ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Will many Muslim clerics respond? Maybe wanabee Jihadists can answer this.

11:20 am ET
Oct 14, 2014
ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


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A 15-year-old Yazidi girl captured by Islamic State and forcibly married to a militant in Syria speaks to the Associated Press in Maqluba, a hamlet near the Kurdish city of Dahuk, northwest of Baghdad, on Oct. 8. She escaped in early August.
Associated Press
Islamic State’s audacity and effrontery toward women knows no bounds. In an article that appeared Sunday in Dabiq, the group’s English-language online publication, Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.


In the article, ISIS brags of its right to enslave, marry, sell, and buy the girls and women who fall under its control in conquered territories. They are the “spoils of war,” the group asserts. No apology for barbarity toward women, no hiding of atrocity, is necessary; the Quran allows it.

Continue reading at:

ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ
I wouldn't concern myself with Syria, Sally. Since Isis is threatening the home front, and since the left is in charge, I'd go ahead and practice shutting the fuck up unless you're spoken to, and getting your genitals mutilated, and wearing 7th century garb, and taking your beatings three times a day, and...and...there was something else.

Oh yea! Get used to wearing a Niqāb! Now that's where I come in. Ever the fun-loving opportunistic capitalist, me and Mullah Mike are coming out with our "Treat Those American Bitches Lower Than Junkyard Dogs" line. It's a cheeky little fashion statement, tart and not to sweet. So what do you think...I mean not that me and Mullah Mike give a fuck what you think. You are a woman after all...I think.

Muslim clerical leaders have been responding for some time stating that ISIS is not Islamic and it's behavior is not sanctioned by the Quran.
Will many Muslim clerics respond? Maybe wanabee Jihadists can answer this.

11:20 am ET
Oct 14, 2014
ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


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A 15-year-old Yazidi girl captured by Islamic State and forcibly married to a militant in Syria speaks to the Associated Press in Maqluba, a hamlet near the Kurdish city of Dahuk, northwest of Baghdad, on Oct. 8. She escaped in early August.
Associated Press
Islamic State’s audacity and effrontery toward women knows no bounds. In an article that appeared Sunday in Dabiq, the group’s English-language online publication, Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.


In the article, ISIS brags of its right to enslave, marry, sell, and buy the girls and women who fall under its control in conquered territories. They are the “spoils of war,” the group asserts. No apology for barbarity toward women, no hiding of atrocity, is necessary; the Quran allows it.

Continue reading at:

ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

The sad part is thousands of Western Muslim women are flocking to ISIS, going into some of the worlds most dangerous regions, to mate with these "Islamic warriors" and have their children before they are martyred.

Yup, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Question is, has the Muslim world who know more about Islam than Western apologists, gotten the memo? Ha ha ha.

American and European women flock to Syria and Iraq in droves to support ISIS through 8220 Sex Jihad 8221 News Terrorism 8211 Latest World News Opinions

Despite the dangers foreigners still flock to join ISIS

Why Westerners Are Joining The ISIS Ranks On Point with Tom Ashbrook
Will many Muslim clerics respond? Maybe wanabee Jihadists can answer this.

11:20 am ET
Oct 14, 2014
ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


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A 15-year-old Yazidi girl captured by Islamic State and forcibly married to a militant in Syria speaks to the Associated Press in Maqluba, a hamlet near the Kurdish city of Dahuk, northwest of Baghdad, on Oct. 8. She escaped in early August.
Associated Press
Islamic State’s audacity and effrontery toward women knows no bounds. In an article that appeared Sunday in Dabiq, the group’s English-language online publication, Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.


In the article, ISIS brags of its right to enslave, marry, sell, and buy the girls and women who fall under its control in conquered territories. They are the “spoils of war,” the group asserts. No apology for barbarity toward women, no hiding of atrocity, is necessary; the Quran allows it.

Continue reading at:

ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

The sad part is thousands of Western Muslim women are flocking to ISIS, going into some of the worlds most dangerous regions, to mate with these "Islamic warriors" and have their children before they are martyred.

