Is Wind Power on par with Fossil Fuels?

And how much does your coal fired plant cost when you figure in the few hundred trillion it will cost to deal with the global warming they cause?
prove it crickster. I've been waiting for what 10 PPM of CO2 does to climate and to temperatures. You still haven't provided any experiment.
You want empirical evidence supporting a future projection? I think you've been watching too much Star Trek. If you want some evidence, try IPCC, AR5, WG2: "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability" at Fifth Assessment Report - Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability. And if you're going to reject it out of hand - without even looking at it - stop wasting our time.
hahahahhahahaahahahah empirical evidence. Now you can't provide evidence, finally admitted it. that is so lame.
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You want empirical evidence supporting a future projection? I think you've been watching too much Star Trek. If you want some evidence, try IPCC, AR5, WG2: "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability" at Fifth Assessment Report - Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability. And if you're going to reject it out of hand - without even looking at it - stop wasting our time.

Another Appeal to authority where the science presented does not prove the accusation... Epic Fail, but then that is what we have come to expect from you every day..
So you consider taking the word of the vast majority of mainstream science "an epic fail". Where does that put you?
So you consider taking the word of the vast majority of mainstream science "an epic fail". Where does that put you?

60 core left wing socialist groupies and a bunch of yes men is not main stream science. if it is, then things are far worse than even I assumed. To many people with their hands out accepting stolen monies.. It must suck being a whore and selling yourself and your integrity out.
So you consider taking the word of the vast majority of mainstream science "an epic fail". Where does that put you?

60 core left wing socialist groupies and a bunch of yes men is not main stream science. if it is, then things are far worse than even I assumed. To many people with their hands out accepting stolen monies.. It must suck being a whore and selling yourself and your integrity out.
watch out for those THOUSANDS of folks he claims everyday, to which he can't provide any data on. Typical lies. Every day.
3 out of 3 giant wind machines I checked out in Rhode Island this week (while driving in their direction) were not running despite a nice ocean breeze and the air filled with the sound of air conditioners running overtime.

Yup. Wind power is gonna save the planet.

If somebody figures out a way to make it work when the wind IS blowing.
And how much does your coal fired plant cost when you figure in the few hundred trillion it will cost to deal with the global warming they cause?

If the globe was actually warming it would save consumers money.
So you consider taking the word of the vast majority of mainstream science "an epic fail". Where does that put you?

Yes, that is an epic fail. If they can't prove their claims, then you have to be a fool to accept them.
3 out of 3 giant wind machines I checked out in Rhode Island this week (while driving in their direction) were not running despite a nice ocean breeze and the air filled with the sound of air conditioners running overtime.

Yup. Wind power is gonna save the planet.

If somebody figures out a way to make it work when the wind IS blowing.

Why I just heard that Rhode Island (IIRC) is gonna be blessed with America's largest OFFSHORE wind farm.
Then we can have MORE of this sketchy boondoogle..
OK, you libbies....when you drink your imported bottled bubble water remember, those bubbles will make you fart and they're pure carbon dioxide!

Best we fit you all with filters?
European Renewable Energy performance for 2014 falls far short of claims

This has provided a nameplate electrical generating capacity of about 216 Gigawatts, nominally about ~22% of the total European generation needs of about 1000 Gigawatts.

The actual measured output by 2014 from data supplied by the Renewables Industry has been 38 Gigawatts or 3.8% of Europe’s electricity requirement, at a capacity factor of ~18% overall.

However Renewable Energy production is dependent on the seasons, local weather conditions and the rotation of the earth, day and night.

The data is out and wind power is an epic FAIL.. As Europe now kills the subsidies along with Australia and others it is fast headed for collapse
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So you consider taking the word of the vast majority of mainstream science "an epic fail". Where does that put you?

Yes, that is an epic fail. If they can't prove their claims, then you have to be a fool to accept them.

So, the denier failures at basic science comprehension continue.

Who do you think can make the best evidence-based case Paddie? The vast majority of mainstream science, or you?
So you consider taking the word of the vast majority of mainstream science "an epic fail". Where does that put you?

Yes, that is an epic fail. If they can't prove their claims, then you have to be a fool to accept them.

So, the denier failures at basic science comprehension continue.

Who do you think can make the best evidence-based case Paddie? The vast majority of mainstream science, or you?

Appeal to authority, a logical fallacy. Talk about "failures at basic science comprehension."

The evidence is the evidence, no matter who produces it. So far the warmist cult has failed to produce it.
I made no appeal. I asked you a simple question that you seem loathe to answer. Who has more evidence (particularly, who has more evidence acceptable to real scientsts): the vast majority of mainstream science or you?

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