ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons

It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members..." - Hillary Clinton, Oct. 10, 2002
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Wait? What? I thought there weren't any? (And another story was that they were spirited away by the Russians before we invaded into the Bekka Valley (Syria) )...

My, my...what in the world is going on?
"The only people who would likely be harmed by these chemical materials would be the people who tried to use or move them," a military official said.

The OP's source.

More hysteria from the right wing. Point. Laugh. Move on.
Like the last time we had to go over this. Chemical weapons have a shelf life. Saddam's chemicals have expired awhile ago..

Also your title is a lie.

You would think if we thought the weapons where dangerous we would have removed them when we were there.

But then you would need a brain to think of this logically and the op doesn't have this
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.
He had no wmd's whose smoking gun would be a Mushroom Cloud....that could hit us in 45 minutes....etc etc etc.

We knew he had chemical weapons, we supplied him with some of them, decades back, and he USED chemical weapons more than once on his own people....

but there was never a threat that he possessed nuclear wmds............ that the Smoking Gun would be us waking up to a Mushroom Cloud, as was said by the administration and its talking heads.

and on the topic...I wonder why when we were in Iraq, and before we left, we would not have destroyed any and all of the chemical weapons manufacturing facilities before we left?
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.
He had no wmd's whose smoking gun would be a Mushroom Cloud....that could hit us in 45 minutes....etc etc etc.

Notice how hastily the liberals "change" what they had been screaming for years?

They weren't lying back then. Oh, no. In fact, they never said they things they said. Or they meant something else, not what they said. And on and on..... :cuckoo:

No wonder they are lying so blithely about the reasons their incriminating emails are suddenly "missing". They are so used to years of lying, it comes naturally to them, and they do it without even thinking about it.
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Like the last time we had to go over this. Chemical weapons have a shelf life. Saddam's chemicals have expired awhile ago..

Also your title is a lie.

You would think if we thought the weapons where dangerous we would have removed them when we were there.

But then you would need a brain to think of this logically and the op doesn't have this

You are inclined to believe this regime?

IF it is true that the weapons are not dangerous then why would someone say they would be dangerous to someone who tried to use them or move them? Both statements are not true. If these weapons are now inert, they are inert. They are not dangerous to anyone. So we know they are still very dangerous. Chemical weapons of this type do not degrade until they are mixed. That's why Syria, who had Saddam Era chemical weapons was able to mix and use them.
Like the last time we had to go over this. Chemical weapons have a shelf life. Saddam's chemicals have expired awhile ago..

Also your title is a lie.

You would think if we thought the weapons where dangerous we would have removed them when we were there.

But then you would need a brain to think of this logically and the op doesn't have this

You are inclined to believe this regime?

IF it is true that the weapons are not dangerous then why would someone say they would be dangerous to someone who tried to use them or move them? Both statements are not true. If these weapons are now inert, they are inert. They are not dangerous to anyone. So we know they are still very dangerous. Chemical weapons of this type do not degrade until they are mixed. That's why Syria, who had Saddam Era chemical weapons was able to mix and use them.

The US and UN both declared them worthless since they are over 20 years old and degraded...seriously...shut the fuck have nothing....fucking trash
You are inclined to believe this regime?

IF it is true that the weapons are not dangerous then why would someone say they would be dangerous to someone who tried to use them or move them? Both statements are not true.

WHen you tell as many lies as the liberals have been telling for so many years, it becomes harder and harder to keep your stories straight.

Especially as lie after lie gets exposed. That makes it really tough. Pretty soon all you can do is scream:
...shut the fuck have nothing....fucking trash
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You are inclined to believe this regime?

IF it is true that the weapons are not dangerous then why would someone say they would be dangerous to someone who tried to use them or move them? Both statements are not true.

WHen you tell as many lies as the liberals have been telling for so many years, it becomes harder and harder to keep your stories straight.

Especially as lie after lie gets exposed. That makes it really tough.


