearly. I have a graduate degree and a world of experience to "back up my shit".

1. My reference to it was general. You are obviously smart enough to deal with that. Don't bore me pretending otherwise.

2. Your degree and your experience doesn't seem to help you address my point, about my observations in my Rust Belt city. Nothing in your reply was actually addressing anything I said, and you still haven't.

Here it is again, for you to try again.

Maybe I'm not that smart, are you referencing the people in the rust belt as a race? My wife is from Wisconsin, are cheese heads a race, an ethnicity?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?

Keep dreaming. All this negative crap from the media is only strengthening and adding to his base.
"I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else."

That’s not going to happen.

Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

"What has Trump done to win your loyalty?"

He has an ‘R’ after his name – nothing more is needed for the blind partisan right.
Exact same thread from a month ago, no?

lol, all its threads are pretty much the same, lifted directly from Hive Central, and never in any way original, which is why, like Pogo, he can't discuss anything and reverts to snotty faggot attacks to anything that doesn't agree with whatever gibberish he pasted, just as they were under his old handle, the one where it was going to leave America, cuz TRUMP!!!
What’s sad and telling is that rightists know Trump is a failed ‘president’ and reprehensible bigot – they just lack the courage to admit it.
Violation of ALL CAPS rule
Trump; "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue & shoot someone & would not lose any voters"

We now have 3 dead & 20 injured.

Oh yeah, Trump's supporters & cabinet clearly looked the other way on his 2016 lie about former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

“Honestly, I don’t know David Duke,” Trump told Tapper. “I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”

The record proves Trump lied again! Trump knew Louisiana House of Representatives member David Duke got 55% of the white vote when he ran for governor of Louisiana. That's why Trump dog whistles to the KKK.

This came after Donald Birther Trump claimed Obama was not a US citizen or legitimate president!


Obama isn't a U.S. born citizen.

Your post FAIL

Then where was Obama born?... LOL!

He's Angela Davis's and Krushchev's bastard love child; she sold him to a Muslim pimp in Indonesia who rented him out to Mullahs on weekends.
Borders crossings down by 70%, TPP is toast, he freed us from the perils of the Paris Climate Accord. Gorsuch nomination. There are a few, do you need more reasons why I am delighted Donald Trump is our President?

Some of that is not true, some is not good for our country.

But, then, that's why RWNJs like him.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?

Yeah but he still has very strong support from the Nazis and White Supremacists. They still have a torch ;) burning for him.
I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

A member of the KKK is now a separate race?

Nothing i said, suggested any such thing. Oh, was that a pretense that you don't know what the Race Card is?

YOur dishonesty is noted and dismissed.

Stop with the Race Card bullshit.

So you hang with a group who take pleasure in the misfortune of others? That's sick.

Illegals take jobs and depress wages. They are not welcome. It is our right to want and have Government policy that benefits AMERICANS.

Your dishonest characterization of this is dismissed.

Are you able to discuss these issues honestly, and without being an insulting jerk?

Or are you suggesting I'm anti White (odd, I'm Caucasian as are my my wife and my kids)?

I think this is more of you pretending that you don't know what a Race Card Play is.

Knock that shit off.

Wow. There was nothing real in your post at all.

YOu have NOTHING to back up your shit.

I know what the race card is, the reference in your writing is at best vague and your rant above suggests to me you're incapable of writing clearly. I have a graduate degree and a world of experience to "back up my shit".

1. My reference to it was general. You are obviously smart enough to deal with that. Don't bore me pretending otherwise.

2. Your degree and your experience doesn't seem to help you address my point, about my observations in my Rust Belt city. Nothing in your reply was actually addressing anything I said, and you still haven't.

Here it is again, for you to try again.

Maybe I'm not that smart, are you referencing the people in the rust belt as a race? My wife is from Wisconsin, are cheese heads a race, an ethnicity?

I live in a Rust Belt city. People I know are happy to hear that deportations are up, and our Trade "partners" are unhappy.

YOur race card play is noted and held against you. YOu should be ashamed.

What in the world in my post led you to believe that I was referring to Rust Belt city dwellers as a race?

Your race card play was you vilely smearing me and my peers with a Klan implication. That was you being an ass.

You should be ashamed.

Do not bore me with a pretense that you do not know what a race card play is.
"I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else."

That’s not going to happen.

Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

"What has Trump done to win your loyalty?"

He has an ‘R’ after his name – nothing more is needed for the blind partisan right.

I constantly refer to the fact that a. deportations are up, and b. our trade enemies are unhappy.

THat's a good start.

That you insist that no one can answer your stupid question is you being dishonest.
What’s sad and telling is that rightists know Trump is a failed ‘president’ and reprehensible bigot – they just lack the courage to admit it.

What's said that you come to a discussion forum, and post utter bullshit as though it is a point.

Also, your race card play if noted and ridiculed.

Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?

Yeah but he still has very strong support from the Nazis and White Supremacists. They still have a torch ;) burning for him.

Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?

Yeah but he still has very strong support from the Nazis and White Supremacists. They still have a torch ;) burning for him.

Were you born an ass or did you grow into it?

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