ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons

I hate to say it, but Putin was right. We shouldn't have intervened in Syria. Our funding & arming of these very questionable 'Rebel' groups has led to this current chaos in both Syria & Iraq. Assad was the safer play. Putin and Russia got it right.

[ame=]"Bodies on the road" as insurgents seize Tikrit - BBC News - YouTube[/ame]
:cuckoo: The CIA was supporting non-AQ groups, asswipe.

amazing you always blame the US and side with Putin....

I hate to say it, but Putin was right. We shouldn't have intervened in Syria. Our funding & arming of these very questionable 'Rebel' groups has led to this current chaos in both Syria & Iraq. Assad was the safer play. Putin and Russia got it right.

"Bodies on the road" as insurgents seize Tikrit - BBC News - YouTube

Sorry but the fact is, we have funded & armed very questionable terror-linked groups in Syria. And this is the sad Blow Back on that. We should have stayed out of it. Now it looks like we'll have to reverse our position and begin working with Russia and Assad to eliminate the Rebels. Whether we like it or not, it is the lesser of two evils.
:cuckoo: The CIA was supporting non-AQ groups, asswipe.

amazing you always blame the US and side with Putin....

I hate to say it, but Putin was right. We shouldn't have intervened in Syria. Our funding & arming of these very questionable 'Rebel' groups has led to this current chaos in both Syria & Iraq. Assad was the safer play. Putin and Russia got it right.

"Bodies on the road" as insurgents seize Tikrit - BBC News - YouTube

Sorry but the fact is, we have funded & armed very questionable terror-linked groups in Syria. And this is the sad Blow Back on that. We should have stayed out of it. Now it looks like we'll have to reverse our position and begin working with Russia and Assad to eliminate the Rebels. Whether we like it or not, it is the lesser of two evils.

So you are saying Obama armed the wrong faction?
My guess is, we'll now reverse our position on Syria. We'll likely begin to work with Russia and Assad to eliminate the Rebels. A lesser of two evils.

IF we assist Iran in putting down the sunni ISIS, that's exactly what we will do. We will be working with Assad, Russia and Iran. If Obama had just not supported ISIS in its formation, in Syria, Assad would have put down that rebellion in a matter of days. All those people who died would still be alive and there would be no ISIS to march on Baghdad. If Obama had just not released the ISIS commander, there would be no leader to take the band of terrorists and turn them into a disciplined and well organized army.

The "rebels" were killing Christians. That's why obama supported them.
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Another misleading thread title from the far-right.

An empty building was seized.

No weapons.

No chemicals.

No chemical weapons.

Why must you all be so dishonest?

I wasn't. the article said there were weapons. First line:

Islamist militants in Iraq have taken over a military complex containing a stockpile of old chemical weapons from Saddam Hussein's era.

So no chemical weapons? Really? Your either lying or didn't read the article.
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I would advise Americans to be somewhat skeptical of this story. It could be a contrived pretext to get our Troops back in there. I think Obama is now realizing that his funding & arming of these awful groups is all on him. Putin warned him about the Al Qaeda-linked Rebel groups he was funding in Syria. I think he's a bit guilt-ridden at this point. He may use this to send troops in there. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

That very much could be the case. Which makes it interesting.
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I don't see us winning no matter who we back. Neither side is looking out for our interests.
:cuckoo: The CIA was supporting non-AQ groups, asswipe.

amazing you always blame the US and side with Putin....

Sorry but the fact is, we have funded & armed very questionable terror-linked groups in Syria. And this is the sad Blow Back on that. We should have stayed out of it. Now it looks like we'll have to reverse our position and begin working with Russia and Assad to eliminate the Rebels. Whether we like it or not, it is the lesser of two evils.

So you are saying Obama armed the wrong faction?

Yes, he did. A huge blunder. Now he'll have to reverse his position and work with Russia and Assad to correct his awful mistake. These groups are terror-linked and incredibly brutal. We shouldn't have gotten involved.
I would advise Americans to be somewhat skeptical of this story. It could be a contrived pretext to get our Troops back in there. I think Obama is now realizing that his funding & arming of these awful groups is all on him. Putin warned him about the Al Qaeda-linked Rebel groups he was funding in Syria. I think he's a bit guilt-ridden at this point. He may use this to send troops in there. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

That very much could be the case. Which makes it interesting.

Yeah personally, i'm skeptical of this story. I think it could very well be a pretext to get some American Troops in there. They tried the same thing in Syria. But it didn't work. Let's hope this doesn't work either. Iraq is a lost cause at this point. No need to spend more Taxpayer Cash and Soldiers' lives.
Sorry but the fact is, we have funded & armed very questionable terror-linked groups in Syria. And this is the sad Blow Back on that. We should have stayed out of it. Now it looks like we'll have to reverse our position and begin working with Russia and Assad to eliminate the Rebels. Whether we like it or not, it is the lesser of two evils.

So you are saying Obama armed the wrong faction?

Yes, he did. A huge blunder. Now he'll have to reverse his position and work with Russia and Assad to correct his awful mistake. These groups are terror-linked and incredibly brutal. We shouldn't have gotten involved.

