ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Erob: Where the Sun Sets West of Phoenecia
ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) jihadis are developing deadly and undetectable chemical weapons which they can sneak into shopping centres and football stadiums in the West to cause massive casualties, it emerged today.
PUBLISHED: 17:37, Wed, Jan 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:10, Wed, Jan 13, 2016


ISIS are developing chemical weapons with which to attack the West
The warped Islamist fanatics are testing sophisticated dirty bombs on captured Kurdish fighters which produce "colourless and odourless" gas.

It means they could kill thousands in a confined space before authorities realised what was going on.

Western intelligence officials monitoring ISIS in Iraq are growing increasingly concerned crazed suicide bombers are planning to smuggle poisonous chemicals into public venues to wreak the greatest amount of carnage.

Shocking photographs have emerged of Kurdish fighters with horrific burns and blisters on their skin, believed to have been caused by experimental chemical bombs developed by the jihadis.

It is thought the increasing number of foreigners fighting for the twisted Islamist group is partly behind the move, with unhinged jihadis able to take home any knowledge they accrue with them when they return to Europe and America.....

In a dire warning today former CIA deputy director Mike Morell said ISIS was growing at an alarming rate and "would not care" how many civilian deaths it caused if it acquired sophisticated chemical weapons.

He told the US Armed Services Committee: "ISIS has gained affiliates faster than Al Qaeda ever did -- from nothing a year ago, there are now militant groups in nearly 20 countries that have sworn allegiance to ISIS.

"They have conducted attacks that have already killed Americans."...

Earlier this month Russia said it had seen strong evidence that ISIS is now using chemical weapons against Kurdish fighters and civilians in Syria

ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West
ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) jihadis are developing deadly and undetectable chemical weapons which they can sneak into shopping centres and football stadiums in the West to cause massive casualties, it emerged today.
PUBLISHED: 17:37, Wed, Jan 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:10, Wed, Jan 13, 2016


ISIS are developing chemical weapons with which to attack the West
The warped Islamist fanatics are testing sophisticated dirty bombs on captured Kurdish fighters which produce "colourless and odourless" gas.

It means they could kill thousands in a confined space before authorities realised what was going on.

Western intelligence officials monitoring ISIS in Iraq are growing increasingly concerned crazed suicide bombers are planning to smuggle poisonous chemicals into public venues to wreak the greatest amount of carnage.

Shocking photographs have emerged of Kurdish fighters with horrific burns and blisters on their skin, believed to have been caused by experimental chemical bombs developed by the jihadis.

It is thought the increasing number of foreigners fighting for the twisted Islamist group is partly behind the move, with unhinged jihadis able to take home any knowledge they accrue with them when they return to Europe and America.....

In a dire warning today former CIA deputy director Mike Morell said ISIS was growing at an alarming rate and "would not care" how many civilian deaths it caused if it acquired sophisticated chemical weapons.

He told the US Armed Services Committee: "ISIS has gained affiliates faster than Al Qaeda ever did -- from nothing a year ago, there are now militant groups in nearly 20 countries that have sworn allegiance to ISIS.

"They have conducted attacks that have already killed Americans."...

Earlier this month Russia said it had seen strong evidence that ISIS is now using chemical weapons against Kurdish fighters and civilians in Syria

ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West

No problem, they will be easy to spot riding in the back of the pick up trucks. and besides that, its no threat to the country, only some civilians, well at least thats what Obama says. just be glad your not a civilian!
It's amazing. I mean, think about it. Japan bombs pearl harbor. Do we welcome japanese refugees into our country while their country is plotting to use chemical warfare on us? No. We hiroshima them. Any other wars, did we slam open the gates or did we drop some surprises on them? So why are we HELPING them enter the country to destroy us from within and do nothing from the origin of whence they come?
Hope you are safe tilly

I'm in a place I'm ok. I can hunt and fish and survive. And I can do so. If you can make it up here do so.

Hold steady. And I have been honored to know you.
It's amazing. I mean, think about it. Japan bombs pearl harbor. Do we welcome japanese refugees into our country while their country is plotting to use chemical warfare on us? No. We hiroshima them. Any other wars, did we slam open the gates or did we drop some surprises on them? So why are we HELPING them enter the country to destroy us from within and do nothing from the origin of whence they come?

They are opening the doors my friend.
Hope you are safe tilly

I'm in a place I'm ok. I can hunt and fish and survive. And I can do so. If you can make it up here do so.

Hold steady. And I have been honored to know you.
Oh, you are sweet, TinyDancer, thank you. I am in Europe and live smack bang in the middle of a city the scum have already targeted. But what can you do? And this is a strange kind of threat, isn't it? You won't know it's happened till it's happened, so no point worrying.
i would stay alert

but they are basically a bunch of fuck ups

hopefully they will gas themselves

in a work related accident --LOL
ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) jihadis are developing deadly and undetectable chemical weapons which they can sneak into shopping centres and football stadiums in the West to cause massive casualties, it emerged today.
PUBLISHED: 17:37, Wed, Jan 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:10, Wed, Jan 13, 2016


ISIS are developing chemical weapons with which to attack the West
The warped Islamist fanatics are testing sophisticated dirty bombs on captured Kurdish fighters which produce "colourless and odourless" gas.

