Is Water Redistribution To Control Climate Change A Viable Option ?

Is water redistribution to control climate change a viable option ?

  • Water redistribution to control climate change is a viable option .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Water redistribution to control climate change is not a viable option .

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Water redistribution is too expensive .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Water redistribution would be effective against wildfires and desertification .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Water for redistribution is not available .

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Is Water Redistribution To Control Climate Change A Viable Option ? "

* Alternatives To Idea Starvation From Dehydration *

Countless dramas are related through the news about wild fires , excessive heat and desertification .

Most of the chatter about controlling wildfires directs to negligence in controlling brush that is likely a significant annual expense .

Though optioning properties facing east so as to take advantage of back yard shade through late morning , recently on occasion my location has been compelled against the sun .

With attire to deflect ultra violet light , a wide brim hat , long sleeve shirt and sometimes glasses , a water hose spraying over my head in an inverted cone moistens my clothes , without drenching them , and cools my body enough to drive on more easily and comfortably for an additional while ( that is true whether the atmosphere is or is not humid ) .

Most having visited a hardware store are likely familiar with air blown over water is applied to cool work areas .

With no filtration required , would it be a reasonable address of concerns for climate change by redistributing water to irrigate and retain organic biomass , or to cool and retain water , in select locations , with an objective of improving climate control over environmental change ?

Increasing the moisture content in vast swaths of geography should likely avoid rapid or deep erosion .
" Is Water Redistribution To Control Climate Change A Viable Option ? "

* Alternatives To Idea Starvation From Dehydration *

Countless dramas are related through the news about wild fires , excessive heat and desertification .

Most of the chatter about controlling wildfires directs to negligence in controlling brush that is likely a significant annual expense .

Though optioning properties facing east so as to take advantage of back yard shade through late morning , recently on occasion my location has been compelled against the sun .

With attire to deflect ultra violet light , a wide brim hat , long sleeve shirt and sometimes glasses , a water hose spraying over my head in an inverted cone moistens my clothes , without drenching them , and cools my body enough to drive on more easily and comfortably for an additional while ( that is true whether the atmosphere is or is not humid ) .

Most having visited a hardware store are likely familiar with air blown over water is applied to cool work areas .

With no filtration required , would it be a reasonable address of concerns for climate change by redistributing water to irrigate and retain organic biomass , or to cool and retain water , in select locations , with an objective of improving climate control over environmental change ?

Increasing the moisture content in vast swaths of geography should likely avoid rapid or deep erosion .
Allow me to point out that while a mist of water might cool you off, it does not remove heat energy from the environment, just moves it from you to the water.
" Shielding Materials Through Light Dispersal "

* Absorption And Heat Capacity *

Allow me to point out that while a mist of water might cool you off, it does not remove heat energy from the environment, just moves it from you to the water.
That is somewhat true , while moisture disperses sunlight before infra red radiation is absorbed more deeply by materials with greater heat capacity .
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" Is Water Redistribution To Control Climate Change A Viable Option ? "

* Alternatives To Idea Starvation From Dehydration *

Countless dramas are related through the news about wild fires , excessive heat and desertification ..
If there's a problem w/ too many articles saying we got too much global warming, how about just telling the news to go on to other things?
" Shielding Materials Through Light Dispersal "

* Absorption And Heat Capacity *

That is somewhat true , while moisture disperses sunlight before infra red radiation is absorbed more deeply by materials with greater heat capacity .
You cannot change the amount of water in the atmosphere save by changing the Earth's temperature. If you try, it will simply rain out.

And, of course. Water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas.
" More Considerations About It "

* Farts In A Room And Pretends It Did Not Happen Because Everyone Has Gone Nose Blind *

If there's a problem w/ too many articles saying we got too much global warming, how about just telling the news to go on to other things?
Is earth , to some extent , a closed system ?

Suppose to discount the role of hue mammon foot prints and consider scale and localized capabilities of the sun on earth environment , irrespective or including overall celestial affects from orbits .

The replacement and accumulation of biomass for terrain formation , for purposes of retaining moisture through a redistribution of fresh water , or desalination of salt water , with an objective of improving climate controls against effects of excessive heat - whether from a vibrant sun or through hue mammon carbon cycle skew , would seem to be a reasonable proposition .

As methane absorbs 75 times more heat than carbon dioxide , veneration of cow farts through clear cutting might validate hindu commitments not to eat them , while could earth release vast amounts of methane , by the unfreezing of Methane clathrate - Wikipedia , so that fire rolls across across the sky consuming oxygen ?

