ISIS now spreading into Libya - and beginning to win

A good ISIS is a dead ISIS...

In Syria, in Iraq, in Pakistan, or in Libya...

Don't forget Iran, Yeppers: ...
Wherever the scum may be found...

Good catch...

Thanks for the addition...


Sounds like the Libyans could use some help, in butchering these ISIS-ISIL-IS scum...
You are scum and america will fall bidhnillah
A good ISIS is a dead ISIS...

In Syria, in Iraq, in Pakistan, or in Libya...

Don't forget Iran, Yeppers: ...
Wherever the scum may be found...

Good catch...

Thanks for the addition...


Sounds like the Libyans could use some help, in
butchering these ISIS-ISIL-IS scum...

You are scum and america will fall bidhnillah

you and your fellows and your creed and your "koran'
are stinking shit-------MECCAIST DOG.
...You are scum and america will fall bidhnillah
Be silent, and respectful, in the presence of your betters, Abdul...

Go back to sleep, and dream your dreams of your Pedophile Founder and his Moon Rock and his hallucinations of a Pig-God, and then clean yourself after you wake...

Oh, and, by the way, America will, indeed, fall, someday, as all nations and empires do...

But it will not be anytime soon, and it will not be at the hands of you and your collection of camel-phukkers and your slavish superstitions...
...You are scum and america will fall bidhnillah
Be silent, and respectful, in the presence of your betters, Abdul...

Go back to sleep, and dream your dreams of your Pedophile Founder and his Moon Rock and his hallucinations of a Pig-God, and then clean yourself after you wake...

Oh, and, by the way, America will, indeed, fall, someday, as all nations and empires do...

But it will not be anytime soon, and it will not be at the hands of you and your collection of camel-phukkers and your slavish superstitions...

all well and good----but what does "bidhnillah" mean?
there is a "bi" in there which probably means
'with' and there is an 'illah' in there which means
'the pig shit ''god'' ' -----that leaves us with the 'dhn'
We will liberate every land on earth
How are you defining "liberate?" For example, will your liberation be more like that which the Islamic State brought to Mosul or will it feel more like the US liberation of Baghdad?

I an help you Georgie because I learned the islamo POV from
muslims who were successfully brainwashed in muslim countries and muslim schools. The Islamic POV is that
ISLAMIC RULE is good for everyone-----far better to be a slave to a muslim-----than to be a Christian which in the Islamic POV is utter filth
Why is ISIS in Libya? Why is ISIS anywhere? Because Team America World Police created power vacuums by ousting governments.

So, now we need to go to war with ISIS? Sounds like the recipe for endless war.

You of course mean Obama created these vacuums. When Obama came to office we had won both Afghanistan and Iraq. He sure fucked the world up, didn't he?

Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids.
A good ISIS is a dead ISIS...

In Syria, in Iraq, in Pakistan, or in Libya...
Don't forget Iran, Yeppers:
"ISIS, Iranian leaders have been saying for a long time, is made-in-the-U.S.A., a tool of terror intended by the world’s superpower to divide and conquer the energy-rich Middle East and to counter the growing influence of Iran in the region."
Greatest Purveyor of violence in the world.
It's not IS.

Well if the Iranian islamist animals say something, then heck it must be true. :cuckoo:
Georgie-----it is bad therefore the two satans invented it----
the usa and Israel-----via the ZIONISTCONTROLEDCIA.
Islamic law is easy----and Islamic pov is easy----always
remember-----Shiites hate sunnis
A good ISIS is a dead ISIS...

In Syria, in Iraq, in Pakistan, or in Libya...

Don't forget Iran, Yeppers: ...
Wherever the scum may be found...

Good catch...

Thanks for the addition...


Sounds like the Libyans could use some help, in butchering these ISIS-ISIL-IS scum...
You are scum and america will fall bidhnillah
I... ...just want to add something here...

Georgie-----it is bad therefore the two satans invented it----
the usa and Israel-----via the ZIONISTCONTROLEDCIA.
Islamic law is easy----and Islamic pov is easy----always
remember-----Shiites hate sunnis

Rich people love war.

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