ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons

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Except it's still not a lie.

You seem to think that just because the so called "experts" think the Weapons are duds that there are no weapons.

But the fact is whether they are duds or not, the weapons exist assuming this isn't some short of pretext to go back in.

You can't win the "They don't exist" argument so you switched it to the "They are old unworkable weapons" and pretend as though you are still winning the "They don't exist" argument.

The only way the chemical weapons don't exist are if the story is fabricated. But if the story is true, the question whether they work doesn't negate the fact that they clearly exist.

So anyone claiming there are no chemical weapons in Iraq are either lying or misinformed.
That very much could be the case. Which makes it interesting.

Yeah personally, i'm skeptical of this story. I think it could very well be a pretext to get some American Troops in there. They tried the same thing in Syria. But it didn't work. Let's hope this doesn't work either. Iraq is a lost cause at this point. No need to spend more Taxpayer Cash and Soldiers' lives.

I am not optimistic. With the President's hubris and the state of things in Iraq and the Ukraine I would not be surprised if we saw troops out to fight soon

God i hope not. I mean, fighting against an Iranian-backed Government in Syria, while at the same time supporting an Iranian-backed Government in Iraq? It makes no sense. I hope & pray no U.S. Soldier has to die for nothing again. Our aggressive Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy needs to end. The time has come.
In other words, uranium.

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq - CBS News
The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" - the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment - was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

Who alleged that? Quote?

who else ?

Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent."
George W. Bush, State of the Union Address 1/28/2003

[MENTION=30094]Warrior102[/MENTION] Anything else?
Except it's still not a lie.

You seem to think that just because the so called "experts" think the Weapons are duds that there are no weapons.

But the fact is whether they are duds or not, the weapons exist assuming this isn't some short of pretext to go back in.

You can't win the "They don't exist" argument so you switched it to the "They are old unworkable weapons" and pretend as though you are still winning the "They don't exist" argument.

The only way the chemical weapons don't exist are if the story is fabricated. But if the story is true, the question whether they work doesn't negate the fact that they clearly exist.

So anyone claiming there are no chemical weapons in Iraq are either lying or misinformed.

As stated, a hand grenade in a certain situation is a WMD. Chemical weapons 20 years old, in a certain situation are WMDs as well. As could your can of hairspray as we found out with the AirTran disaster in Florida. Hence the quote in your OP's link. You will have to put yourself in harms way to be harmed by them.

Were they threats to the US? No. Don't be silly.
Israel? Perhaps. But isn't it strange how they haven't been used against Israel in the intervening 10 years if they were, in fact, there for the taking or had been moved to Syria?

The IA thought they were important enough to abandon, we didn't move them out of Iraq in 10 years (5 of which under Bush's Pentagon). C' some point you have to admit that they are not much of a threat if Bush's Pentagon didn't see much of a risk out of them....don't you?

At the end of the day, they pose no threat to the US. That should be the only test, in my view, on whether we should go back in (or go in initially if they find them in Country X). What Bush did, as you know, was sex up the intel by sending Powell to the UN with obviously false information and Rice to Capitol Hill with her infamous quote about mushroom clouds and smoking guns.
These are the brutal cretins Obama has supported in the Syrian War. Now they're rampaging across Iraq as well. A very sad blunder for sure.

[ame=]Syria crisis: Car bomb 'kills dozens' in Hama province - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Car bombing in central Syria kills 34, injures 50 others ( very hot video ) - YouTube[/ame]
ODSers, don't fret too much about this nonsense getting debunked. You'll be fed new nonsense tomorrow, and lap it all up just as fervently. Your masters understand that you might turn on them if you're not constantly distracted, so they'll keep finding new phony scandals for you to get hysterical about.
Well this can't be true being every forum leftist screeched, "Bush lied people died," about 2 hundred thousand times, and even still to this day. Doesn't everyone know that liberals never lie?
These are the brutal cretins Obama has supported in the Syrian War. Now they're rampaging across Iraq as well. A very sad blunder for sure.

funny, I recall him saying congress should approve a war if it wanted one. I don't recall them doing so.

I know the bomb bomb bomb iran loons want permanent and endless war but really... :cuckoo:
Chemical weapons have a shelf life.

Your basing this on what? Your lack of military experience?

The US military stating as know since they where there for almost 10 years..oh that's right they looked at the place and said fuck it, we don't need to contain this shit...what are the odds a terrorist group will roll in here....

They took care of the degraded shit and deemed it worthless.

We've known it's been worthless for 8 or more years.
More of your Tax Dollars at work. This is who our Government has backed in Syria. Absolutely insane.

