Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

Violation of ALL CAPS rule
Trump; "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue & shoot someone & would not lose any voters"

We now have 3 dead & 20 injured.

Oh yeah, Trump's supporters & cabinet clearly looked the other way on his 2016 lie about former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

“Honestly, I don’t know David Duke,” Trump told Tapper. “I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”

The record proves Trump lied again! Trump knew Louisiana House of Representatives member David Duke got 55% of the white vote when he ran for governor of Louisiana. That's why Trump dog whistles to the KKK.

This came after Donald Birther Trump claimed Obama was not a US citizen or legitimate president!


Obama isn't a U.S. born citizen.

Your post FAIL

Then where was Obama born?... LOL!
He told his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"
Borders crossings down by 70%, TPP is toast, he freed us from the perils of the Paris Climate Accord. Gorsuch nomination. There are a few, do you need more reasons why I am delighted Donald Trump is our President?

All because of The Great Orange Douche doings.
Show how it was done.

Btw. It has been a negative number since 2007 btw.
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Violation of ALL CAPS rule
Trump; "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue & shoot someone & would not lose any voters"

We now have 3 dead & 20 injured.

Oh yeah, Trump's supporters & cabinet clearly looked the other way on his 2016 lie about former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

“Honestly, I don’t know David Duke,” Trump told Tapper. “I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”

The record proves Trump lied again! Trump knew Louisiana House of Representatives member David Duke got 55% of the white vote when he ran for governor of Louisiana. That's why Trump dog whistles to the KKK.

This came after Donald Birther Trump claimed Obama was not a US citizen or legitimate president!


Obama isn't a U.S. born citizen.

Your post FAIL

Then where was Obama born?... LOL!
He told his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

Still holding on to that debunked spew.
The Great Orange Douche -the Lie maker and
final Debunker. Said he's an American.
We see no paperwork Obama applied for citizenship.

You are referring to Obama Sr.
Trump still has a strong moron base which is why he doesn't completely remove himself from the white supremacists movement.
Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

I see what the survey suggests, but I don't know. As far as I can tell, neither Trump nor his supporters are principled people; thus they are ficke about pretty much everything. Trump himself one day can be one's "best friend" and say all sorts of laudatory things on one's behalf. The next day at at the first sign of constructive criticism, he'll "dog" them like nobody else ever would.
How do make a judgement that Trump supporters are not "principled people". Come on dude what kind of crap is that? What do you base that on, the fact that we disagree with you?
Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

I see what the survey suggests, but I don't know. As far as I can tell, neither Trump nor his supporters are principled people; thus they are ficke about pretty much everything. Trump himself one day can be one's "best friend" and say all sorts of laudatory things on one's behalf. The next day at at the first sign of constructive criticism, he'll "dog" them like nobody else ever would.
How do make a judgement that Trump supporters are not "principled people". Come on dude what kind of crap is that? What do you base that on, the fact that we disagree with you?

Clearly, you just have to look at The Great Orange Douche. Just DrumpF-U alone.
Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

I see what the survey suggests, but I don't know. As far as I can tell, neither Trump nor his supporters are principled people; thus they are ficke about pretty much everything. Trump himself one day can be one's "best friend" and say all sorts of laudatory things on one's behalf. The next day at at the first sign of constructive criticism, he'll "dog" them like nobody else ever would.
How do make a judgement that Trump supporters are not "principled people". Come on dude what kind of crap is that? What do you base that on, the fact that we disagree with you?

Clearly, you just have to look at The Great Orange Douche. Just DrumpF-U alone.

You are a moron.

THis is for you.

Fake News troll thread. Nothing to see here.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !
Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

I see what the survey suggests, but I don't know. As far as I can tell, neither Trump nor his supporters are principled people; thus they are ficke about pretty much everything. Trump himself one day can be one's "best friend" and say all sorts of laudatory things on one's behalf. The next day at at the first sign of constructive criticism, he'll "dog" them like nobody else ever would.
How do make a judgement that Trump supporters are not "principled people". Come on dude what kind of crap is that? What do you base that on, the fact that we disagree with you?

Clearly, you just have to look at The Great Orange Douche. Just DrumpF-U alone.

You are a moron.

THis is for you.

LOL - Whimpy Trump cant handle that gun. He was unfit to serve in any branch of military.

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Borders crossings down by 70%, TPP is toast, he freed us from the perils of the Paris Climate Accord. Gorsuch nomination. There are a few, do you need more reasons why I am delighted Donald Trump is our President?

Exactly, along with calling China's bluffs via their little munchkin proxy there in N Korea, getting the Clinton sellout deals re NAFTA re-opened, and not only keeping the felon and traitor Hillary out of office but Jeb Bush as well.

If anybody in the Peanut Gallery wants to know what the establishment really wants to do to you and your country, get a copy of this quarter's CFR mouthpiece Foreign Affairs; there are two articles of immediate interest, one by Tim Kaine, the guy the criminal felon and traitor Hillary picked as her VP toady, and a particularly enlightening article by Fred Hu and Michael Spence, pointing out how the U.S. is now just awful, and Red China is the real Great Hope for the 'Globalists' and the multi-nationals, cuz like, you unimportant worthless uppity proles here are resisting being looted to pay for their oversea party, so they are going to take their marbles and run over to Mao's house and play.