Yup, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Question is, has the Muslim world who know more about Islam than Western apologists, gotten the memo? Ha ha ha.

American and European women flock to Syria and Iraq in droves to support ISIS through 8220 Sex Jihad 8221 News Terrorism 8211 Latest World News Opinions

Despite the dangers foreigners still flock to join ISIS

Why Westerners Are Joining The ISIS Ranks On Point with Tom Ashbrook

ISIS has an extremely sophistigated propaganda arm. I was listening to a news analysis of their videos and they were saying that it was clear that they had knowledgeable professionals working on thier propoganda. That is disturbing because they use it to target vulnerable, gullible or alienated young people and then the reality when they get there is, of course, something else. Their targets are often westerners who have no clue. They aren't allowed to leave. Men are executed if they try. Hate to think what happens to women. Another news show was interviewing the frantic families of some of these girls (and boys) who had disappeared only to have surfaced in Syria. Propaganda is very effective. It kind of reminds me of the early days of Communism in USSR when young idealistic Americans were going over there to "make a difference" and found the reality to be quite the opposite. Many were trapped behind the iron curtain for years before they could escape.
Will many Muslim clerics respond? Maybe wanabee Jihadists can answer this.

11:20 am ET
Oct 14, 2014
ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


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A 15-year-old Yazidi girl captured by Islamic State and forcibly married to a militant in Syria speaks to the Associated Press in Maqluba, a hamlet near the Kurdish city of Dahuk, northwest of Baghdad, on Oct. 8. She escaped in early August.
Associated Press
Islamic State’s audacity and effrontery toward women knows no bounds. In an article that appeared Sunday in Dabiq, the group’s English-language online publication, Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.


In the article, ISIS brags of its right to enslave, marry, sell, and buy the girls and women who fall under its control in conquered territories. They are the “spoils of war,” the group asserts. No apology for barbarity toward women, no hiding of atrocity, is necessary; the Quran allows it.

Continue reading at:

ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

The sad part is thousands of Western Muslim women are flocking to ISIS, going into some of the worlds most dangerous regions, to mate with these "Islamic warriors" and have their children before they are martyred.

Yup, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Question is, has the Muslim world who know more about Islam than Western apologists, gotten the memo? Ha ha ha.

American and European women flock to Syria and Iraq in droves to support ISIS through 8220 Sex Jihad 8221 News Terrorism 8211 Latest World News Opinions

Despite the dangers foreigners still flock to join ISIS

Why Westerners Are Joining The ISIS Ranks On Point with Tom Ashbrook

ISIS has an extremely sophistigated propaganda arm. I was listening to a news analysis of their videos and they were saying that it was clear that they had knowledgeable professionals working on thier propoganda. That is disturbing because they use it to target vulnerable, gullible or alienated young people and then the reality when they get there is, of course, something else. Their targets are often westerners who have no clue. They aren't allowed to leave. Men are executed if they try. Hate to think what happens to women. Another news show was interviewing the frantic families of some of these girls (and boys) who had disappeared only to have surfaced in Syria. Propaganda is very effective. It kind of reminds me of the early days of Communism in USSR when young idealistic Americans were going over there to "make a difference" and found the reality to be quite the opposite. Many were trapped behind the iron curtain for years before they could escape.

Problem is, the entire region is filled with illiterate ignorant people with no work and no future, looking to get their five minutes of fame. Majority of The 1.2 billion Muslims are Sunni, and ISIS' main pitch is the pushback against the rise of Shiite Islam in the region, by appealing to Sunnis to join them to regain Sunni control and power over Iraq, Lebanon, and many countries where Sunnis feel oppressed and undermined by Shiites.

This is their main recruitment tool. However, the idiot we have for president actually thinks that suddenly, all these Sunni nations (who are actually the people that helped give rise to ISIS) are actually going to join up with America and Shiites, to kill their own fellow Sunnis. The blood hatred that has been going in for 1400 years and they probably hate each other more than they do Jews, Christians and non Muslims.
Will many Muslim clerics respond? Maybe wanabee Jihadists can answer this.

