ISIS-relapse: Erdogan excludes "Terrorist Assad" from Syrian peace process


Nov 14, 2012
Horrible ISIS and al-Qaeda Caliph Erdogan, who supported ISIS and al-Qaeda in all ways possible and only dropped them when he saw they won´t win, agrees with the "Opposition" that demands Assad to resign before talks can start. Since the "Opposition" does not exist it is a proxy for Al-Qaeda.

Erdogan washed ISIS oil, maintained an active traffic between Turkey and the IS and even smuggled arms disguised as humanitarian aid. Huge offensives started from Turkish soil, from where tens of thousands of terrorists came.

Now, this guy calls Assad a terrorist who killed close to a million Syrians. Caliph Erdogan, in whose "secular" Turkey Fatwas are issued, said Assad can not be part of the Syrian peace process.

With his statements, Erdogan does probably try to sabotage the peace process that is restarting with a Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Russia where the terrorists representing the "Opposition" in Geneva are invited to as well. The last round of talks there was again completely pointless as the terrorists of Jaysh al-Islam demanded Assad´s departure as precondition again.

This is one of several ISIS-relapses of Erdogan, who would not hesitate to enslave millions under the rule of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Erdogan reiterates Syrian future without Assad
Meanwhile, 40 "oppositions" rejected the invitation to talks in Russia. They only talk with their backers setting the rules.

The Syrian government responds to crazy Erdogan words:

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:05 P.M.) – The Syrian government issued a response to the Turkish President’s recent comments calling President Bashar Al-Assad a ‘terrorist.’

“The Turkish regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan bears the primary responsibility for the bloodshed in Syria and the entry of terrorist forces inside Syrian territories. His aggression has played a big role in supporting Takfiri terrorists,” a source from the Syrian Foreign Ministry told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on Thursday.

“Erdogan continues to mislead the public in a desperate attempt to absolve himself of crimes he committed against the people of the Syrian Arab Republic,” the Foreign Ministry continued.

In response to Erdogan’s comments about the Syrian President, the Foreign Ministry stated that Erdogan does not have the credibility to make such comments.

“Erdogan has turned Turkey into a large prison for those who have different political opinions and for those in the press that disagree with his politics. His destructive policies have not only hurt the Syrian Arab Republic, but also, Turkey. Furthermore, Erdogan does not have any credibility to make such comments,” the Foreign Ministry stated.

“Erdogan’s delusions have made him forget that his dilapidated empire has little power,” the Foreign Ministry added."

Syrian government blasts back at Erdogan over 'terrorist' comments

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