What should we do...send in 10,000 troops to "liberate" chemical weapons that pose zero threat according to the link in the OP?
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.
He had no wmd's whose smoking gun would be a Mushroom Cloud....that could hit us in 45 minutes....etc etc etc.

Notice how hastily the liberals "change" what they had ben screaming for years?

They weren't lying back then. Oh, no. In fact, they never said they things they said. Or they meant something else, not what they said. And on and on..... :cuckoo:

they got dirt, the facility was trashed after everything dangerous had been trashed in 1990.. everyone knows Saddam had what Reagan gave him to fight the Russians ..
You are inclined to believe this regime?

IF it is true that the weapons are not dangerous then why would someone say they would be dangerous to someone who tried to use them or move them? Both statements are not true.

WHen you tell as many lies as the liberals have been telling for so many years, it becomes harder and harder to keep your stories straight.

Especially as lie after lie gets exposed. That makes it really tough.
They're just phony scandals...truth stares them in the eye...:eusa_whistle:
He had no wmd's whose smoking gun would be a Mushroom Cloud....that could hit us in 45 minutes....etc etc etc.

Notice how hastily the liberals "change" what they had ben screaming for years?

They weren't lying back then. Oh, no. In fact, they never said they things they said. Or they meant something else, not what they said. And on and on..... :cuckoo:

they got dirt, the facility was trashed after everything dangerous had been trashed in 1990.. everyone knows Saddam had what Reagan gave him to fight the Russians ..

Erm Iran..

You are inclined to believe this regime?

IF it is true that the weapons are not dangerous then why would someone say they would be dangerous to someone who tried to use them or move them? Both statements are not true.

WHen you tell as many lies as the liberals have been telling for so many years, it becomes harder and harder to keep your stories straight.

Especially as lie after lie gets exposed. That makes it really tough. Pretty soon all you can do is scream:
...shut the fuck have nothing....fucking trash

....and hastily change the subject yet again, like this:
What should we do...send in 10,000 troops
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.
He had no wmd's whose smoking gun would be a Mushroom Cloud....that could hit us in 45 minutes....etc etc etc.

We knew he had chemical weapons, we supplied him with some of them, decades back, and he USED chemical weapons more than once on his own people....

but there was never a threat that he possessed nuclear wmds............ that the Smoking Gun would be us waking up to a Mushroom Cloud, as was said by the administration and its talking heads.

and on the topic...I wonder why when we were in Iraq, and before we left, we would not have destroyed any and all of the chemical weapons manufacturing facilities before we left?

The source of the CIA's cooked intel was a guy named "curveball". He was a source that the CIA never interviewed before we went to war--while they were sending General Powell to the UN and briefing Congress; a source that other Intel agencies warned the CIA about his as to his trustworthiness; and after the CIA did finally interview him they issued a burn notice to distance themselves from this guy.

He freaking details exactly why he lied...yet the conservatives continue to believe him.
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"But, but, but, they don't work!"

Typical. First they don't exist, and now they don't work.

But yeah Bush lied about those WMDs.

And there is no lie in the title of the thread. In fact, it's the first line in one of the articles.
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.
He had no wmd's whose smoking gun would be a Mushroom Cloud....that could hit us in 45 minutes....etc etc etc.

We knew he had chemical weapons, we supplied him with some of them, decades back, and he USED chemical weapons more than once on his own people....

but there was never a threat that he possessed nuclear wmds............ that the Smoking Gun would be us waking up to a Mushroom Cloud, as was said by the administration and its talking heads.

and on the topic...I wonder why when we were in Iraq, and before we left, we would not have destroyed any and all of the chemical weapons manufacturing facilities before we left?

The source of the CIA's cooked intel was a guy named "curveball". He was a source that the CIA never interviewed before we went to war--while they were sending General Powell to the UN and briefing Congress; a source that other Intel agencies warned the CIA about his as to his trustworthiness; and after the CIA did finally interview him they issued a burn notice to distance themselves from this guy.

He freaking details exactly why he lied...yet the conservatives continue to believe him.

So, a guy named "Curveball" is your source?
Is "Deep Throat" your other hero?
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