Islam: Future of Faith in America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I've never quite figured out where this Patheos Topics blog stands but that it clearly has a religious bent. It presents a series of posts on this subject with the main part essentially @ Islam Patheos However, if I go to this Feedly page @ feedly. Read more know more. I see six separate articles on the subject. I don't have the time [or desire] to copy and link each one. The general trend I see is something to the effect that we “must show patience” and let our society alter the extremes of Islam so is can somehow coexist with out society and way of life.

Phooey! All the “tolerance and patience” in the world is not going to make a single change in Islam.
The tell is convincing us that the extremes of Islam can be altered. We are not altering it, we are coddling it, and giving it lots of money. Their gratitude can be seen in beheading and burning people alive videos.
There is no being too careful about religious fanatics; any of them.
thread is about muslims and 'islam' mrobama , err , I mean '4eye' !!
nuthin , just reminding you that the main problem with religion these days are muslim . With their jihadis , beheaders , stoners of women , gay guy tossers off high places , muslim plane hijackers , pressure cooker bombers and more . Yep just reminding you and I'm happy to do it '4eye' !!
Get ready to line up, bend over and smell the guy in front of you's smelly feet and kiss a dirty carpet 5 times a day. Ya, that should have nooooo problem catching on.
It's a good thing the founders designed the constitution to prevent religious insanity from running amok in this country.
nuthin , just reminding you that the main problem with religion these days are muslim . With their jihadis , beheaders , stoners of women , gay guy tossers off high places , muslim plane hijackers , pressure cooker bombers and more .
Wow!! ......those muslims are quite a bunch of fun loving fellows. ...... :cool:
we All Know WHO the fanatics are . muslim religion even runs a few fanatical countries '4eye, see 'iran' for an example of a sharia run muslim state . islamic state / isis is even trying to establish an 'Islamic state' caliphate in some areas of the middle east arab countries even NOW as I type '4eye' !!.
yeah Sunni , you bet , some don't want to recognize what they see and hear with their own eyes and ears though . Next thing is some bonehead will bring up 'you know who' . First one that does that gets a 'funny award' !!
Muslims are too busy fighting over piles of sand in the Middle East to be any threat to us.
might be a good observation if the western world wasn't importing muslims but with the importation of muslims and other 3rd world types into the Western world I don't think that your post #13 makes sense Taz !!

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