is your country more divided than it was four years ago ??

is America more divided than it was 4 years ago ??

  • yea

    Votes: 25 80.6%
  • nea

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • i don't think it's divided.

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
since viet nam ? civil war ? is it even divided at all, is it just a bunch of friendly politics ?

has anyone lost family or friends because of politics or the government ?

anyone get divorced from this shit ?
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since viet nam ? civil war ? is it even divided at all, is it just a bunch of friendly politics ?

has anyone lost family or friends because of politics or the government ?

divorced because of presidential politics ??

seriously, do you think we are just all Americans ?

maybe it's better i don't know, i just wonder what you all think in your own day to day lives
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I think the Internet has spread the division that is perhaps as great now as it was since Vietnam. Vietnam was worse but we are seeing signs of violent protest from the OWS. The president divides the country when the says things like, the police acted stupidly or if I had a son....

His divisiveness he creates between the rich and the poor is obvious.

So yes, it is divided. At least one thing Carter did was unite the country against him. This time around the Obamabots are sticking with him for only one reason.
After seeing Elizabeth Warren and Obama's attack on the business owners in this country
there can be no doubt.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama
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since viet nam ? civil war ? is it even divided at all, is it just a bunch of friendly politics ?

has anyone lost family or friends because of politics or the government ?

anyone get divorced from this shit ?

Yes. The tactics of diversion, disaster, diversity, class warfare, war on women and Christianity and just traditional values in general, have all pitted one against the other, if the other has kept up with politics or the economy.

I have let it all interfere with friend and family relationships. We all wish we could take a pill and sleep through the next three months. We would give up three months of reality, for that to happen.

Pretty damn sad.
Yes, this country is clearly more Divided today than 4 Years ago.

A combination of Racist Reaction on the Right, and Divisive Class Warfare Tactics from the Left have made sure of that.

I won't point the finger any more or less at either side on this issue.

Although I will Hold Obama Accountable more than others for his part, because he Ran on the Promise not being what he turned out to be.
Definitely more divided today than four years ago. Probably the most since the Civil War. Partly due to the changing demographics, and much of it due to cable news, and social media.
I don't believe we are very many ticks away from taking it to the streets.
We may see some of it after this election.

As for your question about political differences causing a divorce.
I lived with a woman for over ten years, she was a lib. At first I was able to deal with it, but after a few years and the newness of the relationship wore off it became very toxic, until I finally had to break it off.
I thought in time she may eventually come around to my ideological position, but it never happened, and it led to a miserable relationship.

My advice to anyone beginning a relationship with someone from the other side, unless you can be persuaded to change or the other person can be persuaded to change, your ideological differences will eventually become the elephant in the room and you both will be miserable. I would break it off now before you get too involved.
Yes, this country is clearly more Divided today than 4 Years ago.

A combination of Racist Reaction on the Right, and Divisive Class Warfare Tactics from the Left have made sure of that.

I won't point the finger any more or less at either side on this issue.

Although I will Hold Obama Accountable more than others for his part, because he Ran on the Promise not being what he turned out to be.

You nailed it, Obama isn't what he said he was, he is sadly exactly what we said he was. For once it would have been great to be wrong.
Definitely more divided today than four years ago. Probably the most since the Civil War. Partly due to the changing demographics, and much of it due to cable news, and social media.
I don't believe we are very many ticks away from taking it to the streets.
We may see some of it after this election.

As for your question about political differences causing a divorce.
I lived with a woman for over ten years, she was a lib. At first I was able to deal with it, but after a few years and the newness of the relationship wore off it became very toxic, until I finally had to break it off.
I thought in time she may eventually come around to my ideological position, but it never happened, and it led to a miserable relationship.

My advice to anyone beginning a relationship with someone from the other side, unless you can be persuaded to change or the other person can be persuaded to change, your ideological differences will eventually become the elephant in the room and you both will be miserable. I would break it off now before you get too involved.

Sorry to hear what happened in your situation, mental disorders like hers are hard to cure. I think that maybe she was born that way. :eusa_whistle:
My opinion only based on my observations over the last four years.

The far leftists and the far rightists seem to be losing power if not voice.

Let's look carefully at Congress, and if the Cantors and Ryans have less influence, then, yes, the country is not as divided.
My opinion only based on my observations over the last four years.

The far leftists and the far rightists seem to be losing power if not voice.

Let's look carefully at Congress, and if the Cantors and Ryans have less influence, then, yes, the country is not as divided.

You are an idiot.

Pelosi, Reid and Obama are the most radical Leftists to hold power in your lifetime.
You have no idea about what you are writing, SniperFire. And if you have not noticed, Pelosi is not in the majority, Obama is beholden to the insurance industry, and Reed can't manage the senate effectively.

Cantor and Ryan were very wise in not having a government showdown this late summer.
No loss of family or friends. It is really no big deal, some make a big case but we all let them rant and go about our business.

I love the so called traditional values being rocked at it's foundation, it is about time, they had a stranglehold on America for way to long and I am glad to see that minorities hated by the religious that are trying to get a fair deal from that control.
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