[ame=]Execution of Syrian rebels by Al Qaeda linked group - YouTube[/ame]
ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons and there are people still pretending there are none in Iraq.

Degraded chemicals are not a threat..I understand this is a difficult concept for you to grasp..

Next time read your own link stupid.
These are the brutal cretins Obama has supported in the Syrian War. Now they're rampaging across Iraq as well. A very sad blunder for sure.

funny, I recall him saying congress should approve a war if it wanted one. I don't recall them doing so.

I know the bomb bomb bomb iran loons want permanent and endless war but really... :cuckoo:

Obama committed an awful blunder funding & arming very questionable Rebel groups in Syria. This current chaos in Iraq is the awful Blow Back on that. He was warned that these people were very dangerous Al Qaeda-linked groups. A very tragic blunder.
These are the brutal cretins Obama has supported in the Syrian War. Now they're rampaging across Iraq as well. A very sad blunder for sure.

funny, I recall him saying congress should approve a war if it wanted one. I don't recall them doing so.

I know the bomb bomb bomb iran loons want permanent and endless war but really... :cuckoo:

Obama committed an awful blunder funding & arming very questionable Rebel groups in Syria. This current chaos in Iraq is the awful Blow Back on that. He was warned that these people were very dangerous Al Qaeda-linked groups. A very tragic blunder.

You must have missed the DNC talking points. No matter what AlBaraqi Hussein does, it's Bush's fault.
You people are stupid.

According to the CIA, the facility was bombed extensively during the Persian Gulf War in 1991, ending its ability to produce chemical weapons. U.N. weapons inspectors subsequently destroyed equipment and stockpiles there, most of the complex was razed by the Iraqis, and the remainder was extensively looted, the agency said in a 2007 report.

Rebels seize former chemical weapons plant; Sistani urges formation of new government - The Washington Post

Now see if you can respond with something even more stupid.
Except it's still not a lie.

You seem to think that just because the so called "experts" think the Weapons are duds that there are no weapons.

But the fact is whether they are duds or not, the weapons exist assuming this isn't some short of pretext to go back in.

You can't win the "They don't exist" argument so you switched it to the "They are old unworkable weapons" and pretend as though you are still winning the "They don't exist" argument.

The only way the chemical weapons don't exist are if the story is fabricated. But if the story is true, the question whether they work doesn't negate the fact that they clearly exist.

So anyone claiming there are no chemical weapons in Iraq are either lying or misinformed.

You moved the goal posts because you have nothing. Just like the dumb fuck you are.
These are the brutal cretins Obama has supported in the Syrian War. Now they're rampaging across Iraq as well. A very sad blunder for sure.

funny, I recall him saying congress should approve a war if it wanted one. I don't recall them doing so.

I know the bomb bomb bomb iran loons want permanent and endless war but really... :cuckoo:

Obama committed an awful blunder funding & arming very questionable Rebel groups in Syria. This current chaos in Iraq is the awful Blow Back on that. He was warned that these people were very dangerous Al Qaeda-linked groups. A very tragic blunder.

It was the GOP who demanded arming the Syrian rebels.
funny, I recall him saying congress should approve a war if it wanted one. I don't recall them doing so.

I know the bomb bomb bomb iran loons want permanent and endless war but really... :cuckoo:

Obama committed an awful blunder funding & arming very questionable Rebel groups in Syria. This current chaos in Iraq is the awful Blow Back on that. He was warned that these people were very dangerous Al Qaeda-linked groups. A very tragic blunder.

You must have missed the DNC talking points. No matter what AlBaraqi Hussein does, it's Bush's fault.

Oh i know. Iraq is Bush's blunder. That just has to be acknowledged. But this current chaos is on Obama. Putin and Russia warned him not to fund & arm these terror-linked Rebel groups in Syria. But he became so obsessed with getting rid of Assad. It's very reminiscent of Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein. Sometimes you have to live with the lesser of two evils. Assad is the safer play in Syria. Obama chose the wrong side to back. And this is the awful Blow Back.
Except it's still not a lie.

You seem to think that just because the so called "experts" think the Weapons are duds that there are no weapons.

But the fact is whether they are duds or not, the weapons exist assuming this isn't some short of pretext to go back in.

You can't win the "They don't exist" argument so you switched it to the "They are old unworkable weapons" and pretend as though you are still winning the "They don't exist" argument.

The only way the chemical weapons don't exist are if the story is fabricated. But if the story is true, the question whether they work doesn't negate the fact that they clearly exist.

So anyone claiming there are no chemical weapons in Iraq are either lying or misinformed.

George W. Bush, 2005:

"...everybody thought there was weapons of mass destruction. There weren't any..."

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