11:20 am ET
Oct 14, 2014
ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


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A 15-year-old Yazidi girl captured by Islamic State and forcibly married to a militant in Syria speaks to the Associated Press in Maqluba, a hamlet near the Kurdish city of Dahuk, northwest of Baghdad, on Oct. 8. She escaped in early August.
Associated Press
Islamic State’s audacity and effrontery toward women knows no bounds. In an article that appeared Sunday in Dabiq, the group’s English-language online publication, Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.


In the article, ISIS brags of its right to enslave, marry, sell, and buy the girls and women who fall under its control in conquered territories. They are the “spoils of war,” the group asserts. No apology for barbarity toward women, no hiding of atrocity, is necessary; the Quran allows it.

Continue reading at:

ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

The sad part is thousands of Western Muslim women are flocking to ISIS, going into some of the worlds most dangerous regions, to mate with these "Islamic warriors" and have their children before they are martyred.

Yup, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Question is, has the Muslim world who know more about Islam than Western apologists, gotten the memo? Ha ha ha.

American and European women flock to Syria and Iraq in droves to support ISIS through 8220 Sex Jihad 8221 News Terrorism 8211 Latest World News Opinions

Despite the dangers foreigners still flock to join ISIS

Why Westerners Are Joining The ISIS Ranks On Point with Tom Ashbrook

ISIS has an extremely sophistigated propaganda arm. I was listening to a news analysis of their videos and they were saying that it was clear that they had knowledgeable professionals working on thier propoganda. That is disturbing because they use it to target vulnerable, gullible or alienated young people and then the reality when they get there is, of course, something else. Their targets are often westerners who have no clue. They aren't allowed to leave. Men are executed if they try. Hate to think what happens to women. Another news show was interviewing the frantic families of some of these girls (and boys) who had disappeared only to have surfaced in Syria. Propaganda is very effective. It kind of reminds me of the early days of Communism in USSR when young idealistic Americans were going over there to "make a difference" and found the reality to be quite the opposite. Many were trapped behind the iron curtain for years before they could escape.

Problem is, the entire region is filled with illiterate ignorant people with no work and no future, looking to get their five minutes of fame. Majority of The 1.2 billion Muslims are Sunni, and ISIS' main pitch is the pushback against the rise of Shiite Islam in the region, by appealing to Sunnis to join them to regain Sunni control and power over Iraq, Lebanon, and many countries where Sunnis feel oppressed and undermined by Shiites.

This is their main recruitment tool. However, the idiot we have for president actually thinks that suddenly, all these Sunni nations (who are actually the people that helped give rise to ISIS) are actually going to join up with America and Shiites, to kill their own fellow Sunnis. The blood hatred that has been going in for 1400 years and they probably hate each other more than they do Jews, Christians and non Muslims.

Speaking of enslaving women, the Kurds in London were trying to show what the women are up against.

Kurdish Activists Stage ISIS Sex Slave Market in Central London
Global Rich List
Will many Muslim clerics respond? Maybe wanabee Jihadists can answer this.

11:20 am ET
Oct 14, 2014
ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


  • By

A 15-year-old Yazidi girl captured by Islamic State and forcibly married to a militant in Syria speaks to the Associated Press in Maqluba, a hamlet near the Kurdish city of Dahuk, northwest of Baghdad, on Oct. 8. She escaped in early August.
Associated Press
Islamic State’s audacity and effrontery toward women knows no bounds. In an article that appeared Sunday in Dabiq, the group’s English-language online publication, Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.


In the article, ISIS brags of its right to enslave, marry, sell, and buy the girls and women who fall under its control in conquered territories. They are the “spoils of war,” the group asserts. No apology for barbarity toward women, no hiding of atrocity, is necessary; the Quran allows it.

Continue reading at:

ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

The sad part is thousands of Western Muslim women are flocking to ISIS, going into some of the worlds most dangerous regions, to mate with these "Islamic warriors" and have their children before they are martyred.

