ISIS Plundered Assyrians As They Fled Mosul; Families March 42 Miles


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Looks like the Christians don't stand a chance where these barbarians are operating.

ISIS Plundered Assyrians As They Fled Mosul; Families March 42 Miles

Posted 2014-07-20 10:10 GMT

(AINA) -- More than 200 Assyrian families fled in panic from Mosul on July 17 and 18 as the ISIS deadline for converting to Islam approached (AINA 2014-07-20). ISIS had issued a statement asking all Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay the jizya, the poll tax on Christians, or face the sword. ISIS gave July 19 as the deadline to comply with its demands. Most Assyrians of Mosul responded by fleeing the city.

ISIS setup checkpoints at the Araby and Shallalat neighborhoods (AlSada and Biawaizah) and robbed and plundered Assyrians who were fleeing the city. ISIS took money from the Assyrians, as well as cars, cell phones, food, money, gold, including fake jewelry, electronic items and even medicines.

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ISIS Plundered Assyrians As They Fled Mosul; Families March 42 Miles

Why thank you, Mr. H. for contributing this article. What I really don't understand is that Catholic posters aren't paying attention to what is happening to their Catholic brethren in these Middle East countries, but only want to constantly bash Israel where Catholics are actually safe. Meanwhile, there are those Catholic organization who are operating in these countries reporting back on what is happening. No doubt since all this fighting started, many Catholics were able to flee to the West where they had relatives to take them in, and the Catholic posters can go to the Coptic and Assyrian Churches in their areas and question the parishioners as to what is going on in their native countries.
Looks like the Christians don't stand a chance where these barbarians are operating.

ISIS Plundered Assyrians As They Fled Mosul; Families March 42 Miles

Posted 2014-07-20 10:10 GMT

(AINA) -- More than 200 Assyrian families fled in panic from Mosul on July 17 and 18 as the ISIS deadline for converting to Islam approached (AINA 2014-07-20). ISIS had issued a statement asking all Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay the jizya, the poll tax on Christians, or face the sword. ISIS gave July 19 as the deadline to comply with its demands. Most Assyrians of Mosul responded by fleeing the city.

ISIS setup checkpoints at the Araby and Shallalat neighborhoods (AlSada and Biawaizah) and robbed and plundered Assyrians who were fleeing the city. ISIS took money from the Assyrians, as well as cars, cell phones, food, money, gold, including fake jewelry, electronic items and even medicines.

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ISIS Plundered Assyrians As They Fled Mosul; Families March 42 Miles
It's not their fault, they're following in the footsteps of their terrorist prophet.

Take the Islam out of the equation, and most of the problems in that region will be solved.

Why thank you, Mr. H. for contributing this article. What I really don't understand is that Catholic posters aren't paying attention to what is happening to their Catholic brethren in these Middle East countries, but only want to constantly bash Israel where Catholics are actually safe. Meanwhile, there are those Catholic organization who are operating in these countries reporting back on what is happening. No doubt since all this fighting started, many Catholics were able to flee to the West where they had relatives to take them in, and the Catholic posters can go to the Coptic and Assyrian Churches in their areas and question the parishioners as to what is going on in their native countries.

What was sobering (and I use that term loosely :beer:) for me was seeing the picture at that link of a congregation during Mass. That could be any congregation at any Catholic church here in the states.

At the Vatican, Pope Francis decried what he said was the persecution of Christians in the birthplace of their faith, while U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the Islamic State's actions could constitute a crime against humanity.

Why thank you, Mr. H. for contributing this article. What I really don't understand is that Catholic posters aren't paying attention to what is happening to their Catholic brethren in these Middle East countries, but only want to constantly bash Israel where Catholics are actually safe. Meanwhile, there are those Catholic organization who are operating in these countries reporting back on what is happening. No doubt since all this fighting started, many Catholics were able to flee to the West where they had relatives to take them in, and the Catholic posters can go to the Coptic and Assyrian Churches in their areas and question the parishioners as to what is going on in their native countries.

What was sobering (and I use that term loosely :beer:) for me was seeing the picture at that link of a congregation during Mass. That could be any congregation at any Catholic church here in the states.

At the Vatican, Pope Francis decried what he said was the persecution of Christians in the birthplace of their faith, while U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the Islamic State's actions could constitute a crime against humanity.

Then you would have enjoyed sitting down and watching the video of the Christmas Mass held at St. Catherine's Church in th Sinai. If you had had the opportunity to view the Icons from the 2nd to the 4th century lent by that church, you would have seen how devout the early Christians were. As many people viewing th exhibit noted -- there were no Arabs depicted in the Icons. We all know that at that time the Arabs were still back on the Saudi Arabian Peninsula and had not yet set out to invade the surrounding countries for Islam.
Civilized countries should be CREATIVE in combatting the filth of CALIPHATE ------
very creative. The nightmare for jews in the 1930s and 40s was
NO PLACE TO GO ----the civilized world MUST respond to the crisis that
Christians in Shariah cesspits face. and ALSO to the atrocities against their
holy and historical places. I am in favor of creativity---especially that which
hits the mark without resorting to blood shed.

The historical churches of the Chaldeans MUST be considered just as precious as
any site treasured by the people who destroyed them -------

First issue a warning and then PIG EXCREMENT BOMB mecca and the "kabaah" thing

close mosques in civilized lands like the USA-----open immigration to "Christians only"
from shariah cesspits------use the closed mosques as housing for Christian refugees
There are lots of big time mosques in the USA-----funded by the shariah cesspit----
Saudi Arabia--------they should never have been built anyway

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