ISIS claims to have "dirty bomb"...

The man making the claim sounds more like an internet troll than anything else. He's an explosives expert, constructed a dirty bomb, but doesn't know what one is? Then later in the article it says he's a car mechanic?

Either way, the missing uranium is troubling. ISIS may not have the expertise available to turn it into a weapon, but that doesn't mean they can't sell it to somebody who does.
I do not believe that making a "dirty bomb" is all that difficult. It is just a matter of a missile with radioactive materials----or even
an I E D --- stuffed wth stuff. Terrorist dogs can get such materials on the black market-----no doubt some Russian
would be delighted to sell plutonium, It's just a matter of time
before some meccaist slut ties something like a plutonium packed I E D to her ass
Any radioactive substance can make a "dirty bomb" it is just getting enough people together who are not scared of becoming radioactive to make the bomb. That or finding a hazmat suit that is still in good condition, but then they would be very noticeable walking to the bomb making factory and placing the bomb. Guess they are not that extreme that they will die in pain and terror for Allah's cause.

what do you mean by using the term "false flag"---in response
to the INEVITABLE filth perpetuated by islamo Nazis?
In the 1998 CBS series Jericho they used dirty bombs on 21 cities in America.
That's where the term came from
Yes----I understand what a "false flag" operation is-----so why do you use the term in reference to the filth of Islamic
terrorism?------is it because islamo Nazi pigs so often make
the "we didn't do it" claim. The pigs have been into that filth
for 1400 years-----haven't you caught on yet?
Yes----I understand what a "false flag" operation is-----so why do you use the term in reference to the filth of Islamic
terrorism?------is it because islamo Nazi pigs so often make
the "we didn't do it" claim. The pigs have been into that filth
for 1400 years-----haven't you caught on yet?
Iran and north korea were those accused of using a dirty bomb on America in the show. Remember the bad guys? The alliance of evil?
Yes----I understand what a "false flag" operation is-----so why do you use the term in reference to the filth of Islamic
terrorism?------is it because islamo Nazi pigs so often make
the "we didn't do it" claim. The pigs have been into that filth
for 1400 years-----haven't you caught on yet?
Iran and north korea were those accused of using a dirty bomb on America in the show. Remember the bad guys? The alliance of evil?

so? ----you are citing a very realistic possible---(actually
probable) future scenario. Homeland security is very busy
and very VIGILANT and------not for NOTHING
Yes----I understand what a "false flag" operation is-----so why do you use the term in reference to the filth of Islamic
terrorism?------is it because islamo Nazi pigs so often make
the "we didn't do it" claim. The pigs have been into that filth
for 1400 years-----haven't you caught on yet?
Iran and north korea were those accused of using a dirty bomb on America in the show. Remember the bad guys? The alliance of evil?

so? ----you are citing a very realistic possible---(actually
probable) future scenario. Homeland security is very busy
and very VIGILANT and------not for NOTHING
"So" there you have it
Yes----I understand what a "false flag" operation is-----so why do you use the term in reference to the filth of Islamic
terrorism?------is it because islamo Nazi pigs so often make
the "we didn't do it" claim. The pigs have been into that filth
for 1400 years-----haven't you caught on yet?
Iran and north korea were those accused of using a dirty bomb on America in the show. Remember the bad guys? The alliance of evil?

so? ----you are citing a very realistic possible---(actually
probable) future scenario. Homeland security is very busy
and very VIGILANT and------not for NOTHING
"So" there you have it

'There you have' what

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