Yup, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Question is, has the Muslim world who know more about Islam than Western apologists, gotten the memo? Ha ha ha.

American and European women flock to Syria and Iraq in droves to support ISIS through 8220 Sex Jihad 8221 News Terrorism 8211 Latest World News Opinions

Despite the dangers foreigners still flock to join ISIS

Why Westerners Are Joining The ISIS Ranks On Point with Tom Ashbrook

ISIS has an extremely sophistigated propaganda arm. I was listening to a news analysis of their videos and they were saying that it was clear that they had knowledgeable professionals working on thier propoganda. That is disturbing because they use it to target vulnerable, gullible or alienated young people and then the reality when they get there is, of course, something else. Their targets are often westerners who have no clue. They aren't allowed to leave. Men are executed if they try. Hate to think what happens to women. Another news show was interviewing the frantic families of some of these girls (and boys) who had disappeared only to have surfaced in Syria. Propaganda is very effective. It kind of reminds me of the early days of Communism in USSR when young idealistic Americans were going over there to "make a difference" and found the reality to be quite the opposite. Many were trapped behind the iron curtain for years before they could escape.

Problem is, the entire region is filled with illiterate ignorant people with no work and no future, looking to get their five minutes of fame. Majority of The 1.2 billion Muslims are Sunni, and ISIS' main pitch is the pushback against the rise of Shiite Islam in the region, by appealing to Sunnis to join them to regain Sunni control and power over Iraq, Lebanon, and many countries where Sunnis feel oppressed and undermined by Shiites.

This is their main recruitment tool. However, the idiot we have for president actually thinks that suddenly, all these Sunni nations (who are actually the people that helped give rise to ISIS) are actually going to join up with America and Shiites, to kill their own fellow Sunnis. The blood hatred that has been going in for 1400 years and they probably hate each other more than they do Jews, Christians and non Muslims.

You don't think that at least some of those Sunni nations will react? I'm not so sure - I'm getting the impression that the absolute mindblowing savagery of ISIS is scaring the shit out of them, but there a lot of complicated regional, ethnic and religious politics to sort out.

I have seldom supported war - but I really do think ISIS represents evil. A re-creation of a Barbarian Horde. The cost in lives and potential genocide of minorities is heartbreaking. Genocide and an almost unstoppable aggression and barbarity is enough to call for boots on the ground.
Will many Muslim clerics respond? Maybe wanabee Jihadists can answer this.

11:20 am ET
Oct 14, 2014
ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond?


  • By

A 15-year-old Yazidi girl captured by Islamic State and forcibly married to a militant in Syria speaks to the Associated Press in Maqluba, a hamlet near the Kurdish city of Dahuk, northwest of Baghdad, on Oct. 8. She escaped in early August.
Associated Press
Islamic State’s audacity and effrontery toward women knows no bounds. In an article that appeared Sunday in Dabiq, the group’s English-language online publication, Islamic State militants crossed a last possible boundary of decency by citing the Quran as authority for the barbarism they have been practicing against women. Equally disturbing, Arab leaders and the ulama, the clerical leaders of Islam, have been silent in the face of this effrontery.


In the article, ISIS brags of its right to enslave, marry, sell, and buy the girls and women who fall under its control in conquered territories. They are the “spoils of war,” the group asserts. No apology for barbarity toward women, no hiding of atrocity, is necessary; the Quran allows it.

Continue reading at:

ISIS Says the Quran Allows Enslaving Women. Will Clerical Leaders Respond - Washington Wire - WSJ

The sad part is thousands of Western Muslim women are flocking to ISIS, going into some of the worlds most dangerous regions, to mate with these "Islamic warriors" and have their children before they are martyred.

Yup, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Question is, has the Muslim world who know more about Islam than Western apologists, gotten the memo? Ha ha ha.

