Is USA a fake country??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I report . You decide

Zero functional Govt
Open borders
Extreme crime and poverty
Zero fair media
Zero opposition party
Drugs everywhere
Very limited police force
Woke culture
Point made. Theoretically, America is a "Representative Democracy". It's become painfully apparent American government no longer represents the will of the American people, ie: the majority. We got Soros and China and the WTO running the place. An authoritarian autocracy controlled by god knows whom for what reasons. Here we are.
I report . You decide

Zero functional Govt
Open borders
Extreme crime and poverty
Zero fair media
Zero opposition party
Drugs everywhere
Very limited police force
Woke culture
Well if things really start to get out of hand - according to history, this is always the chance for a revolution by the people.
There are about 352 million guns in circulation - so where is the problem?
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I LOVE my County.
I have ZERO desire to live anywhere else.
Quit Bitching and enjoy what you have.
I think it's a real country, therefore not fake. I think the government is on the verge of failure, then we would be a failed republic.
At this point in time it's hard to tell if we will notice the failure of the government.
The country (us, the people, most of us anyway)will be just fine though.
I report . You decide

Zero functional Govt
Open borders
Extreme crime and poverty
Zero fair media
Zero opposition party
Drugs everywhere
Very limited police force
Woke culture

State popo pulled me over in the middle of nowhere Friday. Our police force didn't seem that limited then.
I report . You decide

Zero functional Govt
Open borders
Extreme crime and poverty
Zero fair media
Zero opposition party
Drugs everywhere
Very limited police force
Woke culture
U missed in the 1st round for sure. So far our DC gang has 2, that's TWO war$ going with a third war on the back burner $immering! I'd call that a functional g'ment even though the international banking cartel are calling the shots in DC land.

U scored better in round #2. Only our west border, east border & our southern border are actually called "open borders". Our north border is fully staffed to keep out the dangerous Libertarian/Conservative Canadian refugees!

U scored 100% in round #3! There is EXTREME CRIME in g'ment & poverty is rampant among the American constituency. Good call on your part!!!

You slipped a tad in round #4 but came close to 100%. U 4got that America still has USMB, the last bastion of both truth & fact! In 50 yrs(if our USA survives) USMB will be in the history books as America's saving grace! Names like Washington, Adams & Jefferson will be replaced with newer but odd names like JGalt, skye, white 6, Quasar44, Hossfly, jackflash, Mac-7, MarathonMike & others among our USMB crew & moderators!

CONGRATS TO U Q44 as U scored 100% in round #5 as there is absolutely no opposition party to challenge the RNC/DNC controlled RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP)!

U zeroed round #6 for an easy decision as drugs are truly everywhere in our USA!

Again U scored heavy in round #7 for another easy decision for U about limited police force!

Woke culture netted U a KO in round #8!

U said "I report . You decide" Q44 takes it via KO!
You may always try your lot in Mexico.
I think I will just wait here in the good old USA. The cartels will be running this nation in the next decade if not before. We will be North Mexico.

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