You can ask yourselves if it's really a good idea to keep electing candidates from either Party who represent interests who hate you and your country as your legislators. This is especially important for blacks and minorities to consider if you really want to tear the place down and think you would get lots of free stuff if that happens. It isn't that tiny insignificant collection of 'neo-nazis' that controls the wealth here, nor do they control any jobs, or anything else, and it's a dead certainty the DNC isn't going to be handing out any of Goldman Sach's cash to you, no matter what BS they peddle to you; it will go to Red China and some other wonderful corporate paradise along with anything else worth anything. So, yeah, people do indeed need to take a side, patriots or the establishment. Good luck, even though it's a certainty you'll probably opt for national suicide and turn your neighborhoods into south Chicago and self-destruct yourselves as usual.
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Exact same thread from a month ago, no?

lol, all its threads are pretty much the same, lifted directly from Hive Central, and never in any way original, which is why, like Pogo, he can't discuss anything and reverts to snotty faggot attacks to anything that doesn't agree with whatever gibberish he pasted, just as they were under his old handle, the one where it was going to leave America, cuz TRUMP!!!
Violation of ALL CAPS rule
Trump; "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue & shoot someone & would not lose any voters"

We now have 3 dead & 20 injured.

Oh yeah, Trump's supporters & cabinet clearly looked the other way on his 2016 lie about former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

“Honestly, I don’t know David Duke,” Trump told Tapper. “I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”

The record proves Trump lied again! Trump knew Louisiana House of Representatives member David Duke got 55% of the white vote when he ran for governor of Louisiana. That's why Trump dog whistles to the KKK.

This came after Donald Birther Trump claimed Obama was not a US citizen or legitimate president!


Obama isn't a U.S. born citizen.

Your post FAIL

Then where was Obama born?... LOL!
He told his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

Yes, and he also admitted on national television he was a Muslim, too. Actually, that's why he's so popular with the mentally ill Pedo-Friendlies and terrorist fans that make up the Democratic Party.
Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

I see what the survey suggests, but I don't know. As far as I can tell, neither Trump nor his supporters are principled people; thus they are ficke about pretty much everything. Trump himself one day can be one's "best friend" and say all sorts of laudatory things on one's behalf. The next day at at the first sign of constructive criticism, he'll "dog" them like nobody else ever would.
How do make a judgement that Trump supporters are not "principled people". Come on dude what kind of crap is that? What do you base that on, the fact that we disagree with you?
How do make a judgement that Trump supporters are not "principled people".

  • Because people of principle don't raise BS tu quoque arguments to deflect away from the topic of discussion.
  • Because people of principle do not attest to the legitimacy of their allies words and deeds when their allies are factually, ethically or morally wrong or myopic or just outright lie.
  • Because people of principle confirm the verity of things before advancing, advocating for them and perpetuating them.
  • Because people of principle "own their sh*t" rather than blaming others for it.
  • Because people of principle don't forget from whence they came.
  • Because people of principle don't fabricate facts.
  • Because people of principle don't publicly remark upon things about which they know little or nothing.
  • Because people of principle don't attest to being something and then act in ways that contravene the core tenets of the philosophy to which they claim to ascribe.
  • Because people of principle don't insult others instead of presenting sound and relevant counter-arguments.
  • Because people of principle aren't sycophants.
  • Because people of principle pursue what's good for the whole, even when it may be personally not such a great thing.
Donald Trump has become the God for his base.
No matter what he says or does, his voting block continue to support him.
Donald Trump is neither a Democract or a Republican.
Well, he was a Democract just few years ago.
But he became a Republican to run for the office.
While Trump may not be the most popular guy, he does not need to be.
His competitors are much less than popular than Trump.

Data shows clear indication that he would win again and his base would not vote for anyone in the future if he or she is not a Donald Trump supporter.

You think McCain would ever win again?

Here is how Trump and Hillary compare:

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Is Trump's Base Ready to Desert Him? Sure Looks Like it

I see what the survey suggests, but I don't know. As far as I can tell, neither Trump nor his supporters are principled people; thus they are ficke about pretty much everything. Trump himself one day can be one's "best friend" and say all sorts of laudatory things on one's behalf. The next day at at the first sign of constructive criticism, he'll "dog" them like nobody else ever would.
How do make a judgement that Trump supporters are not "principled people". Come on dude what kind of crap is that? What do you base that on, the fact that we disagree with you?

Clearly, you just have to look at The Great Orange Douche. Just DrumpF-U alone.

You are a moron.

THis is for you.

LOL - Whimpy Trump cant handle that gun. He was unfit to serve in any branch of military.


He is the leader of the strongest military in the world.

Seems your words are disconnected from reality, lefty,

Fake News troll thread. Nothing to see here.
Is Trump’s base ready to desert him? A survey suggests they are already drifting away

"The Quinnipiac survey found that only 43 percent of white working-class voters approved of his job performance, while 50 percent disapproved.

"The intensity of the disapproval was surprising: fully 43 percent disapproved “strongly,” compared to just 29 percent who approved strongly."

I know that a portion of the 29% post here, maybe they would be willing to explain why they support Trump strongly, and do so without blaming Obama, HRC or anyone else. What has Trump done to win your loyalty?
Funny Everyone I know likes what Trump is doing. Must be a liberal poll !

Odd that you only know those who like what Trump is doing. Are you a member of the Russian Oligarchy? They dance to the news (not fake shit) that the White House is in chaos. Or do you only know people who wear sheets and have flour sacks for hats?

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