American and European women flock to Syria and Iraq in droves to support ISIS through 8220 Sex Jihad 8221 News Terrorism 8211 Latest World News Opinions

Despite the dangers foreigners still flock to join ISIS

Why Westerners Are Joining The ISIS Ranks On Point with Tom Ashbrook

ISIS has an extremely sophistigated propaganda arm. I was listening to a news analysis of their videos and they were saying that it was clear that they had knowledgeable professionals working on thier propoganda. That is disturbing because they use it to target vulnerable, gullible or alienated young people and then the reality when they get there is, of course, something else. Their targets are often westerners who have no clue. They aren't allowed to leave. Men are executed if they try. Hate to think what happens to women. Another news show was interviewing the frantic families of some of these girls (and boys) who had disappeared only to have surfaced in Syria. Propaganda is very effective. It kind of reminds me of the early days of Communism in USSR when young idealistic Americans were going over there to "make a difference" and found the reality to be quite the opposite. Many were trapped behind the iron curtain for years before they could escape.

Problem is, the entire region is filled with illiterate ignorant people with no work and no future, looking to get their five minutes of fame. Majority of The 1.2 billion Muslims are Sunni, and ISIS' main pitch is the pushback against the rise of Shiite Islam in the region, by appealing to Sunnis to join them to regain Sunni control and power over Iraq, Lebanon, and many countries where Sunnis feel oppressed and undermined by Shiites.

This is their main recruitment tool. However, the idiot we have for president actually thinks that suddenly, all these Sunni nations (who are actually the people that helped give rise to ISIS) are actually going to join up with America and Shiites, to kill their own fellow Sunnis. The blood hatred that has been going in for 1400 years and they probably hate each other more than they do Jews, Christians and non Muslims.

You don't think that at least some of those Sunni nations will react? I'm not so sure - I'm getting the impression that the absolute mindblowing savagery of ISIS is scaring the shit out of them, but there a lot of complicated regional, ethnic and religious politics to sort out.

I have seldom supported war - but I really do think ISIS represents evil. A re-creation of a Barbarian Horde. The cost in lives and potential genocide of minorities is heartbreaking. Genocide and an almost unstoppable aggression and barbarity is enough to call for boots on the ground.

At this point our stupid president has cornered himself such that there's no way he's going to put US boots on the ground. Even if he ends up having to do it, it will be deceptive and unofficial and under the guise of "advisors".

He does have a point though, why don't the same nations who armed, financed and encouraged this anti-Shiite Sunni Islamist rebellion named ISIS, ie the Saudis and the Turks, our supposed "allies" in this fight, put some of their own boots on the ground? Of course, let's not forget that this situation would never have happened had Obama listened to his advisors and not pulled out our troops the way he did. The only people that are truly fighting and standing up to the ISIS savages are the Kurds, and what help are they really getting? Breadcrumbs essentially...a bombing here, a bombing there.

Eventually yes, at the rate ISIS is growing and conquering territory, it will point its energy and efforts at the US and the West, but by then it will be too late, as America will be under a national security crisis. So it is best to address ISIS now, while they haven't detonated a WMD on American soil.

The question is, does this president have the guts to be a leader and do what's necessary to protect America and the world from these animals. So far he's shown the opposite.
At this point our stupid president has cornered himself such that there's no way he's going to put US boots on the ground. Even if he ends up having to do it, it will be deceptive and unofficial and under the guise of "advisors".

Ya, I know what you mean. One other thing that pisses me off though - we could have done something a year ago, but Congress wouldn't authorize bombing in Syria. I do wonder if the US has the stomach or the will for another Middle East conflict?

He does have a point though, why don't the same nations who armed, financed and encouraged this anti-Shiite Sunni Islamist rebellion named ISIS, ie the Saudis and the Turks, our supposed "allies" in this fight, put some of their own boots on the ground? Of course, let's not forget that this situation would never have happened had Obama listened to his advisors and not pulled out our troops the way he did. The only people that are truly fighting and standing up to the ISIS savages are the Kurds, and what help are they really getting? Breadcrumbs essentially...a bombing here, a bombing there.