It means they could kill thousands in a confined space before authorities realised what was going on.

Western intelligence officials monitoring ISIS in Iraq are growing increasingly concerned crazed suicide bombers are planning to smuggle poisonous chemicals into public venues to wreak the greatest amount of carnage.

Shocking photographs have emerged of Kurdish fighters with horrific burns and blisters on their skin, believed to have been caused by experimental chemical bombs developed by the jihadis.

It is thought the increasing number of foreigners fighting for the twisted Islamist group is partly behind the move, with unhinged jihadis able to take home any knowledge they accrue with them when they return to Europe and America.....

In a dire warning today former CIA deputy director Mike Morell said ISIS was growing at an alarming rate and "would not care" how many civilian deaths it caused if it acquired sophisticated chemical weapons.

He told the US Armed Services Committee: "ISIS has gained affiliates faster than Al Qaeda ever did -- from nothing a year ago, there are now militant groups in nearly 20 countries that have sworn allegiance to ISIS.

"They have conducted attacks that have already killed Americans."...

Earlier this month Russia said it had seen strong evidence that ISIS is now using chemical weapons against Kurdish fighters and civilians in Syria

ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West
Moron leadership we have in the West won't do anything until it has happened.
ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) jihadis are developing deadly and undetectable chemical weapons which they can sneak into shopping centres and football stadiums in the West to cause massive casualties, it emerged today.
PUBLISHED: 17:37, Wed, Jan 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:10, Wed, Jan 13, 2016


ISIS are developing chemical weapons with which to attack the West
The warped Islamist fanatics are testing sophisticated dirty bombs on captured Kurdish fighters which produce "colourless and odourless" gas.

It means they could kill thousands in a confined space before authorities realised what was going on.

Western intelligence officials monitoring ISIS in Iraq are growing increasingly concerned crazed suicide bombers are planning to smuggle poisonous chemicals into public venues to wreak the greatest amount of carnage.

Shocking photographs have emerged of Kurdish fighters with horrific burns and blisters on their skin, believed to have been caused by experimental chemical bombs developed by the jihadis.

It is thought the increasing number of foreigners fighting for the twisted Islamist group is partly behind the move, with unhinged jihadis able to take home any knowledge they accrue with them when they return to Europe and America.....

In a dire warning today former CIA deputy director Mike Morell said ISIS was growing at an alarming rate and "would not care" how many civilian deaths it caused if it acquired sophisticated chemical weapons.

He told the US Armed Services Committee: "ISIS has gained affiliates faster than Al Qaeda ever did -- from nothing a year ago, there are now militant groups in nearly 20 countries that have sworn allegiance to ISIS.

"They have conducted attacks that have already killed Americans."...

Earlier this month Russia said it had seen strong evidence that ISIS is now using chemical weapons against Kurdish fighters and civilians in Syria

ISIS planning deadly CHEMICAL ATTACK on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West
Moron leadership we have in the West won't do anything until it has happened.

then they will blame it on trump

saying they did it because of him or maybe ted cruz
Interesting read, to put it mildly:

Virtually every foreign jihadi who returns to the US or UK will have been exposed to training of this sort and will have a reasonable idea on how to use chlorine and other toxic chemicals as a terror weapon.

Fears Isis could launch a chlorine gas attack on the London Underground

Forget the anti-rape burqa, looks like we'll be needing these instead.

Might look for a pink one :)

I knew it was going this way. Why can't you all be like Australia? We a very quietly tough on immigration. No one gives a fuck down here in asia.
I knew it was going this way. Why can't you all be like Australia? We a very quietly tough on immigration. No one gives a fuck down here in asia.
I agree. My sis lives in Australia and they seem to have a much firmer no fuss attitude. However, they still have problems now and again, don't they? Maybe Ausie liberals aren't completely mentally ill?
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I knew it was going this way. Why can't you all be like Australia? We a very quietly tough on immigration. No one gives a fuck down here in asia.
I agree. My sis lives in Australia and they seem to have a much firmer no fuss attitude. However, they still have problems now and again,month they? Maybe Ausie liberals aren't completely mentally ill?
Its very centrist here.

im left wing myself.
I knew it was going this way. Why can't you all be like Australia? We a very quietly tough on immigration. No one gives a fuck down here in asia.
I agree. My sis lives in Australia and they seem to have a much firmer no fuss attitude. However, they still have problems now and again,month they? Maybe Ausie liberals aren't completely mentally ill?
Its very centrist here.

im left wing myself.
So is my sister, but if she lived in Europe her views would seem closer to the centre right. That's how it seems to me.
There is noway in hell this shit is going on without the help of western governments and the insanity of it all makes it obvious it's intentional.
The western world better wake the fuck up and take back their countries from these traitorous pricks before it's to late.
There is noway in hell this shit is going on without the help of western governments and the insanity of it all makes it obvious it's intentional.
The western world better wake the fuck up and take back their countries from these traitorous pricks before it's to late.

Mark Steyn knows his shit on islam and the growing muslim pop. on western countries. He just came out with another book i think.
ISIS I am sure would like to do that, but this is the Express after all.

The type of headline material is reflected by this one in the same link:

Mexican beauty, 44, claims up to FIFTY orgasms a NIGHT keeps her looking youthful

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