ISIS seizes Saddam's chemical weapons

This facility is not some newly discovered chemical weapons plant that vindicates the invasion. It was under UN supervision before the Iraq war. The material is useless as WMDs, but ISIS may be able to build IEDs out of the explosive materials.

They will not be able to construct chemical weapons WMDs.
I still don't get the 'KILL ASSAD' crowd. What did he ever do to our nation? He seems like a reasonable educated man. He doesn't come off as 'insane' or 'extremist.' I'll never get all the American cheerleading for his death. I assure you, the people our Government is currently funding & arming in Syria, are not good folks. We should listen to Putin and Russia. Assad is the safer play.
This facility is not some newly discovered chemical weapons plant that vindicates the invasion. It was under UN supervision before the Iraq war. The material is useless as WMDs, but ISIS may be able to build IEDs out of the explosive materials.

They will not be able to construct chemical weapons WMDs.

As if you're the arbiter of all things specific and make that decision, you dope. BBBBBBBUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LIED PEOPLE DIEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

Don't you just love the liberal attempt at pretending as if they're asinine lies don't matter???
This facility is not some newly discovered chemical weapons plant that vindicates the invasion. It was under UN supervision before the Iraq war. The material is useless as WMDs, but ISIS may be able to build IEDs out of the explosive materials.

They will not be able to construct chemical weapons WMDs.

As if you're the arbiter of all things specific and make that decision, you dope. BBBBBBBUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LIED PEOPLE DIEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

Don't you just love the liberal attempt at pretending as if they're asinine lies don't matter???

Non sequitur.
What a wonderfully insane Foreign Policy we have, huh? We fund & arm brutal terror-linked Rebel groups to kill the Iranian-backed Assad, while at the same time vowing to support the Iranian-backed Iraq Government by killing the same terrorists we've supported in Syria.

Wow, what a mess.

Lets see the data on what groups in Syria we have sent arm to, and while you're at it lets see what arms we've them with.

Here's a hint, they're not 'Good Guys.' They're brutal terrorists for the most part. We shouldn't have funded and armed anyone in Syria. It's the root-cause of this current chaos.

Who did we arm and what did we arm them with?

Why was McCain so upset that Obama wasn't doing enough?
Just for the record, I supported the invasion, and still do. You won't find a lot of people who still do.

So shove it, LGS.

I just don't believe the WMD thing was just enough cause. I do believe, though, we were going to have to fight Hussein again, sooner or later. And the sooner the better for us.

My chief beef with Bush is that he demobilized the Iraqi Army after the successful invasion. Every single problem which has followed is because of that astronomically retarded decision.
Just for the record, I supported the invasion, and still do. You won't find a lot of people who still do.

So shove it, LGS.

I just don't believe the WMD thing was just enough cause. I do believe, though, we were going to have to fight Hussein again, sooner or later. And the sooner the better for us.

My chief beef with Bush is that he demobilized the Iraqi Army after the successful invasion. Every single problem which has followed is because of that astronomically retarded decision.

Oh no.. someone on the interwebz told me to shove it. LOL
This thread is an excellent demonstration of why the millenials are going to ignore the nutties of the far right, like LGS, or the far left, like the deanies.
Just for the record, I supported the invasion, and still do. You won't find a lot of people who still do.

So shove it, LGS.

I just don't believe the WMD thing was just enough cause. I do believe, though, we were going to have to fight Hussein again, sooner or later. And the sooner the better for us.

My chief beef with Bush is that he demobilized the Iraqi Army after the successful invasion. Every single problem which has followed is because of that astronomically retarded decision.

Oh no.. someone on the interwebz told me to shove it. LOL
Yeah, that info was in the OPs links too :eusa_shhh:

You people are stupid.

According to the CIA, the facility was bombed extensively during the Persian Gulf War in 1991, ending its ability to produce chemical weapons. U.N. weapons inspectors subsequently destroyed equipment and stockpiles there, most of the complex was razed by the Iraqis, and the remainder was extensively looted, the agency said in a 2007 report.

Rebels seize former chemical weapons plant; Sistani urges formation of new government - The Washington Post

Now see if you can respond with something even more stupid.

So the OP knew his thread was horseshit as he was posting it, or he's too stupid to read his own links?
The 6 freed Jihadists including Berghdal should attend the DNC convention in 2016 and pop off a few of those canisters to prove Den contention of diminished efficacy were correct

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How many chemical weapons attacks were there against US soldiers during any part of the war since 2001? Less than one? That means that terrorists don't have chemical weapons.
How many chemical weapons attacks were there against US soldiers during any part of the war since 2001? Less than one? That means that terrorists don't have chemical weapons.
invite them to the DNC just to make sure

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Obama has ordered 'Military Advisers' to Iraq. So it looks like we'll be getting involved in this mess again. It's very sad.
Obama should make a personal appearance at the Baghdad embassy

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