As a cynical interlude , it would not befuddle me to believe that property and casualty actuaries are hurling perturbations into environment models as reasons to raise insurance premiums , while too idle money making money does nothing to generate revenue from an application of the money multiplier through spending .

* Summer Solstice Celestial Religion Sacrifices For Salvation From Eternal Hell Fire *

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I was hoping for another option ... water redistribution to improve crop production ...

California is a great example ... drawing water out of the Colorado River to irrigate year-round crops in the Imperial Valley ... it's nice if our country can feed herself, and come winter we need crops out of the deserts ... bad for the river but there's a balance ... there's meteorological reasons why we'll see floods in one part of the country and droughts in others ... if we build a water network we can redistribute excess water from one place and take to another ...

Super carbon intensive ... the USA would have to join Al Qaeda just to get access to enough oil to dig out all the canals and fuel all the power stations to run the pumps ... woot ...

As far as climate and water, that would be the oceans, 71% of the Earth's surface ... once it rains down to the ground, it's the geologists' problem ...
" Technical Quibbling "

* Conservation Laws Without Energy Shift Of Dispersion Or Reflection *

No, it is absolutely true. It is called the Conservation of Energy Law, a basic tenet of physics.
It would be true that conservation of energy is retained while the energy itself is shifted , such as radiant energy is dispersed by water , and sunlight is reflected back out of the atmosphere by clouds or dust such as from a volcano , or by confetti :) .
... there's meteorological reasons why we'll see floods in one part of the country and droughts in others ...

As I'm sure you know, the uneven distribution of water and drying around the planet and its constant changing is essential to the climatic system, just that sometimes it does not suit us entirely well. But to artificially distribute water everywhere as needed just because WE want it there would have /staggering/ unintended consequences we cannot even imagine!

The real solution is to address the CORE problem--- too many people ---by simply reducing the birth rate sharply for a few generations until the planetary population comes back down from 9 billion to about 2 billion.

Then there would no longer be an energy problem, a housing problem, a resource problem, a food problem, or a climate problem.
" Shielding Materials Through Light Dispersal "

* Absorption And Heat Capacity *

That is somewhat true , while moisture disperses sunlight before infra red radiation is absorbed more deeply by materials with greater heat capacity .
What do you mean with "moisture disperses sunlight"?
As I'm sure you know, the uneven distribution of water and drying around the planet and its constant changing is essential to the climatic system, just that sometimes it does not suit us entirely well. But to artificially distribute water everywhere as needed just because WE want it there would have /staggering/ unintended consequences we cannot even imagine!

The real solution is to address the CORE problem--- too many people ---by simply reducing the birth rate sharply for a few generations until the planetary population comes back down from 9 billion to about 2 billion.

Then there would no longer be an energy problem, a housing problem, a resource problem, a food problem, or a climate problem.

We know of two ways to do this ... and one involves affluence ... Western Europe and Anglo-America have their fertility rates well below replacement ... are we willing to change our lifestyles so that the wealth can be re-distributed? ...

The other requires a totalitarian government with the power to strictly enforce a "one child only" policy ... any government that can ban abortion can also require it ...

Or go back to warfare ... stoke up a fight between India and China ... let them nuke a third of our problem ...
Water redistribution to control climate change is not a viable option

Thats an understatement

Its a stupid idea
their fertility rates well below replacement ... are we willing to change our lifestyles
The other requires a totalitarian government with the power to strictly enforce a "one child only" policy ...

This is a question I've struggled with since the 1970s, and I know that this borders on totalitarianism, but it is THE ONLY WAY, and I'm sure that as a scientist, you have to admit that. I realize there are enormous social issues of who decides who can have kids and when, but, none of this green crap with lighter cars and restrictions and EV vehicles is going to work--- both the cost is too high and the technology just isn't there, so, the only avenue left is population control, something I've already voluntarily adopted myself.

It is pure selfishness to keep having kids: My next door neighbors have gone from a couple to having four kids to now a total family of about 20. In the same time period extended forward, that family will be up around 200 people.

THAT IS THE PROBLEM. And until that is stopped (and since most people haven't the self-control or discipline to do it voluntarily, the only alternative, just like going in to get a check up or flu shot, is to sterilize people so they CAN'T have kids for the good of the planet, and this will not only fix most every problem mankind currently faces but will solve most every problem the planet and life on the planet faces as well.

You know I'm right.

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