So it is safe to say that the problems that are now happening in Syria and Iraq are Obama's fault?

Do you think the far left can admit to that?
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members..." - Hillary Clinton, Oct. 10, 2002

Hillary was full of shit. That's why she's not president today.
I would advise Americans to be somewhat skeptical of this story. It could be a contrived pretext to get our Troops back in there. I think Obama is now realizing that his funding & arming of these awful groups is all on him. Putin warned him about the Al Qaeda-linked Rebel groups he was funding in Syria. I think he's a bit guilt-ridden at this point. He may use this to send troops in there. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

That very much could be the case. Which makes it interesting.

Yeah personally, i'm skeptical of this story. I think it could very well be a pretext to get some American Troops in there. They tried the same thing in Syria. But it didn't work. Let's hope this doesn't work either. Iraq is a lost cause at this point. No need to spend more Taxpayer Cash and Soldiers' lives.

We will have to go there sooner or later.

Obama has made a real mess of things. Not just there, but here as well.

The far left should not be in charge of anything and Obama, Pelosi and Reid are the proof.

I urge the true liberals out there to take back your party from the far left.
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I would advise Americans to be somewhat skeptical of this story. It could be a contrived pretext to get our Troops back in there. I think Obama is now realizing that his funding & arming of these awful groups is all on him. Putin warned him about the Al Qaeda-linked Rebel groups he was funding in Syria. I think he's a bit guilt-ridden at this point. He may use this to send troops in there. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

That very much could be the case. Which makes it interesting.

Yeah personally, i'm skeptical of this story. I think it could very well be a pretext to get some American Troops in there. They tried the same thing in Syria. But it didn't work. Let's hope this doesn't work either. Iraq is a lost cause at this point. No need to spend more Taxpayer Cash and Soldiers' lives.

I am not optimistic. With the President's hubris and the state of things in Iraq and the Ukraine I would not be surprised if we saw troops out to fight soon
It never happened.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

The liberals have been insisting on it for years.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members..." - Hillary Clinton, Oct. 10, 2002

Hillary was full of shit. That's why she's not president today.

No she is not president to day because the DNC was more focused on getting a Black Man elected than a white woman.

You people on the far left think you had a choice in that matter.
You GOP loons need to do a little research before you shoot off your mouths.

ISIS battles for Iraq's Baiji refinery; experts play down significance of al-Muthanna chemical complex capture - CBS News

The news came amid reports that ISIS had seized a major Saddam Hussein-era chemical weapons facility in al-Muthanna, north of Baghdad. Ward notes, however, that it is extremely unlikely ISIS will be able to do anything with the chemical materials left at the facility, which are believed to have been sealed under concrete or rendered unusable by international forces about a decade ago.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded to the reports Thursday, telling the Wall Street Journal and Britain's Telegraph the U.S. government remains "concerned about the seizure of any military site by the ISIL," but that the Obama administration does "not believe that the complex contains CW materials of military value and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to safely move the materials."

That stance was backed up Friday by Jean Pascal Zanders, a long-time European chemical weapons expert and founder of The Trench blog, who told CBS News that to the best of his knowledge, "none of it is usable... I understand it is in concrete containers and things have been sealed off."

These are old antiquated weapons that have no military purpose. The international community has known about these for years. The are "sealed under concrete or rendered unusable by international forces."

Your problem is you listen to the mindless FOX cable channel too often and you seem to feel if you repeat a lie enough, it will become the truth. Both have diminished your ability to reason and clouded your devotion to the truth.

Another misleading thread title from the far-right.

An empty building was seized.

No weapons.

No chemicals.

No chemical weapons.

Why must you all be so dishonest?

I wasn't. the article said there were weapons. First line:

Islamist militants in Iraq have taken over a military complex containing a stockpile of old chemical weapons from Saddam Hussein's era.

So no chemical weapons? Really? Your either lying or didn't read the article.

The only people who are fright fucked over stories like this don't seem to read them that's for sure.

This plant operated while the US was supporting Saddam. Most of it was destroyed in the first gulf war and then by the UN. Some partially destroyed contents were left over and sealed in two bunkers. But the real kicker is:

"US Military officials said that they would have not left chemical material there after the 2011 pull out, if it represented a security threat.

"The only people who would likely be harmed by these chemical materials would be the people who tried to use or move them,"

So you are saying Obama armed the wrong faction?

Yes, he did. A huge blunder. Now he'll have to reverse his position and work with Russia and Assad to correct his awful mistake. These groups are terror-linked and incredibly brutal. We shouldn't have gotten involved.

So it is safe to say that the problems that are now happening in Syria and Iraq are Obama's fault?

Do you think the far left can admit to that?

The current chaos in Iraq is on Obama to some extent. He shouldn't have funded & armed any groups in the Syrian War. The money & weapons have fallen into the hands of terror-linked groups like ISIS. It was a huge blunder on his part. And now he'll have to reverse his position on Syria.

He'll have to work with Assad and Russia to crush the Rebels. Assad is the safer play. Putin and Russia knew that all along. They warned him not to fund these groups. But no, the far left cannot admit to Obama's blunder. I don't expect that to happen.

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