We have a long history of letting the Kurds down - I really hope this time it is different. I do agree - Turkey, Saudi, and frankly all the Arab nations need to put some skin in this. If it is just a Western campaign in the ME, it will be viewed as a Western campaign in the ME and as a foreign intervention/invasion that could further encourage those groups. They HAVE to start taking some responsibility for what is going on and working together to put the brakes on extremism, regardless of the history of conflicts there and who started what when. In the end - those extremists are a danger to all Muslims, Sunni and Shia.

Eventually yes, at the rate ISIS is growing and conquering territory, it will point its energy and efforts at the US and the West, but by then it will be too late, as America will be under a national security crisis. So it is best to address ISIS now, while they haven't detonated a WMD on American soil.

The question is, does this president have the guts to be a leader and do what's necessary to protect America and the world from these animals. So far he's shown the opposite.

Don't know the answer, but it's not just the president - he's limited by what Congress will authorize and what the American people are willing to give. I will say in this one area, I am disappointed in his leadership. There's a bit of deja vous kind of reminds me of what it took to get the US (then isolationist) to finally get involved WW2. But Obama is no Roosevelt. Or, at least I haven't seen that yet.
Well known and popular American convert Imam Hamza Yusuf gives a lecture to muslims in Malaysia about ISIS and jihad.

Muslim clerical leaders have been responding for some time stating that ISIS is not Islamic and it's behavior is not sanctioned by the Quran.

The FACT is Islamic law provides that a woman captured in war is the POSSESSION of the muslim fighters who captured her -----AND a non muslim girl orphaned by the death of her father -----is also the POSSESSION of the local muslim chieftain-----coyote is a filthy liar and is trying to hide the FACTS-------My own mother-in-law----lost her father to
death by illness when she was 11 years old----in order to save her from the filth that COYOTE about which does not wish people to know-----she was----SECRETED out of the stinking shariah cesspit in which she was born-----she did not see her own mother after that for more than ten years. Christian kids from south sudan remain enslaved in north
sudan-----in COMPLIANCE with that very same disgusting
shariah law which coyote loves (stay tuned---coyote will
AGAIN accuse me of lying)

the law of enslavement of orphans and war captives WILL
be observed in the CALIPHATE---and the scum who lick that sort of excrement will, simply, DENY THE FACTS
You really have a filthy mind and a potty mouth Rosie. I sourced my claims in another thread. Religion is used as an excuse to abuse humanity around the world. Mainstream Islamic leaders are finally waking up to the fact they MUST do something to reign in extremists who are seeking to define Islam in their own image and they need to begin the process of bringing Islam into compliance with modern ideas of human rights. This has already occurred with Islam in western cultures - just like it has with other religions.
I wouldn't concern myself with Syria, Sally. Since Isis is threatening the home front, and since the left is in charge, I'd go ahead and practice shutting the fuck up unless you're spoken to, and getting your genitals mutilated, and wearing 7th century garb, and taking your beatings three times a day, and...and...there was something else.

Oh yea! Get used to wearing a Niqāb! Now that's where I come in. Ever the fun-loving opportunistic capitalist, me and Mullah Mike are coming out with our "Treat Those American Bitches Lower Than Junkyard Dogs" line. It's a cheeky little fashion statement, tart and not to sweet. So what do you think...I mean not that me and Mullah Mike give a fuck what you think. You are a woman after all...I think.

View attachment 32877

Raymond Ibrahim, a Coptic Christian with Egyptian roots gathers information about what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world. It is quite obvious that he has studied the history of Islam very thoroughly and probably knows much more than converts to Islam and probably even more than many Muslims who were born into Islam.

Muhammad and Islam s Sex Slaves Middle East Forum
I wonder if ISIS has 2 for the price of 1 female slave sales on wednesdays?? ...... :cool:
:tongue: that was funny...I'd rep you for that.
Sometimes Sally, it's better to just laugh.

There's enough tragedy on the daily news.

No need to get your knickers in a twist.

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