ISIS says we will raise our flag over the Whitehouse.

What would be the difference between the Islamic extremist raising a flag over their government building and imposing Islam over all the people and Christian extremist raising their flag over their government building and imposing Christianity over all the people.

Is there a difference?

Good question. Because Islamists are interested in forcing everyone to believe as they do.

Christians kinda do the same thing.

Yeah, just the other day I was talking to this hoser about religion and told him that he had three choices; Believe in the Bible, pay a tithe, or let me saw his head off.

Happens every friggen day with us Christians.
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Such wishful thinking!!! ISIL seems to forget that, in addition to our armed forces, so many Americans are armed. I hope they bring a lot of shrouds with them in which to wrap their dead if they ever try to pull a stunt like that..

ISIL to U.S.: ‘We will raise the flag of Allah in the White House’

By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Friday, August 8, 2014

The first installment of a five-part documentary by Vice News on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was released online Thursday, offering Westerners a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the terror group that now controls large swathes of Iraq and Syria.

For three weeks, VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh interviewed and recorded members of ISIL in the Syrian city of Raqqa, even capturing gruesome footage of an ISIL victory over the Syrian army’s 17th division. The terrorist group overran a position held by 50 soldiers belonging to the regime of Bashar al-Assad, decapitated them and put their heads on fence posts.

“I say to America the Islamic Caliphate has been established and we will not stop,” Abu Mosa, Islamic State Press officer told Vice News. “Don’t be cowards and attack us with drones. Instead send your soldiers, the ones we humiliated in Iraq. We will humiliate them everywhere, God willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House.”

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ISIS today says we will raise our flag over the Whitehouse. Leading from behind,cut and running worldwide HAS A VERY HIGH COST!!!
I understand Republican donations are now pouring in to fund ISIS.

Another ridiculous Liberal shit statement.

Yet most of it is probably true. Not GOP donations, but I can see Teapers donating to ISIS, Hamas, and Putin in an effort to further destroy America and flick their fingers at a ****** President.
I understand Republican donations are now pouring in to fund ISIS.

Another ridiculous Liberal shit statement.

Yet most of it is probably true. Not GOP donations, but I can see Teapers donating to ISIS, Hamas, and Putin in an effort to further destroy America and flick their fingers at a ****** President.

And there's the third.

Do i hear 4? Come on! You retards are on a roll!
What would be the difference between the Islamic extremist raising a flag over their government building and imposing Islam over all the people and Christian extremist raising their flag over their government building and imposing Christianity over all the people.

Is there a difference?

Good question. Because Islamists are interested in forcing everyone to believe as they do.

Christians kinda do the same thing.

Just curios, how many people have Christians killed this year?

Now how many have Muslims killed?

Just an FYI, Christianity is a choice, anyone who believes different is not a Christian, no matter what they may claim.
I didn't ask for a source because I don't believe the OP, I asked so I could see the same information that the OP saw to base his opinion off of. Finding a source on my own cannot accomplish this.
So, do you believe the OP now?

Is this a legitimate question or are you being facetious?

Sarcasm doesn't often carry well over the Internet, especially on political forums.
What would be the difference between the Islamic extremist raising a flag over their government building and imposing Islam over all the people and Christian extremist raising their flag over their government building and imposing Christianity over all the people.

Is there a difference?

Good question. Because Islamists are interested in forcing everyone to believe as they do.

Christians kinda do the same thing.

Just curios, how many people have Christians killed this year?

Now how many have Muslims killed?

Just an FYI, Christianity is a choice, anyone who believes different is not a Christian, no matter what they may claim.

Actually, Christians tell everyone else that if they don't believe in Jesus and follow the same book they do, they're going to hell and their soul is lost.

You're right.................Christians DO let people make their own choice about beliefs, but they threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't convert.

Islamists point a gun at the non believer's head in this life, Christians do it with a threat of the hereafter.
Good question. Because Islamists are interested in forcing everyone to believe as they do.

Christians kinda do the same thing.

Just curios, how many people have Christians killed this year?

Now how many have Muslims killed?

Just an FYI, Christianity is a choice, anyone who believes different is not a Christian, no matter what they may claim.

Actually, Christians tell everyone else that if they don't believe in Jesus and follow the same book they do, they're going to hell and their soul is lost.

You're right.................Christians DO let people make their own choice about beliefs, but they threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't convert.

Islamists point a gun at the non believer's head in this life, Christians do it with a threat of the hereafter.

A person can always laugh off the threat of going to Hell, but you certainly can't laugh off your losing your head from the rest of your body or your throat being slit.
Just curios, how many people have Christians killed this year?

Now how many have Muslims killed?

Just an FYI, Christianity is a choice, anyone who believes different is not a Christian, no matter what they may claim.

Actually, Christians tell everyone else that if they don't believe in Jesus and follow the same book they do, they're going to hell and their soul is lost.

You're right.................Christians DO let people make their own choice about beliefs, but they threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't convert.

Islamists point a gun at the non believer's head in this life, Christians do it with a threat of the hereafter.

A person can always laugh off the threat of going to Hell, but you certainly can't laugh off your losing your head from the rest of your body or your throat being slit.

The ISIS thing is turning into such a farce----that I am having comical thoughts. Imagine if
that clown Baghdadi DOES manage to inspire lots of Followers-----like -----....100 million
across the globe. Caliph means HIS comments are as good as coming out of the idiot
mouth of muhummad himself. My first thought is----how long do you guys think this
farce will last-----and how many people will it kill? Of the followers of the jerk----how
many will be "educated" people? I wonder if he excites "the girls"??

So would you like to see a Christian flag (not the American flag) flying over the government buildings in Baghdad?

So you got one of those? I am a Christian, but never heard of a "Christian flag."

Many countries display the Christian cross on the national flag.





So would you like to see a Christian flag (not the American flag) flying over the government buildings in Baghdad?

So you got one of those? I am a Christian, but never heard of a "Christian flag."

Many countries display the Christian cross on the national flag.






Interestingly enough, the only flag that even comes close to the Christian flag is the one at the bottom, which represents the country of Greece.

The Christian flag is a blue square with a red cross in the upper left quadrant of a white flag.

Sorry..............but the only flag you depicted that even comes close is the Greek flag, and it's only 2 colors and has stripes where it should be blank.
Good question. Because Islamists are interested in forcing everyone to believe as they do.

Christians kinda do the same thing.

Just curios, how many people have Christians killed this year?

Now how many have Muslims killed?

Just an FYI, Christianity is a choice, anyone who believes different is not a Christian, no matter what they may claim.

Actually, Christians tell everyone else that if they don't believe in Jesus and follow the same book they do, they're going to hell and their soul is lost.

You're right.................Christians DO let people make their own choice about beliefs, but they threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't convert.

Islamists point a gun at the non believer's head in this life, Christians do it with a threat of the hereafter.

Assuming this was true, if you don't believe where's the harm?

You can just blow them off.

Muslims with guns can't be blown off.

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